Year 4/5/6 Long Term Plan (Year C)
Autumn / Spring / SummerTheme / York’s Chocolate Story / China: The Shang Dynasty / WW2:The Battle of Britain
English / Year 4
Persuasive writing
Recounts / Year 4
Fantasy stories / Year 4
Myths and Legends / Year 4
Narrative poetry
Non-chronological report / Year 4
Information texts
Nonsense poems / Year 4
Year 5/6
Classic Fiction
Slam Poetry / Year 5/6
Biography and Autobiography
Instructions and Explanations
Classic Poems / Year 5/6
Genre Fiction
Argument and Debate
Classic Narrative and Oral Poetry / Year 5/6
Reports and Journalistic Writing
Poetic Style / Year 5/6
Classic Novels
Persuasive Writing
Debate poetry / Story Poetry / Year 5/6
Genre Fiction
Non-chronological reports
The Power of Imagery
Ongoing - Reading (word level and comprehension) Writing (transcription, handwriting, composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation) Spoken Language
Maths / Year 4
Place value
Ordering and comparing numbers
Roman Numerals
Multiplication tables
Counting in multiples of 6,7.9.25,1000
Finding 1000 more or less
Mental calculations
Addition and subtraction / Year 4
Acute and obtuse angles
Comparing and classifying geometric shapes.
Area / Year 4
Adding and subtracting fractions
Equivalent fraction families
Non-unit fractions
Decimal equivalents of 10th, 100th etc. / Year 4
Mental multiplication
Formal multiplication
Problems using measures
Interpreting and presenting data (bar charts, time graphs). / Year 4
Converting between 12 and 24hr clocks (analogue and digital)
Completing symmetrical shapes and figures. / Year 4
Year 5/6
- Number: Place Value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; fractions including decimals and percentages
- Measurement
- Geometry: Properties of shape; position and direction
- Statistics
- Ratio and Proportion (Y6 only)
- Algebra (Y6 only)
Science / Year 4
Year 5/6
Light / Year 4
States of Matter
Year 5/6
Electricity / Year 4
Year 5/6
Earth and Space / Year 4
Living Things and Their Habitats
Year 5/6
Animals including Humans / Year 4
Living Things and Their Habitats
Year 5/6
Living Things and Their Habitats / Year 4
Animals including Humans
Year 5/6
Human reproduction and relationships
Computing / Scratch: questions and quizzes / Search technologies: evaluating digital content / Photo story: Telling a story using digital images
Humanities / History: Local study (chocolate)
Geography: Where does chocolate come from and why? / Geography: Trade routes (The Great Silk Road)
History: The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China / History: Battle of Britain
RE / Christian Aid and Islamic Relief
Harvest / Quakers – the religious society of friends
Christmas / How do people express their faith through arts? / The promise of life after death
Easter / Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God? / Jesus’ life and teachings
DT/Art / Product and packaging design: chocolate / Cooking and Nutrition: Design and make healthy treats / Chinese Art: Willow pattern / Printing / Posters: including artists such as JM Flagg / Make do and Mend: Repurposing/ Recycling
Music / 10 pieces / Pentatonic scale: Improvise and compose / Exploring rhythm
PSHCE / New beginnings Developing skills of communication and participation / Getting on and falling out. / Going for Goals! / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes
PE / Invasion Games / Dance / Gymnastics / Swimming / Athletics
MFL / Year 4
Les monstres
Year 5
Ma famille
Year 6
Les portraits / Year 4
Le calendrier des fêtes.
Year 5
On fait la fête
Year 6
Les cadeux / Year 4
Les animaux
Year 5
Cher Zoo
Year 6
Le carnival des animaux / Year 4
Au marché
Year 5
Le petit déjeuner
Year 6
Au café / Year 4
Je suis le musician
Year 5
Vive le temps libre
Year 6
Tour de France / Year 4
À la mode
Year 5
À la plage
Year 6
Les destinations