Year 5 Homework Project – Autumn Term 2017 (1st half)

During this term, we will beworking on our topic called “Awesome Egyptians!”. Each week you must complete one task from theweekly row (you have a choice of three tasks).

Your homework book will be sent home on a Friday and your homework must be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

Set Friday 15thSeptember
(English based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 20thSeptember2017 / Create a glossary of vocabulary to do with the Ancient Egyptians. Include at least 20 words and their meanings. / How would you persuade people to visit Egypt today? Create a piece of text/ a speech/a presentation to encourage people to visit this country. / Imagine you have time travelled back to Ancient Egypt. Write a diary entry of at least one A4 page explaining what amazing sights, sounds, smells and adventures you encountered.
Set Friday 22ndSeptember
(Topic based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 27thSeptember2017 / Draw and name two Ancient Egyptian Gods. Write a paragraph about each God. Which do you prefer? / Research how the Ancient Egyptians built their pyramids. Write a paragraph explaining the method and a diagram/picture showing how. Then write a conclusion as to how hard or easy you think this would have been. / The Ancient Egyptians used to smear their tombs with poison from certain flowers as a way of protecting their treasures. Research 2 poisonous flowers that could have been used. Draw them, list their names, where they grow, and how potent their poison would be!
Set Friday 29thSeptember
(Maths based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 4thOctober 2017 / Find out how the Egyptians used numbers. Draw the symbols for 1,10,100,1000 and
10 000,
Can you create some calculations using their number system? / The Ancient Egyptians didn’t use money. But what if they did?
Can you create a currency for them?
Make coins and notes. Think carefully about what denominations (e.g. 1p, 2p 5p etc.) and names to use. / Write ten Maths problems based around the theme of Ancient Egypt. Remember to make them challenging but realistic and create an answer sheet showing your working out.
Set Friday 6thOctober
(Creative based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 11thOctober2017 / Draw or paint an Ancient Egyptian landmark. / Draw or paint 2 Ancient Egyptian artefacts, labelling what they are made of and how they were used. / Create your own family portrait in the style of an Ancient Egyptian tomb painting.
Set Friday 13thOctober
(Creative based learning)
Choose on activity from this row
This task is due in by Wednesday 18thOctober 2017 / Design and make your own Sarcophagus. Evaluate the process you went through to make your Sarcophagus. Include photos and instructions. What went well/badly? Would you make any changes? / Make two death masks, one for yourself and one for another family member. Compare and describe the designs you chose and why. / Find an Ancient Egyptian recipe and make it. Evaluate the food by either having a taste test at home or at school. Present your findings in a table or a graph.

Please remember that we expect you to keep up your fabulous reading at home, learn and rescue your spellings and keep practising your times tables.

All of these will help your learning in school and help you to make good progress.