Year 7 Curriculum Map – 2016/2017
Parents may be interested to note that subject leaders liaise with each other over shared and related content and skills. This gives greater cohesion to the curriculum. We remain very keen to build on the learning for independence developed in primary schools. We are also eager to promote personal learning and thinking skills throughout our curriculum so students increasingly make connections for themselves and become more effective independent learners. In this way and through our Personal Development Programme we will strive to develop self-awareness, self-management, empathy, good social skills and the motivation and persistence required for successful learning.
(Exploring portraiture, natural forms and making artist links). Clay work based on “Green Man”
Mini Winter Festival project / Title: Pop Art Packaging Project
Exploring modern still life and painting onto canvas / Title: Natural Forms
Exploring Daniel Mackie’s work, gathering observations and photos to support research through the Kew Gardens trip to produce a collaborative outcomes
BTEC Countryside and Environment / Current issues affecting the countryside, Animal husbandry / Hydrological cycle, Birds of prey, how environmentally friendly is the Downs school? / Micro climates around the school garden design
Design and Technology / Textiles: Bag for School Life
Learners will explore the design phase to make a textile bag. A questionnaire will be the focus to ensure they make a product that is intended for a chosen user. They will explore a range of techniques before making their product.
Homework: Research, Fabric Investigation, Design Work
Food: Core Cooking Skills
Learners will explore different cooking methods; they will then make a range of suitable dishes that incorporate a range of skills acquired. They will be expected to adapt recipes to suit their home dietary requirements.
Homework: Research, Nutrient Research, Evaluation
Product Design: Headphone wrap
Learners will explore the design phase to make a headphone wrap. Product analysis will be the main focus to ensure that the products made are fit for their intended target market. The students will explore a range of basic sketching techniques enabling them to present their design ideas in 3D. Learners will complete H&S training in preparation for the manufacturing of the product.
Homework: Research, Material Investigation, Design Work
All students follow a carousel of topics covering all topics in the year. Homework tasks will be based on the topic being covered at the time of setting.
Drama and Dance / Teachers will choose 6 of the following ½ termly schemes :
‘Introduction to Drama/Haunted House’ ‘Green Baby’ ‘Grease incorporating Rock and Roll’ ‘Into the Woods’
‘Fate of Humpty Dumpty’ Bullying Scripted’= Drama Units
‘Nutcracker’ ‘Penguin Café’ ‘Bond’ = Dance Units
English / Transition Island project
Research Celtic inhabitants of forts along the Ridgeway
“Skellig” Prose (novel)
Research project based on theme from the novel, e.g. Blake / Media - advertising
Collect a variety of stories from different media sources ready for analysis in lesson
Nature poetry
Reading assessment based on poems / Shakespeare ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ Cross curricular activity.
Geography / Wide World: Fantastic Places
Key Assessment: Location Project
My World: Who are we?
Key Assessment: Mapping Project / Changing World: Cool Climate
Natural World: Exciting Ecosystems
Key Assessment: Adaptive Animal Research Project / Natural World: Exciting Ecosystems
Modern World: Africa
Key Assessment: Presentation
History / History Skills
Battle of Hastings / Medieval Castles
Thomas Becket / The Tudors : Images of Elizabeth
The Stuarts
ICT / Digital design and PowerPoint
eSafety and Desk Top Publishing. Virtual tour using presentation softwar / Thinking like a computer scientist.
Computer game creation – using Scratch (Block Programming) / Drawing and manipulating shapes (Block programming) and the summer project.
Mathematics / Factors, Multiples, Squares and Primes, Positive and Negative Numbers, Use of the Four Operations and their inverses, Construction and Geometry of 2D and 3D Shapes / Algebraic Vocabulary and Notation, Manipulation and Substitution of Algebraic Expressions and Equations, Sequences, Using Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Units of Measure, Angles / Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Measures, Solving Equations and Inequalities, Geometrical Reasoning & Shape, Checking and Estimating, Graphs and Transformations, Statistics and Surveys.
MFL - French / French phonics Adjectival agreements
Dictionary skills Genders
present tense -er verbs + avoir / être Giving opinions
Key Homework Topics: 1. Cultural Knowledge
2. Mon Monstre / Giving more detailed opinions with reasons
All forms of –er verbs Time phrases Telling the time Introduction to future tense
Key Homework Topics: 3. School 4. Free-time / Negatives Modal verbs Prepositions Future tense
Reflexive verbs Higher numbers
Key Homework Topics 5. Where I live 6. French Region or Town
Music / Elements of Music - Rhythm and Singing
Elements of Music – Pitch and Keyboard/ Glockenspiel skills / Brass Instruments: Fanfares – Performing and Composing
Fanfare Competition
Find Your Voice – Performance and composition through singing / Gamelan - World Music
Minimalism – 20th Century
Physical Education / Fitness Testing. Season specific activity to include Games, Gym / Dance, Problem Solving, Athletics, Swimming and Health and Fitness
RE and Collective Worship / What do we mean by God?
The importance of the Nativity story / Christian beliefs about Jesus and his teachings / Denominational diversity (link with history – Medieval Realms)
Science / Working Scientifically; Cells; Particles and their behaviour, Forces. / Structure and function of body systems; Elements, Atoms and compounds; Reactions; Sound. / Reproduction; Acids and Alkalis; Light; Space