Year 3Science Light – Block 3L – Light and Shadows

Session 2:Reflectorsand Lights
Science curriculum area: Light / i) notice that light is reflected from surfaces
ii) recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous
Working Scientifically (LKS2) / i) gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways to help in answering questions
ii) recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams,
Teaching Objectives /
  • Know what a light source is and that the sun is a light source which is so powerful that it will damage your eyes if you look at it (even with sunglasses)
  • Predict and then investigate which colours show up best and least in the dark
  • Investigate the effect of shining a torch on various objects including reflective materials

Other Curriculum areas / Design Technology
i) build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
Teaching Objectives /
  • To paint their shadow puppet theatre to make it attractive and exciting for audiences

Key Vocabularylight source, energy, reflector, reflect, predict, investigate, reflective materials
Resources: Ahead of the lesson make a dark cave (see Session 2 Teachers’ Notes)
Some large blackout curtains/ a quantity of blackout material (enough to exclude light under 2-3 tables), strong duct tape, safety pins, torches, copies of the Task Sheet and Painting Prompt Sheet, small squares of card indifferent colours, plus black, white, fluorescent colours and mirror card(2 sets of 5cm x 5cm) and a large number of tiny (sample) squares, e.g. 1.5 cm for chn to sort and classify, objects: a mirror, reflector, high visibility strip or item, black and white clothing, puppet theatre boxes with stage cut away (with the opposite side and any outer flaps removed as well) prior to the session – see Teachers’ Notes, acrylic paints, brushes, paint pots, sticky labels, glue sticks, A4 white paper, scissors, black marker pens / Weblinks
- Clip on light sources and reflectors
- Clip on reflective gear for roads
Whole Class:Remind the chn that in this block of science sessions we are learning all about light and shadows that will not only make us brilliant scientists but also help us put on our own shadow puppet play. Show one or two of the puppet theatres that were designed last session and now have the stage front cut away and an open back for the puppeteers. Later this session we shall be painting the theatres to make them look grand and exciting for an audience. But first let’s recap on what we have already learned about light. Show the 5 lives PowerPoint. Praise the chn for their expert knowledge. Let’s think a little more about light. Where does it come from? Yes, something that gives out light is called a light source. Make a list of light sources, e.g. the sun, fire and flames, electric lights, torches. The chn may mention objects that reflect light, e.g. the moon or cats’ eyes but these are not light sources. Explain that light is a type of energy and light sources give out light energy. The sun is by far the most powerful light source. It is a huge ball of burning gases that gives out light and heat.It is so powerful that we would damage our eyes if we looked straight at it even with sunglasses on! The moon does not give out any light of its own, although it seems to glow with light, this is because it reflects (bounces back) the light of the sun. Show the first film clip. Were Boffin’s eyes light sources? No, they only reflected light from the torch. When there is a little bit of light, it is quite hard to see. Why is that? Yes, we need light to see. Do all materials and colours show up equally well in the dark? No. What sort of colours and materials show up best? Gather ideas. Show the chnthe set of different squares of card. Let’s predict which will be easy to see in the dark, which will be hard and which will be somewhere in between. Write headings: Easy to seeon one side of the board and Hard to seeon the other with space in the middle. Sticky tack the squares of card to the board according to the class’ consensus, either easy to see, hard to see or in the middle. Encourage discussion on why.Now we will find out if we are right! Show the Task PowerPoint.
Activities: / Cave Investigation – all groups in turn (See Teachers’ Notes)The cave will need to be set up prior to the session ideally in a darkened space separate to the classroom. If so an extra adult will be required to take groups back and forth. When groups return to the classroom provide a science table with Task Sheets, sample squares, glue sticks, etc. where they can reflect together on the investigation and note their observations and findings. Adult Led / Painting Shadow Puppet Theatres – All.Chn will work in their groups of 3 to prepare their theatre box and paint it. Provide copies of the Painting Prompt Sheet to remind them.
Plenary / Gather chn together to share their observations and findings on the cave investigation. Which colours showed up best in the dark? Which did not show up at all? Were their predictions correct? Explain that light colours reflect (bounce back) more light than dark ones. White reflects most light. Which colour coat would be safest to wear if you were walking along a road at night? Why? What happened when you shone the torch? Why? Did the objects that showed up brightly in the torchlight also show up in the dark? No, discuss why this might be. Click on the 2nd link and watch the film clip. The retro reflective materials needed a beam of light to make them show up.
Outcomes / Children will
  • Recap on prior knowledge by playing an active quiz game
  • Predict and then investigate how well different colours and materials reflect light in a simulated dark cave
  • Record findings by sorting and classifying colour samples, noting observations and drawing conclusions
  • Paint their shadow puppet theatre to make it attractive and exciting for audiences

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We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.