Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Premium Strategy and Impact Document 2015-2016 Academic Year
Mission statement
‘At West Oaks School we work with consideration, commitment and co-operation to ensure our school community will develop the capacity to enjoy life and succeed.’
We are determined to ensure that our pupils are given every chance to realize their full potential. Catch Up premium funding enhances our curriculum offer.
The Year 7 catch-Up premium has been offered by the Government as a commitment to provide additional funding to schools. This is aimed at each year 7 pupil who did not achieve at least level 4 in the Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests in reading and/or mathematics. The purpose of this funding is to enable West Oaks to deliver additional support such as smaller tutor groups and interventions to those pupils that most need it.
Schools can choose to spend all or part of their money in the academic year or can carry it forward into the following year. Accountability is with the Principal and Senior Leaders who decide how to use the premium. They report to governors on how the money has been alloacted along with evidence of the impact of the initiatives introduced. The report is then published on the school website.
Year 7 Catch Up Premium 2015-2016
The funding allocation for 2015-2016 was £4,500. Our focus has been to allocate resources to support the development of literacy and numeracy skills which in turn impacts on all areas of the curriculum.
This year, the money was spent on:
• Resources to support learning in both literacy and numeracy (phonics, maths resources)
· Continued employment of a Learning Guide with a specific role to provide catch up and targeted intervention work with our pupils (part funded hours)
• Redesigning the intervention/Group room on the Boston Spa site to incorporate a discrete reading area
Catch –up premium funding had enhanced attainment of Year 7 pupils across 6 of our target 8 areas, with 80% of pupils or over achieving their targets in 6/8 identified areas (anticipated progress aim was 75% pupils achieved/exceeded their target in each area). Those areas marked green indicate those areas where pupils have exceeded their target. Following the introduction of the new national curriculum, we are putting place targets for the foundation subjects. We will then be able to closely track progress in these subjects and identify how improvements in literacy/numeracy skills are impacting across other areas of the curriculum.
Achievement of 2015/16 pupils is outlined below.
Reading / Writing / Speaking and Listening / Number / Measurement / Geometry / Statistics (NC only) / ScienceYear 7 / 78% / 76% / 80% / 70% / 74% / 85% / 83% / 82%
In 2016-2017, the Year 7 catch up funding has been divided into three areas to help children “catch up”:
1. Purchase of APP/ICT software programmes to enhance access.
2. Reading resources to aid access to our curriculum.
3. Additional learning Guide hours to support reading, speaking and listening (supplement SLT input if required).