Choose one of the topics listed below and prepare a report on it, covering (but not limited to) the following points:

*  Comparison of the product’s design

*  Ease of use, simplicity

*  Individual qualities of each product

*  Materials used

*  Strengths and weaknesses of each product

*  Weight

*  Best suited to which type of activity

*  Price

*  Available from where and for how much?

Include pictures, diagrams, and brochures where appropriate, plus any other relevant, useful information. Sources of information can include (but not limited to) local and online shops such as Bass Pro, Cabela’s, REI, Big 5, Amazon, etc. Also the Internet, books, magazines, brochures, etc.


1.  light weight 1 – 2 person tents for bushwalking

2.  light weight 1 – 2 person tents for snow camping

3.  light weight camping stoves – eg. Coleman, Camp Chef, Everest, etc

4.  rainwear – Gortex, japara, others.

5.  hiking boots – lightweight, heavy, etc.

6.  sleeping bags – down, hollowfill, etc.

7.  climbing harnesses

8.  climbing boots

9.  climbing ropes

10.  caving helmets and head torches

Review at least three products in your chosen topic. For example three brands of tent or three types of tent, and so on.