Year Prep Term 3 2016 - Planning Summary

Wk / English / Maths / Inquiry / Other Information
11/7 / Reading
S & L / Use different strategies to work out unknown words (back up and re-read)
Hear and record sounds in a word, spell early high frequency words
Discuss new words found in texts / Use the language of more/less/same to compare numbers up to 20 and explain reason
Use numbers to make patterns. / Science: share observations and ideas (weather) / Monday- Pupil Free Day
18/7 / Reading
S & L / Use different strategies to work out unknown words (chunking and blending)
Explain why we write
Hear the initial, middle and end sound in spoken words / Represent answers to questions using simple displays
Use data displays to answer simple questions
Use the terms 1st to 10th to indicate ordinal position. / Science: weather chart and symbols
25/7 / Reading
S & L / Use different strategies to work out unknown words (skip a word, flip the sound)
Use capital letters for names
Talk about how a text makes me feel / Share a group of objects
Find 3D shapes in the world around me
Sort 3D shapes
Name 3D shapes (spheres and cubes), / History/Geography: special places to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how their stories are communicated. Making Aboriginal weather art / Responsible Pet Education Program Wednesday 27th
1/8 / Reading
S & L / Read with attempts at fluency
Write my ideas about a topic
Share my feelings about a text / Subitise (recognise a number of items without counting) to 6 and beyond
Explain the difference between 2D and 3D shapes
Describe 3D shapes / Science: changes in our environment- weather sounds / Monday – Mini Olympics Opening Ceremony
Thursday – Mini Olympics Activity Day (all year groups) (House Shirts)
8/8 / Reading
S & L / Read with attempts at expression
Retell familiar texts in sequence using role play
Talk about my favourite stories / Make/model numbers to 20 using concrete materials
Add more than two small groups of objects. / Science: the seasons (Winter) / Tuesday – School Council Meeting
15/8 / Reading
S & L / Identify the purpose of a text, explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts, identify different features of a book.
Show where capital letters are needed when editing
Use appropriate voice levels / Measurement- shorter/longer, heavier/lighter, holds more/holds less / Science: the seasons (Spring)
22/8 / Reading
S & L / Recognise common beginnings and endings to stories, say what an author does
Show where full stops are needed when editing
Talk about the author / Sort objects in different ways and explain how they are sorted
Pose questions about myself, familiar objects and events. / Science: the seasons (Summer) / Book Week
Thursday - Life Education Van arrives to Sept 6th
29/8 / Reading
S & L / Identify and explain the meaning of familiar texts including signs and symbols in the world around me
Use my writing skills to create a short readable text, use words I know in my writing
Use appropriate body language / Sequence events in time order. (e.g. day time, mid-day, night time and short/long time) / Science: the seasons (Autumn) / Monday – Kids Matter Assembly (House Shirts)
Monday and Tuesday – Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday – Fathers Day Stall
5/9 / Reading
S & L / Answer questions about a text
Use new words in my writing that are about our topic
Listen for key information to answer a question / Say what I do on different days. / Science: create a weather report
12/9 / Reading
S & L / Make connections between my own experiences and stories
Show where capital letters and full stops are needed when editing
Listen and speak in formal situations, give a short presentation about a topic, speak clearly / Demonstrate an understanding of left and right.
Follow and give simple directions using positional language. / Wednesday – Concert matinee and Evening
Friday – Sports Colours Day
End of Term at 2.30