Year 4 Topic Web – Autumn 1
LiteracyYear 4 are continuing to write legibly using paragraphs, fronted adverbial openers and composing sentences using a range of structures. This will be achieved through letter writing, reports, narrative writing and poetry. / Numeracy
This term we will continue to improve our mental and written maths skills through various techniques and strategies. We will also consider Numeracy in its context and how we can utilise it in everyday life. We will also be looking at problem solving and the most effective methods for solving problems. / Art
Using our sketch books as a source to work from, we will be looking at becoming ‘Masters of Sculpture’ this term. Our topic of Michelle Reader will become an inspiration for our artwork as we use a variety of tactile media to plan, create and evaluate a sculpture related to our topic.
This term we will be focusing on Ancient Romans. We will be learning all about their way of life with regards to diet, buildings, jobs, leisure, lifestyles and how they compare to our lives today. We will also consider the impact these civilisations have had upon the lives we lead today. / Music
Year 4 will begin to learn to play their brass instruments this term, and to consider the use of pitch, tone, volume, dynamics and rhythm through song. / RE
Year 4 will be looking at Hinduism this term, considering a range of topics from Gods, traditions, festivals, and places of worship. We will compare these to other religions and discuss acceptance of other beliefs and cultures, in line with our British values.
This term, Year 4 will be learning all about electricity. We shall be focusing on choosing the correct equipment to create a fully-functioning circuit and asking why these circuits work. We will also consider the dangers of electricity in our own environment whilst undertaking child-led scientific investigations to discover even more information about electricity. / PSHCE
This term we are learning all about new beginnings. We will discuss the challenges that new beginnings bring and how we can best overcome them. We will do this through class discussion, written work, group discussions and through role playing activities. / French
Listen and engage in conversations, expressing opinions.
Develop appropriate pronunciation and present ideas and information orally.
Show an understanding in reading and adapt known language to create new ideas.
Describe people, places and things.