Allies Against Asthma

Philadelphia Allies Against Asthma Coalition

The Philadelphia Allies Against Asthma (PAAA) Coalitionbrings together over 100 members who come from nearly 40 organizations, including hospitals, health care providers, schools, managed care companies, community-based agencies, non-profit health organizations, nursing centers, state and local health departments, parents and caregivers. PAAA focuses its efforts on reducing asthma-related morbidity in North and West Philadelphia, an area with over 14,000 children with asthma. PAAA's intervention is a multi-faceted, multi-agency effort designed to provide care coordination, system support, patient and family education, provider education, public awareness and new policy development.
Community Action Plan Highlights
In the Clinic:
 Primary Care Program-trains physician and nurses to be asthma champions in their practices,
utilizes the PACE curriculum, and ensures clinic staff is proficient in clinical management of
In the Home:
 Childhood Asthma Prevention Program Collaborative: North Philadelphia Project-a home visit
intervention with services ranging from home assessments and education on abating triggers
to providing in-depth personalized review of comprehensive asthma management
 Asthma Safe Kids (ASK) Program-using the national ASK curriculum, outreach workers
conduct home visits to provide asthma and trigger remediation education and cleaning supplies
 Smokeless Homes-gives presentations to families about the dangers of smoke pollution in the
home, and promotes smoking cessation classes in the community
In the School:

 Open Airways for Schools-asthma management program for schools that educates students,
parents and school staff

In Varied Settings:
 “All About Asthma” Workshop-an hour-long English/Spanish awareness presentation for
parents and caregivers about basic asthma information

On Care Coordination:
 Child Asthma Link Line-telephone-based service that provides information, referral and follow-
up assistance to families of children with asthma. Asthma Care Coordinators follow each
participating family for four months
Around the Community:
 Community asthma classes, PSAs, Link Link brochures, other outreach activities-in conjunction
with community partners, raising awareness and increasing knowledge with the general public

Contact Philadelphia Allies Against Asthma Coalition

Coalition Coordinator
Claudia Kane, MS
Phone: 215-731-6107