Year 4 Long Term Plan 2014-2015

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2014-2015

Year 4 Long term plan 2016-2017

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Story / Romulus and Remus
Italy / The Story of Weland
Anglo-Saxon / The Polish White Eagle
Poland / Finn MacCool and The Giant’s Causeway
Northern Ireland / The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Germany / The Boy and The Apple Tree
Maths / Place value, addition and subtraction / Multiplication and division
Measuring: area / Fractions
Measuring: time / Decimals
Measuring: money / Measuring: perimeter and length
Angles, shape and symmetry / Position and direction
Measuring: area and perimeter
Literacy / Legends
Persuasive writing / Stories that raise issues and dilemmas
Instructions / Stories from other cultures / Recount
Information texts / Stories in imaginary settings
Plays / Poetry
Exploring form
Information texts
Science / Sound / Animals, including humans / States of matter / Electricity / Living things and their habitats
Geography / Identify the human and physical features of Poland / Name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics / Local study of green spaces
History / The Roman Empire and its impact on
Britain / A local history study
Anglo-Saxons / World War II – in particular The Blitz as a significant turning point in British history.
Art/DT / Mosaic art
Mosaic tiles / Anglo Saxon brooches
Manuscript illumination / Designing/
cooking a Polish Meal / David Parr/Laurie / WW2 art (black out) / Andy Goldsworthy – environmental art
Computing / We are software developers / We are musicians / We are html editors / We are co-authors / We are meteorologists / We are toy designers
PE / Dance
NCFC / Dance
NCFC / Gym
NCFC / Gym
NCFC / Swim
NCFC / Swim
PSHCE / New beginnings / Good to be me / Getting on and falling out / Relationships / Going for goals / Changes
RE / What does worship mean? / How is Christmas celebrated in other countries? / What do we mean by commitment? / Why did Jesus tell stories? / What is pilgrimage? / What is Judaism?
Music / Guitar and singing / Guitar and singing / Guitar and singing / Guitar and singing / Guitar and singing / Guitar and singing
MfL / Early Start Spanish
Months of the year / Early Start Spanish
Numbers / Early Start Spanish
Birthdays / Early Start Spanish
Days of the week / Early Start Spanish
All about family / Early Start Spanish
All about pets
Enrichment/ life skills / ERM Project / Visit to West Stow Village / Shopping in a Polish supermarket
Cooking Polish food / Grimes Graves / Bridewell Alley / Outward bound
Residential – Eaton Vale