
susan mitchell WEB has entered the room.
Cathy Nelson : i mean let go of mic now and then
Cathy Nelson : LOL
Sheila Reynolds : gone again
susan mitchell WEB has entered the room.
lorena swetnam has entered the room.
Julie Hooper : hey Sheila
Anne Lemieux : I can barely hear her
Cathy Nelson : good
Anne Lemieux : gone again
Cathy Nelson : she hs let go of mic
Fran Bullington has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : Welcome ABEnnet
Cathy Nelson : Welcome Lorena
Anne Lemieux : welcome everyone, things were going will until 7
Fran Bullington has entered the room.
Anne Lemieux : Hey Lorena
Cathy Nelson : How many in the chatroom have a Kindle?
Donna Teuber : I have a Kindle 3
lorena swetnam : hey anne! hi everyone!
Monique German : Me
Emilie Woody : I do
Fran Bullington : Yes, let someone else try!~
Robin Chandler : I have the second generation one.
Tamara Cox : we have six at school, but not one personally, I have an iPad
susan mitchell WEB has left the room.
susan mitchell WEB has entered the room.
Jill Altman : I have an iPad with the Kindle app.
Cathy Nelson : ok just for the record--I *hate* all of u who have one
Cathy Nelson : JEALOUS
Stephanie Nichols : Hi, Tamara, I enjoyed your article in the last SCASL newsletter!
Anne Lemieux : sorry
susan mitchell WEB has entered the room.
Tamara Cox : Thanks Stephanie
Donna Teuber : The Kindle is cheap. Go buy one, Cathy!
Cathy Nelson : Fran it is a no go!!
lorena swetnam : better
pbynum : better now - faint before
Robin Chandler : Much
Donna Teuber : Off and on. Louder now
Jill Eaton : yes
abennett : You sound good to me!
Stephanie Nichols :
Sheila Reynolds : I am hearing you now
Fran Bullington : Turning over to Anne
Heather Loy : yes, anne
Cathy Nelson : Yes--Anne
Cathy Nelson : Folks--we will try to work out kinks
Donna Teuber : You sound just went out
Pat Wilcox : Technology, always an adventure
Toni Heckman WEB has entered the room.
Fran Bullington : What's Murphy's Law say about technology?
Toni Heckman WEB has entered the room.
Tina Harrell has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : LOL
Anne Lemieux has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : Absolutely Murphy's law
Donna Teuber : Okay!
Anne Lemieux has entered the room.
Cathy Nelson : Hi Toni
Tamara Cox : yes
Heather Loy : yes
Jill Eaton : yes
Cathy Nelson : yes
Fran Bullington : yes
Robin Chandler :
Pat Wilcox :
Cathy Nelson : clear clear clear too
Sheila Reynolds : yes
Heather Loy : Remember you have to choose the follow me and then Admin, send current page
Cathy Nelson : u must have the best 'puter of us all
Anne Lemieux : I am here now sorry
Cathy Nelson : go ahead aour webcamend activate y
Jill Eaton : not yet
Fran Bullington : no
Anne Lemieux : I see scasl
Anne Lemieux : Take it away
Cathy Nelson : ok
Monique German : I see Anne's slide
Cathy Nelson : sounds like a plan
Robin Chandler : I still see the Nook
Cathy Nelson : do u wish u had waied?
Heather Loy : which doc do you want donna
Cathy Nelson : waited?
Cathy Nelson : yes
Stephanie Nichols :
Robin Chandler :
Fran Bullington : yes
Pat Wilcox :
Anne Lemieux :
Sheila Reynolds :
Cathy Nelson :
Cathy Nelson : glare?
Toni Heckman WEB has left the room.
HeatherLoy has left the room.
Robin Chandler : Is it backlit for bedtime reading?
Cathy Nelson :
Tamara Cox : my 2 yr old LOVES Nook Kids on my iPad
Jill Eaton : what about audio books?
Cathy Nelson : love my dropbox
Jill Altman : You can read without the bedside light on. I can't get the Overdrive app to work.
Heather Loy : I still side load jill
Cathy Nelson : safety net--real book
Heather Loy : Use BlueFire Reader and load under the apps screen
Cathy Nelson : LOL
Cathy Nelson : that would be the kids
Robin Chandler : you're still just jealous, Cathy, LOL
Cathy Nelson : YES
Cathy Nelson :
Cathy Nelson : 2 in college means limited budget
Heather Loy : Waiting for iPad 2 to come out before I indulge, Cathy!
Robin Chandler : I know your pain
Jill Altman : I think the ibooks is the most expensive and I prefer the Kindle app the most. I like

the dictionary feature.
Cathy Nelson : we want to buy somethign at school with our local budget, but getting resistance
Cathy Nelson : cant use card
Stephanie Nichols : anybody heard that Google might be coming out with an e-reader?
Fran Bullington has left the room.
Heather Loy : Heard of a google tablet
Cathy Nelson : yourreader for those--what is the app?
Cathy Nelson : for mags and news papers
abennett : spring has a new ereader and I think it uses google
abennett : oops sprint not spring
Nancy Harrison has entered the room.
Cathy Nelson : <3 mashable
Fran Bullington has entered the room.
Jill Eaton : how much is an ipad?
Cathy Nelson : u r having no difficulty
Jill Altman : 32 gb is 600 without 3G
Cathy Nelson : U answered the ones I saw in the chat
Cathy Nelson : ys
Monique German : Is there a charge for 3G with iPad and Nook? - free with Kindle
Cathy Nelson : yes
Cathy Nelson : yes
Tamara Cox :
Cathy Nelson : yes Anne
Pat Wilcox :
Cathy Nelson : heavy
Fran Bullington has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : Hi NAncy!!
Cathy Nelson : do u have it in a case?
Heather Loy : Comparison spreadsheet here:
Cathy Nelson : how long if the wifi is on

Stephanie Nichols : Google may be coming out with a SpeedBook eReader since they acquired eBook Technologies.

Cathy Nelson : not fair
Cathy Nelson : no more after once?
Cathy Nelson : hopefully they will improve that
Fran Bullington WEB has entered the room.
Heather Loy : One time per email!
Fran Bullington WEB has entered the room.
Cathy Nelson : my firend says the childrens books are significantly more pricey
Cathy Nelson : friend
Jill Eaton : is that also true for the b/w nook?
Libby Davis WEB has left the room.
Robin Chandler : I do really like the young children's books on the Color Nook.
Jill Eaton : The interactive children's books, I mean?
Cathy Nelson : @Robin--do u find them more expensive?
Fran Bullington WEB has left the room.
Heather Loy : yes, anne
Cathy Nelson : yes
Robin Chandler : I didn't check prices, just played at B&N
Fran Bullington has entered the room.
Cathy Nelson : questions should be a little specific.
pbynum : can you read Fran's information?
Cathy Nelson : LOL
Anne Lemieux : we have the time
Cathy Nelson : FRan u English teacher U!!
Fran Bullington : I'm back - sorry that I tend to be wordy!
Cathy Nelson : Do u like the web browser?
Anne Lemieux : Oh yes the nook will be getting android apps soon
Donna Teuber : Kindle browser is bad
Cathy Nelson : Does nook hve browser?
Robin Chandler : One thing I really liked with the Kindle was that I got a book free from Oprah's

site. It came in a PDF doc. I sent it to Amazon, they sent it to my Kindle. Charged 35

Cathy Nelson : @Robin-WOW
Nancy Harrison has left the room.
Anne Lemieux : cool robin
Robin Chandler : But the audiobook is too computerish
Fran Bullington : true, Robin
Robin Chandler : I mean text to speech
Emilie Woody : You can email PDF documents to the email address that came with your Kindle. I

think that is free
Cathy Nelson : can u use while charging comfortable for all three/four?
Anne Lemieux : yes I agree
Cathy Nelson : Whoooo
Tamara Cox : lol
Anne Lemieux : what a word
Cathy Nelson :
Jill Altman : I find the Kindle books easier to browse on a regular computer and then I sync to the

Kindle (for my mom). I like the Kindle app on my iPad much better than using the actual

Robin Chandler :
Cathy Nelson :
Anne Lemieux : not apple
Fran Bullington : You can also email other file formats to your Kindle email address and they will

be converted to a Kindle format so you can read it on Kindle
Heather Loy :
Cathy Nelson : SCASL should have an ereader playground at conference!!
susan mitchell WEB has left the room.
Fran Bullington : I agree, CAthy!
Tamara Cox : Wonder if Best Buy, B&N, etc would come? Potential sales there!
Cathy Nelson : the complaint at SLJ voiced was that ebooks are device specific--not fair to libraries
Fran Bullington : yes
Stephanie Nichols :
Donna Teuber : Yes. There is a hum
Heather Loy : yes
Sheila Reynolds :
Anne Lemieux : please feel free to ask, I can click on links
Pat Wilcox :
Heather Loy : Sorry, haven't played with the b&w nook
Heather Loy : Didn't like the thingy at the bottom
Pat Wilcox : the original nook is easy to read with but the browsing capability is not the best
Stephanie Nichols : my daughter just got the Nook with Wi-Fi and 3G for Christmas. I opted for this version because of the light

Heather Loy : Again - spreadsheet comparison is
Fran Bullington : Anne, can you read for quite a length of time on color Nook with the backlight?
Cathy Nelson : ok
Heather Loy :
Heather Loy : Fran's Kindle video:
Anne Lemieux : questions dont be shy
Fran Bullington : Sorry I didn't get to go on and on about the Kindle - I really love it.
Sheila Reynolds : Are your students checking out the readers from the library
Robin Chandler : I love my Kindle, too.
Tamara Cox : hooray
Cathy Nelson : its been GREAT yall--looking forward to next webinar-which is application in school setting
Fran Bullington : Only negative I have found about Kindle - doesn't read ePub files.
Donna Teuber : Yes. Ridge View!
Emilie Woody : Fran-Can you download books from the public library to your Kindle?
Sheila Reynolds : Sounds good, I can wait until then.
Nina Crawford has left the room.
Tamara Cox : yes
Fran Bullington : Sheila, don't know if that question was addressed to me - I only have a personal

Tamara Cox : Kindles
Robin Chandler : The plastic cover is an issue. Mine has a small crack even though it is in a good

cover and hasn't dropped any further than from the bed to a wooden floor.
Fran Bullington : No, Emilie.
Donna Teuber : We have one or two Richland 2 media specialists who may want to share.
Jill Altman has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : @Robin--ooops
Jill Altman has entered the room.
Robin Chandler : I know.
Jean Rauton has left the room.
Emilie Woody : Have you tried downloading a PDF through BlueFire on your computer and then

transferring it or emailing it to the Kindle?
Fran Bullington : Question: Do you think that students would read more on eReaders?
Tamara Cox : I wouldn't recommend iPod for long reading
Heather Loy : Calibre
Stephanie Nichols : I access my daughter's Nook downloads through my iPod. I like it!
Tamara Cox : too small
Donna Teuber : I've used it for the Kindle.
Jill Eaton : You can download digital ereader apps to an ipod, but the screen is so small, it's hard

to read (for me anyway)
Cathy Nelson : great qstn for next wek--do kids read more on an ereader.
Tamara Cox : We're testing that question on a small scale Fran
Cathy Nelson : Me--I wodistracte--I know meuld be highly
Tamara Cox : I will share more about it on Feb. 3rd
Cathy Nelson : chat
Cathy Nelson : grr
Cathy Nelson : I would be highly distracted
Pat Wilcox : the itouch also uses apps, It is like a mini iPad
Cathy Nelson :
Anne Lemieux :
Pat Wilcox : The ones I have seen wiht ereaders don't leave home without them
Anne Lemieux : Great chat sorry about the tech problems
Anne Lemieux : distractions for sure
Jill Altman : I love my iPad but because it is so expensive I am afraid to take it out of the house.
Tamara Cox : Great job!
Anne Lemieux : thank you
Jill Eaton : Very informative
Tamara Cox : Really enjoyed it.
Donna Teuber : I enjoyed participating.
Robin Chandler : I used to carry little bitty purses. NOw, mine must be big enough for the Kindle.
Sheila Reynolds : Looking forward
Jill Eaton : clap clap
Julie Hooper : Thanks for the info. This was much better than the play session- making progress!
Robin Chandler : clap clap
Monique German : Robin, me too!
Fran Bullington : Thanks, Cathy.
Pat Wilcox : I look forward to the next session
Cathy Nelson : Agree Julie
pbynum : thanks to everyone
Robin Chandler : Me, too
Stephanie Nichols : for later discussion - does anyone use iPod Touches for students?
Tamara Cox : we have a small amount of iPod touches
Donna Teuber : We're starting to use lots of Touches with students in Richalnd 2.
Cathy Nelson : Great suggestion for a future webinar--ipod touches
Tamara Cox : We starting with six, but hoping for more
Pat Wilcox : One of our elem schools uses them for the math classes
Jill Eaton : I use ipods, among other things, for listening centers (elementary school)
Jill Altman : What apps do they use?
Stephanie Nichols : Is your wireless normally blocked? How do u work around that?
Donna Teuber : I'm working on sync cart directions for the Touches.
Fran Bullington : Heather, thank you for putting this together tonight. I know it was a LOT of work.
Tamara Cox : i'm working on getting them on our wireless, fighting the battle
Donna Teuber : Some of our media specialists just received them.
Robin Chandler : I think you could perhaps have a whole session for them
Tamara Cox : I have six and can share what we have done so far
Stephanie Nichols : awesome
Donna Teuber : Maybe Ashley Paddock or Lorena Swetnam. or Amy Whitfield
Anne Lemieux : okay great
lorena swetnam : once we get them set up- i would def share.
Jill Eaton : Thanks-good bye
Jill Eaton has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : Great thanks for coming
Heather Loy : Bye, Jill
Anne Lemieux : get busy Lorena
Robin Chandler : Thanks, bye.
pbynum has left the room.
Julie Hooper has left the room.
Stephanie Nichols : Enjoyed it!
lorena swetnam : i'm on it anne!
Emilie Woody : Thanks!
Anne Lemieux : good night to all thanks
Robin Chandler has left the room.
Monique German : Thank you, everyone!
Anne Lemieux : Good Lorena
Stephanie Nichols has left the room.
Donna Teuber : Good night!
Tamara Cox has left the room.
Emilie Woody has left the room.
lorena swetnam : great job! thank you! good night!
Heather Loy : Night, all!
Sheila Reynolds has left the room.
Donna Teuber has left the room.
Anne Lemieux has left the room.
lorena swetnam has left the room.
Monique German has left the room.
Pat Wilcox : Good night everyone
Jill Altman has left the room.
Fran Bullington : Night, guys. Thanks for coming!
Pat Wilcox has left the room.
Tambra Pingle has left the room.
Heather Loy : Gonna stop the recording now.
Fran Bullington has left the room.
abennett has left the room.
Cathy Nelson : ok Im out.
Cathy Nelson : I think it went well considering first time....
Heather Loy : THANK YOU CATHY!
Cathy Nelson : nite
Heather Loy : Yes, in spite of the problems, it went well
Cathy Nelson has left the room.