Name: ______Date: ______Per.: ____

/ Civics in a Snap!
Chapter 10/11: Voting and Elections /
SS.7.C.2.3 – Experience the responsibilities of citizens at the local, state, or federal levels.
SS.7.C.2.8 – Identify America’s current political parties, and illustrate their ideas about government.
SS.7.C.2.9 – Evaluate candidates for political office by analyzing their qualifications, experience, issue-based platforms, debates, and political ads.
SS.7.C.2.10 – Examine the impact of media, individuals, and interst groups on monitoring and influencing government.
SS.7.C.2.11 – Analyze media and political communucations (bias, symbolism, propaganda).
SS.7.C.3.12 – Analyze the significance and outcomes of landmark Supreme Court cases (Bush v. Gore).
Directions - Complete this in a “snap!” by using your Outline, Definition Depot, textbook and your knowledge of Civics.
Voting is one of our many civic responsibilities.
You are eligible to vote in Florida if you …
In order to vote in Florida, you must register _____ days before an election!
/ SS.7.C.2.11
A – Americans Split on Taxes
B – Under Half Say Taxes Too High
C – More Say Tax Rate is OK
D – Nearly Half Say Taxes Too High
Which headline…
____ – makes it sound like a lot of people think taxes are too high?
____ – might be used by a politician who does not want to lower taxes?
____ – might be used by a group that believes taxes should be cut?
____ – reflects the least amount of bias?

Who does the man in the hat represent? How do you know? (What symbols are used?) ______
Describe how symbolism is used in this cartoon to suggest whether or not political promises have been kept. ______
The process of electing our officials:Fill in the blanks with the correct key term or definition.


Read the background information for each candidate and then answer the following questions.
Write S for Stevens and G for Garner.
_____ 1. Which candidate has more experience at the national level of government?
_____ 2. Which candidate is more likely to increase military spending?
_____ 3. Which candidate is more likely to be supported by a teachers union?
_____ 4. Which candidate has more executive experience?
_____ 5. Which candidate would YOU be more likely to vote for? Why? ______
Eachof the following scenarios involve people or groups who influence government.
Match each scenario with the corresponding term.

Cassiewrote a letter petitioning the government to put more
streetlights on her block.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP), works to solve civil rights issues.

News reporters attend Congressional sessions and investigate stories
involving elected officials.

Visit and go to the tutorial for Benchmark SS.7.C.2.8 “Party On: Political Parties in America”. Answer the questions below as you view this review tutorial.
What political party would the following people probably choose?
Lisa: ______Javier: ______Jada: ______
Additional Practice: Draw a line to match each of the following individuals to the corresponding third party. / Answer the following questions related to the Supreme Court case Bush v Gore.
  1. Which candidate won the popular vote in the presidential election of 2000?______
  2. Which candidate won the electoral vote? ______
3. Describe the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in determining the winner of the 2000 presidential election. ______
Using the scales of knowledge below, evaluate your current understanding of the Chapter 10/11 benchmarks byhighlightingwhere you fall on the scale.
Level 4 / I completely get it! I could teach it to a friend!
Level 3 / Get it. Got it. Life is good!
Level 2 / I get it…But I need a little help with some concepts.
Level 1 / I’m on my way, but I need A LOT of help!