Year6 homework grid – Autumn Term (Second half only)

Literacy - Spelling
Every week you will be given a list of spellings which you will have had time to learn as an activity during guided reading sessions.
You need to practise these words and then write a sentence for each word.
Please apply your grammar learning to your sentences.
A variety of sentence structures
Accurate punctuation
Ask a member of your family to select 4 numbers. Use these to make 10 different 4 digit numbers. Round each of these to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. / Ask a member of your family to select 4 numbers. Use these to make 10 different numbers with 2 decimal places e.g. 36.24
Order the numbers.
Ext: Can you find a number that would lie between you chosen numbers. / Show your understanding of factors, multiples, prime numbers and square numbers. / Generate some data. How many star jumps can four different people achieve in one minute? How will you present this data? What does it tell you? / Once we have covered it in class, make a visual mat to remind you of the success criteria for division using the chunking method.
Science / RE / French / Music / PE / PSHE
Make a poster with ‘top electrical safety tips’ for around the home. / What did Michael Faraday and Humphrey Davy invent?
Write a paragraph about it. / You’ve had a power cut at home. Which things in your house will work, which things will not work? / Use at least 4 components (e.g. battery, bulb, buzzer and switch) draw and label a complete circuit and then draw an incomplete circuit. Describe the difference. / Teach your family to make a lotus flower.
/ Write 5 sentences about you in French that would introduce yourself to another person.
Where you live
Your appearance.
/ Watch a film of your choice. Listen carefully to the music playing in the background. Can you describe the different effects the music has on the mood? / Design a warm up game to be used in a PE session. Be prepared to deliver it in the next few weeks. Remember we are focussing on netball, what particular areas will you need to concentrate on? / Think about all of the qualities you have and write them down. Explain how these qualities will help you throughout your life. Write about a time where you had a disagreement with someone but made sure you remained calm and did not fall out with anyone.