THEME: Out and About
Autumn 2 – UKS2 (Yr5) – Lesson 5. Autumn 2 – UKS2 (Yr6) – Lesson 3.
I know about e-safety and cyberbullying.
I know the different ways that cyberbullying can take place and what to do if I am a victim of cyberbullying.
I can use technology safely.
I have thought about e safety and cyberbullying.
E-safety, cyberbullying, victim, support, danger, bystander, accessory.
·'sFightItTogether-guide.pdf for a DCSF booklet about e-safety and cyberbullying. The resource is aimed at 11-14 year olds but can be adapted for use with younger children. This lesson is based on some of its content. It goes together with a film – Let’s Fight it Together
Please note: This is a sensitive/controversial film and you will need to watch it first to decide on its suitability for your own class.
· - used in Year 5 Lesson 5
Recap on what cyberbullying and e-safety is. Create a class definition. Discuss how the children are kept safe at school when using the web and school computers.
Warm up: Circle Activity Changes
Someone goes outside, 2 people in the circle swap places, and the outsider tries to guess who has moved.
Activity 1
Watch the video clip (7 minutes) called ‘Lets Fight It Together’ about a secondary school boy who is the victim of cyberbullying. Discuss the following:
What happened? How were people feeling? What can be done?
Activity 2
Watch the character interviews (20 minutes) to gain an insight into their perspective. After watching the interviews put the children into small groups to discuss the actions and feelings of a particular character.
Kim (the bully):
1.  Who do you think Kim is?
2.  Is she a friend of Joe’s?
3.  Do you think she is bullying Joe?
4.  Do you think Kim is responsible?
5.  Do you think she is the only one who should be punished?
6.  If Kim thinks it is only a joke, does this justify or excuse her behaviour?
7.  How do you think Kim feels when the police arrive at school?
8.  How did Kim think she could get away with what she did online?
9.  Was Kim’s bullying limited to when she was online? Was it limited to Joe?
The teacher:
1.  Was the teacher bullied? (It is important that pupils recognise that the teacher in the film was also the subject of humiliation and her photograph appeared on the website.
2.  How does the teacher recognise that something is wrong with Joe? (by the changes in his behaviour).
3.  How did the teacher deal with the situation? (contacted the website, tried to speak to Joe, notified the Headteacher).
4.  What can schools do to help people involved in cyberbullying? (All schools have an anti-bullying policy that outlines the procedures for dealing with bullying behaviour. Schools can also contact the families involved, the websites or mobile operators, or the police if necessary).
5.  What does the teacher recommend other people do to help stop bullying? (Tell an adult/the school, so they can help).
Joe’s mum:
1.  How did Joe’s mum know that something was wrong?
2.  How did she feel about the situation? (Helpless and frustrated.)
3.  Why do you think Joe’s mum initially felt incapable of finding out what was wrong? (She didn’t know how to use the technology.)
4.  Why did Joe’s mum think the problem had something to do with the internet or his mobile phone?
5.  What did Joe’s mum do to help resolve the situation? (With Joe’s help, she showed the Headteacher a record of the instant messaging conversation/false website.)
6.  Who else could Joe have turned to if he couldn’t approach his mum? (ChildLine, school counsellor, teacher, police, a friend outside school.)
Rob (the bystander/accessory):
1.  How well do you think Rob and Joe know each other?
2.  Describe how you think Rob feels throughout. Do his feelings change?
3.  Why does Rob behave the way he does?
4.  Was Rob involved in the bullying?
5.  Did he realise he was bullying Joe?
6.  Is Rob a bystander or an accessory?
7.  How was Rob involved in helping things get back to normal?
8.  What else could Rob have done?
Joe (the target):
1.  At what point did Joe realise he was being bullied?
2.  What do you think was the worst part about being bullied online?
3.  Did Joe know who was involved?
4.  Who did he trust?
5.  What could Joe do to help himself out of the situation? (block the contact, delete a contact, save the conversation, report people to the service provider, tell the contact he didn’t want to talk any more, talk to someone he trusts).
6.  What stopped Joe from telling anyone (including his mum and his teachers) about what had happened? (he was unsure who he could trust. He may have been worried that he would not be believed. He may have felt ashamed of the content about him, or even felt that it was true. He may have been worried that his mobile phone or internet access would be removed so that he wasn’t bullied via these any more).
7.  When could Joe have told someone what was happening? (At any stage of this bullying, Joe could have told someone. It is important to encourage young people to report bullying behaviour to an adult they trust if they become aware of it – particularly if a friend has told them they are being bullied).
8.  Who could Joe have told? Discuss who you could trust and whether it is a good idea to talk only to friends when you are really worried about something.
9.  How do you think Joe feels now?
Give each group 2-3 minutes to ‘hot seat’ their character: Each group faces questions about its character from other members of the class. Other children can use the above questions or ask questions of their own.
Work in a small group on the activities. Carry out internet research on cyberbullying and e-safety. Find out what the school does to keep pupils safe from cyberbullying.
Recap on the key points and ask:-
What is the one thing that you would do to stop cyberbullying?
What can the school do to help prevent or respond to cyberbullying in your school?
1.  What is cyberbullying?
2.  Who can be affected by cyberbullying?
3.  What can be done about it?
4.  Who is involved with it?
5.  Where can you get help if you are being bullied?
Write 3 things about the effects of cyberbullying and list what can be done about it.
Core skills
Writing opportunities
Speaking and Listening opportunities
Use of ICT
Mathematical skills
Discuss with parents/ carers what they can do to prevent cyberbullying.

Autumn 2 UKS2 Yr6/B Lesson 4