June 13, 2018
Chair Mary Ann Borgeson called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Announcing that a copy of the “Nebraska Open Meetings Act” is displayed in this Meeting Room as required by law.
- Roll Call showed the following Board Members in attendance: Janet McCartney (Cass County);Mary Ann Borgeson (Douglas County); Jim Warren (Sarpy County) and Lisa Kramer (Washington County).
Following Board Members not in attendance: David Saalfeld (Dodge County)
The following staff members were present: Dennis Loose; Debbie Herbel; and Patti Jurjevich.
Also present: Robyn Hansen (ENHSA), Sarah Graham (ENCOR)and Chris Jerram (Attorney)
- Comments & Correspondence - Governing Board
Jim Warren introduced the students from the Clarkson School of Nursing who were observing a Board meeting to meet a class requirement.
- Approval of May 9, 2018 Governing Board Minutes
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the May 9, 2018 Governing Board Minutes. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of ENHSA Dental Insurance Renewal – Sharrell Kurcz, NP Dodge Insurance
Sharrell advised that Ameritas had provided ENHSA/ENOA and Alpha School staff with dental coverage for the last six years. Ameritas proposed a 45% increase inthe 2018/19 premiums due to a loss ratio of 105.1%. She took the plan to market. The market analysis is on the second page of the dental plan analysis prepared by NP Dodge Insurance. MetLife mirrored the current plan with a minimal rate increase. There will be no waiting periods. They agreed to an 8% rate cap for the next renewal. Dennis confirmed that the rate increase would be for the staff only, the agency’s portion would remain the same. Robyn noted that this is for ENHSA/ENOA employees only. Alpha School employees do not pay for the dental insurance. As noted, this may be discussed by the Board in the future.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the ENHSA Dental Insurance Renewal. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval the Purchase of Two Vehicles for ENCOR– Debbie Herbel
Debbie advised that these vehicles would be used only for the administrative staff. Many of the staff charge mileage and this would be a cost saver. One vehicle would be large enough to transport equipment. They would like to order the vehicle before the end of June which would be this fiscal year. It won’t arrive for approximately four months. It is within the budget.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the Purchase of Two Vehicles for ENCOR. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval for Rate Reimbursement from FY 16/17 to be Disbursed as a Bonus to ENCOR Staff – Debbie Herbel
Debbie explained that for the fiscal year 16/17 the State changed the reimbursement rates. At the last legislative session it was appropriated to pay back this money. ENCOR received a check for $350,000. This money has already been audited it in. She would like to give this money back to the staff as a one-time bonus because that year they received a very minimal raise. She would give 531 full-time staff members a $500 bonus and 11 part-time staff members a $150 bonus. The remainder of the money would remain in the operation fund.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the Rate Reimbursement from FY 16/17 to be Disbursed as a Bonus to ENCOR Staff. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Attorney Comments – Chris Jerram
There were no comments from the Attorney.
- Report from Lobbyist – Sean Kelley
There was no report from the lobbyist.
- Executive Session – Debbie Herbel
The Executive Session was moved to the end of the meeting.
- Director’s Report
There was no Director’s Report.
- Comments from Public (please limit to 3 minutes each person)
There were no comments from the public.
- Motion to Adjourn out of ENHSA Admin and enter Office on Aging
Motion was made by Jim to Adjourn out of ENHSA Admin and enter Office on Aging. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Homemaker, Rural Transportation and Home Delivered Meals Policies – Dennis Loose
Dennis advised that these policies were presented at last month’s meeting for review. There a few included that required an address and phone number change only.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the Homemaker, Rural Transportation and Home Delivered Meals Policies. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Mediguard and Philips Lifeline PERS Contract for FY 18/19– Dennis Loose
Dennis advised that the rate for the Philips Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System is $18.50. Mediguard was approved at last month’s meeting for $18.50 but just came back and advised that the rate will now be $18.25. He detailed how the systems have changed recently. There are about 1000 clients using these devices.
Motion was made by Janet to Approve the Mediguard and Philips Lifeline PERS Contract for FY 18/19. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Senior Center Contracts and Subawards for FY 18/19 – Dennis Loose
Dennis advised that a list of the centers and meal sites to be approved is in the packet. He stated that previously all have been contracts. Recently the State changed that to contracts and subawards based on whether the State funds or we fund. The subawards demand a heightened monitoring on our part.
Motion was made by Janet to Approve the Senior Center Contracts and Subawards for FY 18/19. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Bobette’s Home Care as a Caregiver Support Provider – Dennis Loose
Dennis advised that Bobette’s has met all requirements to be a Caregiver Support Provider.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve Bobette’s Home Care as a Caregiver Support Provider. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Ratification of Out-of-State Travel for Mitch Laudenback – Dennis Loose
Dennis stated that this was time sensitive due to having to purchase the airline tickets. Mitch will be traveling with Debbie Herbel’s group going to Connecticut to attend training for the Square 9 project.
Motion was made by Janet for the Ratification of Out-of-State Travel for Mitch Laudenback. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Tara Thomas – Dennis Loose
Dennis stated that Tara is traveling to Arlington, VA to attend the National Meals on Wheels conference.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the Out-of-State Travel for Tara Thomas. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Directors’ Report – Dennis Loose
Dennis announced that ENOA has received approval from the State for the annual plan and budgets as well as the Care Managed annual plan. They are waiting for approval for the ADRC plan which was recently submitted. He attended a Thank You luncheon for Senator Bolz which was provided by the Association for helping with this proposal.He appreciated Sean Kelley being present at the luncheon.
Lisa gave thanks to the ENOA staff who came to Washington County and discussed access to the services offered by ENOA.
- Comments from Public (please limit to 3 minutes each person)
There were no comments from the public.
- Motion to Adjourn out of Office on Aging and enter ENCOR
Motion was made by Janet to Adjourn out of Office on Aging and enter ENCOR. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Union Contract – Debbie Herbel
Debbie reported that after a year of negotiations, the union voted and accepted their changes. She emailed the contract prior to today’s meeting for review.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the Union Contract. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Security System for Day Sites – Debbie Herbel
Debbie advised that she meets with her direct support on a quarterly basis and they requested the security systems due to the day sites currently have none. Three sites had to be locked down in the last year due to outside situations. Identisys was the only company that gave a proposal with what they requested. A copy of the proposal is in the packets for review by the Board. It will connect all sites into one system. She explained how it worked.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the Security System for Day Sites. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval to Pay for a Survey and Architect Design of the Retaining Wall Repair at 5020 Copper Creek – Debbie Herbel
Debbie explained that this wall is located at a home that ENCOR owns. It is a medical support unit. The retaining wall is crumbling. She called the insurance company about it but it is not covered by insurance. The companies that they contacted to rebuild the wall will not look at it until they know how it is to be built. They want an architecture drawing. This wall runs the entire length of the property. Chris advised that they will need written permission for temporary access to the neighbor’s property. Discussion followed on that this wall has been discussed in the past. She stated that the estimated cost could be $30,000 plus. Chris said that the contractors would be responsible for obtaining the permission from the neighbors.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve Pay for a Survey and Architect Design of the Retaining Wall Repair at 5020 Copper Creek. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Ratification of Credit Line Increase for the Purchase of Groceries - Debbie Herbel
Debbie stated that she emailed the information to the Board to review prior to today’s meeting. She would like the staff to be able to purchase groceries using a credit card instead of a purchase order to give them more choices.
Motion was made by Janet for the Ratification of Credit Line Increase for the Purchase of Groceries. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Ratification of Out-of-State Travel for Debbie Herbel, Sarah Graham, David Wallace and Amanda Stonys – Debbie Herbel
Debbie advised that they are attending the training for the Square 9 project along with Mitch from ENOA. Amanda will not be attending.
Motion was made by Lisa for the Ratification of Out-of-State Travel for Debbie Herbel, Sarah Graham, and David Wallace. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Director’s Report – Debbie Herbel
Debbie had nothing further to report.
- Comments from Public (please limit to 3 minutes each person)
There were no comments from the public.
- Motion to Adjourn out of ENCOR and enter Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare
Motion was made by Jim to Adjourn out of ENCOR and enter Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of FY19 Agency Budget – Patti Jurjevich
Patti stated that she sent the budget out in advance for review by the Board. It is also in the packets to review.
She advised that there were two minor changes from last year. The discontinuance of the Partnership for Success and the Child Welfare System Project. They added the Criminal Justice Behavioral Project.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the FY19 Agency Budget. Motion was seconded by Janet and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of FY18 Budget Shifts – Patti Jurjevich
- Request for Additional Funds, 6/4/18
Patti reported that they determined that they needed $827,647 in additional funds from the Division of Behavioral Health. This is a ratification of the request because it was time sensitive. She said that the request was sent in on June 4 and the amendment has been returned as it impacted their billing process. In addition, to access those dollars she had to get additional county match dollars. She worked with Douglas County and received more money from them therefore showing a higher Douglas County match amount.
- Fourth Quarter Shifts, 6/15/18
Patti advised that this shift is due at the end of the week. They are in the process of completing this reimbursement. She will send this to the Board for review before it is submitted.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the FY18 Budget Shifts. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Revised Certification of Local Matching Funds, FY18 – Patti Jurjevich
Patti advised that they had to file this revised certification to show the additional $31,383 that they received from Douglas County in order to access $827,647 in additional funds received from the Division of Behavioral Health.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the Revised Certification of Local Matching Funds, FY18. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Out-of-State Travel – Patti Jurjevich
Patti requested the approval of out-of-state travel for Jonathan Koley to travel to Washington, DC and Stacey Warner to travel to Shelby Township, MI.
Motion was made by Jim to Approve the Out-of-State Travel as requested. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Approval of Contracts and Amendments – Patti Jurjevich
Patti stated a copy of the contracts and amendments is in the packet to review. She recapped each contract and amendment.
Motion was made by Lisa to Approve the Contracts and Amendments. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote.
- Director’s Report – Patti Jurjevich
Patti reported that the County Data Reports that Stacey created are in final form and are in the packets for the Board’s review. The information is generally summarized and then is broke down into counties. Patti would like to start scheduling time on each county agenda to review this data plus discuss the building ownership.
The Corporate Compliance training will be pushed back to next month due to the Strategic Planning discussion that is on today’s agenda.
She sent out a memo with regards to the RFP for the Psych Emergency Service. There were no bidders. She passed around the letter from CHI Health which explained why they did not participate in the bidding. She said they are regrouping the plans and they will continue to work on this goal. There is still an opportunity here and the work is not done.
Motion was made by Janet to adjourn out of Region 6 and enter Executive Session for a personnel issue. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote. Meeting moved into Executive Session at 4:20pm.
Motion was made by Janet to adjourn out of Executive Session at 4:35pm and move back into Region 6. Motion was seconded by Jim and passed by unanimous roll call vote. No action was taken.
- Strategic Planning Discussion – Stacey Warner
Stacey presented a list of questions to the Board. They will discuss these questions in relationship to their individual counties. This discussion is to assist with the strategic planning for the next three years. Discussion followed. Stacey and Patti took the notes on this discussion.
- Comments from Public (please limit to 3 minutes each person
There were no comments from the public.
- Motion to Adjourn Out of Meeting
Motion was made by Janet to Adjourn Out of Meeting. Motion was seconded by Lisa and passed by unanimous roll call vote. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm
Alpha School had no report this month.
Respectfully Submitted by Lezlie McPherson