Grants are awarded to:

1. Nonprofit organizationswith tax exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code,

2. public schools, and

3. other public organizations.

Please note: For organizations applying as 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, the Community Foundation will search the IRS database to confirm current status. Organizations whose 501(c)(3) status isn’t current will not be eligible for funding consideration.

Grant Amounts:

Grant proposals should be for no less than $500 and no more than $10,000. The average grant size to date is approximately $6,000.

About the Redding Rancheria and this Grant Program:

The Redding Rancheria, located adjacent to the City of Redding, is a Native American tribe comprised of members of the Wintu, Pit River and Yana peoples. The Redding Rancheria traces its origins as a Tribal Government back to 1922 and formally adopted its constitution in 1985.

The Redding Rancheria Community Fund at the Shasta Regional Community Foundation distributes the charitable giving of the Redding Rancheria. Contributions to this fund come primarily from Win-River Casino, which is owned and operated by the Redding Rancheria.

Organizations with a grant report past due to the Community Foundation are not eligible to apply.

  • The Community Fund encourages proposals to serve Native Americans, Youth and/or Rural Populations.
  • The Fund awards support for capital improvements/renovations, equipment, programs. Some examples are: musical instruments, sports equipment, playground equipment, sports programs, etc.
  • Grants are not awarded to or for:

Administrative/overhead costs, including personnel costs


  • Projects for which grant is being sought should be completed within 12 months of grant receipt.

Organizations must comply with the following non-discrimination policy:

Shasta Regional Community Foundation Non-discrimination Policy: The Foundation seeks to promote respect for all people.We hold ourselves, and those whom we support, to a high standard of nondiscrimination. The Foundation will not knowingly support organizations whose programs or services are not open to all without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, medical condition, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law. We recognize that organizations may identify special needs in the community and target programs or services to a specific population based on those needs; however the programs must be open to all people in those targeted populations to be eligible for grant consideration.

Please attach (only) the following materials to your grant proposal:

Proposal Cover Sheet

Proposal Narrative (see below)

Project budget (List all anticipated income and expensesfor your project, including any in-kind contributions. If your project consists of multiple components, please list items and corresponding cost in order of priority.)

List of board members, affiliations and phone numbers

For schools & other public entities, a copy of departmental budget (1-2 page summary)

For nonprofit agencies, a copy of the current income & expense statement and balance sheet (only). Please note, this is a request for financial report information, not a request for organizational budget. If current financial statements cover less than 6 months, please submit a copy of current statements plus year-end statement for the previous year. Please include on the financial reports reference to the time period covered by the report.

Optional, copies of 1-2 recent external communications about your organization – for example: newsletters, news articles, and/or special recognitions

Optional, 1-2 related photos (only if they help you describe the proposal)

Please do not submit additional materials, e.g. IRS determination letters, letters of support, more than 2 photos or 2 external communications, copies of audits, copies of catalogue pages or quotes. If you’ve done pricing research (catalogues or quotes) it is helpful for us to know that within the project narrative or project budget. If we need additional information, we will request it.

Please address the following questions in writing and limit the narrative to three pages. Restate the numbered items and titles as headings for you responses.

  1. History and purpose of organization. Please include: a. discussion of recent achievements, and b. key challenges.
  2. Request. Amount of money requested and specific use.If your project consists of multiple components, please list items and corresponding cost in order of priority.
  3. Statement of Need.Need for project and difference you hope it will make.
  4. Project timeline & completion date. Projects should be completed within 12 months of grant receipt.
  5. Sustainability. Plan for supporting the project after grant funds have been expended.
  6. Respond only in the event you are unclear whether your organization complies with the non-discrimination policy above, please provide detailed information in writing as to the nature of your practice, service or program in question so that a determination can be made by the Community Foundation, in its sole discretion.

Provide one original and 12 copies of your entire proposal for the review committee.

We suggest you submit your copies as double-sided documents to help save paper.

All Grant Requests must be postmarked or delivered to the Community Foundation by 5:00 on the day of the deadline.

The review process may include a site visit, conducted by the review committee, and Community Foundation staff. Grant award notification will occur approximately 12-16 weeks from the proposal deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Hutchings at the Shasta Regional Community Foundation at 530-244-1219 or .

Please submit your completed grant request to:

Shasta Regional Community Foundation

1335-B Arboretum Drive

Redding, CA96003

Revised: 6/14 AH

Proposal Category (check one)
□ Burney Regional Community Fund
□ Redding Rancheria Community Fund
□ Owen’s Healthcare Community Fund / □ The Women’s Fund
The McConnell Fund
□ Modoc / □ Tehama
□ Shasta / □ Trinity
□ Siskiyou
Organization Information
Legal name of organization applying:
(For public charity, should be same as IRS Determination Letter and as supplied on IRS Form 990)
Exec. Dir./CEO/Dept. Head: / Phone #:
Contact person/title/phone # (if different from Executive Director):
Address (principal/administrative office):
E-mail : / Website:
Tax ID # for nonprofit charity: / Current Operating Budget: / $
Proposal Information
Project name:
Purpose of Grant (one sentence):
Amount requested: / $ / Total Project Cost: / $
Is a similar grant application currently under review by another Shasta Community Foundation Fund, or another
Foundation? If so, please specify:
Applicant Agreements
The applicant hereby agrees that funds, if granted will be used only for the purpose described in this proposal unless written approval for revision is granted by the Foundation.
Applicant affirms it does not discriminate in regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, political ideology, age, creed, religion, heritage, ancestry, national origin, veteran status, disability, unrelated to job or course of study requirements, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Authorized Signature
Signature: Board Chair, Executive Director, Department Head, Principal, or Superintendent
Typed or Printed Name & Title: / Date:

Attach this sheet to the front of your proposal and submit by published deadline date to:

Shasta Regional Community Foundation, 1335 Arboretum Drive, Suite B, Redding, CA 96003