Year One Curriculum Map – September 2014

Subject / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Literacy / Non-fiction texts (3 weeks)
Recounts and instructions (1 week)
Traditional and fairy tales (4 weeks)
Stories from familiar settings (4 weeks)
The Christmas Story (RE link) (2 weeks) / Non-fiction texts (2 weeks)
Postcards, diary entries, newspaper reports (3 weeks)
Recounts and instructions (1 week)
Animal stories (3 weeks)
Poetry (2 weeks)
Folk stories ( 1 week) / Non-fiction texts (2 weeks)
Fantasy stories (2 weeks)
Stories from familiar settings(2 weeks)
Stories from other cultures (2 weeks)
Poetry (4 weeks)
Numeracy / Number Sense 1.1
Additive Reasoning 1.2
Geometric Reasoning 1.3
Number Sense 1.4 / Additive Reasoning 1.5
Number Sense 1.6
Multiplicative Reasoning 1.7
Number Sense 1.8 / Additive Reasoning 1.9
Geometric Reasoning 1.10
Number Sense 1.11
Additive Reasoning 1.12
Science / Sorting and using materials
Seasonal changes and associated weather including day length / Identify rainforests, animals, canopies and plants
Growing own plants, conditions of growth
Structure of common flowering plants and trees
Identify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Structure of common animals (including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals / Naming common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
Ourselves and our senses, keeping healthy
R.E / Christianity – Belonging
The Christmas Story / Christianity - Stories from The Bible
Easter / Christianity - The Church and The Bible
PSHE – through circle time and assemblies / SEAL - New beginnings
SEAL – Getting on and falling out
SEAL – Say no to bullying / SEAL – Going for goals
SEAL - Good to be me / Sun safety
SEAL - Changes
SEAL – Relationships
P.E. / Games
Dance / Dance
Brazilian games / Dance
Games skills
Music – Charanga scheme / Hey You!
Interrelated dimensions of music
KS1 Christmas Production / Into the Groove
Rhythm in the Way We Walk
Interrelated dimensions of music / Sea shanties
Round and Round
Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Interrelated dimensions of music
History / My family tree
Homes now and in the past, a household inventor
Toys time line and class museum / Seaside holidays – now and in the past
Grace Darling
Geography / Our local area – where I live, my address, the countries of the UK, their capital cities and surrounding seas. Map work and compass directions.
Homes from around the world
Origins of toys
Seasonal and daily weather patterns / Journeys to Brazil
Destruction of Rainforests
Compare and contrast daily lives / Origins of fruit and vegetables
The coastal environment
French / Unit 1 – Je parle Francais
Christmas / Unit 1 – Je parle Francais / Unit 1 – Je parle Francais
D.T / Design and make homes from around the world.
Design and make a simple puppet.
Evaluate commercially produced puppets. / Method of transport for Barnaby.
Carnival masks
Brazilian food / Evaluate commercially produced fruit based products – smoothies, jellies etc.
Design and make fruit based product.
Sunglasses and sun hats.
Art / Observational drawings/paintings of houses from around the world
William Morris wallpaper – creating own using pattern
Rennie MacIntosh
Moving pictures / Observation drawings of Rainforest plants and animals.
View out of a window in Brazil
Brazilian crafts / Art in the style of the ‘Gardener’
Cross sections of fruit
Batik and weaving techniques
Computing– Switched onto ICT scheme / We are Painters – Illustrating an e-book
We are Creators - Creating a card digitally / We are Collectors – Finding images using the internet
We are TV Chefs – filming the steps of a recipe / We are Storytellers – Producing a talking book
We are Treasure Hunters – Using programmable toys