Oregon Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group

June 8th, 2017

Continuing Education Presentation: 8:30-9:30 AM

Challenging Feeding Behaviors: Working to Improve Feeding Treatment

Speakers: Darren Janzen, PsyD & Sarah Sahl, RDN, LD

Slides are attached to meeting minutes email.

Business Meeting: 9:45-10:30 AM

  1. Announcements
  2. Cheryl shared highlights of the newly published study that was recently shared with the LAWN (Local Agency WIC Nutritionists) Group.
  3. Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Young Toddlers: A Responsive ParentingApproach
  1. Specific to the WIC population: Feeding Infants and Young Toddlers: Using the Latest Evidence in WICSettings
  1. Non-Emergency Medical Transport. Within the Medicade Population (clients with OHP) are now qualified for free non-emergency medical transport to WIC appointments. Transport can be arranged through programs like free Trimet Passes, Uber etc.
  2. Policy Memo with more specific details attached to meeting minutes.
  1. Old Business
  2. Approval of minutes from April 13, 2017 Meeting
  3. Approved
  4. Treasurer Report/Membership Update – Katharine Jeffcoat
  5. Account Balance: $2486.51
  6. Membership
  7. Membership year starts in June (now!) – June 2017-2018
  8. Will also bring the new forms for membership to our August meeting.
  9. Slate for Upcoming Year:
  10. New Board Positions to be voted on: Chair Elect, Treasurer, Nominating Committee (2 positions)
  11. Please let us know if you’re interested in joining our team!
  12. New Business
  13. Upcoming Meetings: Potential topics/speakers
  14. University of Minnesota MCH Intensive Nutrition Course: online CE opportunity
  15. Should OPNPG support this as a member benefit for 2017-2018 members again this year?
  16. Some concerns: increased cost to $25 per participant (no discount for groups); Not many pediatric presentations this year – most are maternal/pregnancy related.
  17. Group votes to support OPNPG members in having access to this education opportunity this year.
  18. Cheryl asks that WIC Dietitians sign up to view these videos with the State WIC office d/t how cost prohibitive it will be for our group to have members view the videos this year.
  19. Preliminary Planning for a full day continuing education event in 2018
  20. Anyone who is interested in helping with this event are welcome to stay for the initial planning meeting today after the meeting.
  21. If you weren’t at the meeting today please let us know if you’re interested in helping plan!
  22. Next Meeting Ideas
  23. eWIC presentation
  24. Innovator agents from CCO’s
  25. Environmental services/public health: lead, cannabis, other?
  26. Healthcare budget concerns w/ current political climate
  27. Ethics topic – Jessie Pavilanic?

Next Meeting: August 10th, 2017

Northwest Mother’s Milk Bank – tour of the remodeled facility.

Actual business meeting location TBD (nearby)