Yellow beets, carrots, cucumber, zucchini, red onion, eggplant or pepper, arugula, field tomato

Bulk : Parsley

The content of the basket may differ from the list above.

Pour nous joindre:


These pretty faces belong to our seasonal staff members who have invested incomparable energy and passion towards organic agriculture as well towards the participants of our integration programme. Besides her budding studies in agriculture, Sophie brings a contagious laugh to every work space. Curious and communicative, she likes to be involved in the team meetings. You may have seen her at various markets or in the fields! As you can tell on the photo, she may not be the tallest, but when she sets her mind on something, watch out! Matthew arrived at the farm with extensive experience out on the field. He has worked on various farms, similar to ours, in Vermont. His main responsibilities are transplanting manually and mechanically, a colossal task! Then we have Éric, he returns for a third season with us. His knowledge, competencies and communication skills make him a fantastic colleague to work with! Finally we present Jacob who takes charge of a large part of our vegetable distribution, delivering on an almost daily basis and taking part in two farmer’s markets.

Big thanks to our volunteers who dedicated their Saturday afternoon to helping with cleaning the garlic! If you were not available that day and would like to donate a little time to helping us out (by day or half-day), please feel free to contact Caroline Bertola at . There is still a lot of garlic to be cleaned! Thank you for your generosity!


Peppers: red, yellow and green!

Here are the varieties available this season, in order from left to right; Carmen F1, Sprinter F1, Sweet sunrise F1 and King of the North. The term ‘F1’ indicates whether the variety is hybrid or a free pollination variety. In our case, it is favorable to cultivate a hybrid variety because of our climate. We need to choose a pepper that is adapted to our short warm season, contrary to the Mediterranean or tropical seasons where climate is obviously warmer. We grow them in the tunnels as well as in the greenhouse to keep them in a controlled environment. All peppers grow green to then change colours. Some are good green like Kind of the North, but in the case of Carmen, we must wait for them to turn red (which is why they come later in the season).

Recipes from our website: Poivrons aux amandes
Purée d'ail et de poivrons rouges
Poivrons farcis

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