Choose one activity each fortnight from the grid to complete with your homework. Keep this sheet somewhere safe as this copy needs to last the entire term. Tasks are to be handed to your teacher every second Thursday (week 2,4,6,8,10). Don’t forget to make sure you are reading regularly at home as well as practicing tables and weekly spelling words.

Design a cover for a magazine called
‘The Miners’ Weekly’. / Draw pictures of and label 10 different tools used by miners on the Goldfields. / Make and A-Z list of words related to Gold and the Gold Rush. / Create a snack that may have been eaten on the Goldfields. / Design a wanted poster for yourself or your teacher.
Make an acrostic poem for the words ‘Gold Rush’. / Keep a diary written by a child growing up on the Goldfields (at least 5 entries). / Invent a new gold mining product and advertise your product. / Make a paiper mache nugget of Gold. / Draw a scene from the Goldfields and include yourself (Must use colour).
Research and include pictures of at least 5 popular outfits from the Goldfields. / Do you believe Miners should have had to pay for a licence? Why or why not?
(Half page) / Make an old fashioned doll using a wooden clothes peg (see your teacher). / Create 10 quiz questions about the Gold Rush. Make sure you include the answers. / Interview a parent about their knowledge of The Eureka Stockade, (Include 10 questions.
Make a list of 10 things you would do (in the 1850’s) if you struck it rich on the Goldfields / Create a map of a Goldfield
(Must include labelled pictures). / Come up with an anti-Trooper rap from a Miner’s perspective and perform to the grade. / Make a diorama of a scene from the Goldfields. / Create a wooden tool and explain how it would have been used on the Goldfields.


O  Make sure you take care to present homework neatly

O  Check for correct spelling

O  Where appropriate include pictures and illustrations

O  Use colour!

O  Make sure you name your work.

If you do not take pride in your work you may be asked to do it again during Grade 5 sport time.

Have fun and be creative.