Year 3 Topic Letter

Spring Term 2018

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the new school term. Below is information about the learning we will cover this term, we hope it will be of help to you.

Topic /

Suggestions on how you can help

R.E. – Children will be learning about the followingRE topics ‘Journeys’, ‘Listening and Sharing’ and ‘Giving All’. We will be exploring Life as a journey and sharing our experiences. / Discuss and share your own experiences of your journey in life. Journeys in life have happy and sad events.
Please refer to the RE letter on the school website for key dates.
English– In English we will be exploring a range of genres through books including play scripts, letter writing and newspaper reports. Please continue to support your child with their individual writing targets and encourage them to reread their work for capital letters and full stops. It would be helpful if you could support your child with make and do activities, where they will need to read and follow instructions to produce something. / Please continue to discuss the Big Writing topic with your child as this will help them prepare for our Friday’s writing task.
Listen to your child read daily and record comments in their reading diary.
Read and share books with your child and go to the library.
Maths – In maths we will be continuing to work on mental calculations, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as perimeters, angles, time and shapes. In addition, we will also be exploring mathematical investigations and word problems. The children will carry on using ‘Mathletics’ for homework. This work will continue to be based on the maths topic that we cover in class that week. There is a‘Mathletics’ club once a week, for those who do not have internet access or problems with their computer/internet. / Please continue to help your child to learn and practise their times tables. Once mastered, this knowledge will help them in all areas of maths.
Please also help your child practise their mental maths targets set at CHaT day.
Geography –We will be exploring the UK in our Geography topic this term. We will be comparing contrasting regions within the UK, as well as human and physical geography such as rivers, mountains and human activity. / Discuss with your child what they are learning about at school. Use the internet and library to find out more about this.
Science: Light and Shadow–The children will learn about the relationship between light, an object and the formation of shadows. The children will observe the apparent movement of the Sun and the associated changes in shadows. They will be making and recording measurements and observations, drawing conclusions and suggesting explanations for observations and conclusions. / Discuss with your child that shadows are formed when light from a source is blocked; recognise that shadows are similar in shape to the objects forming them; describe how a shadow from the Sun changes over the course of a day.
Science: Plants– In this unit the children learn about what plants need to grow well and why it is important that they do. Experimental and investigative work focuses on: considering what evidence should be collected, making careful measurements, considering how good the evidence is and using results to draw conclusions. / Discuss the physical characteristics of plants with your child. Share with them that plants provide food for humans and animals. Plants need light, water and warmth to grow.

Computing– The children will be learning to be presenters where they will make a video. They will learn about the different skills involved including producing and editing. They will produce their own timed video and share with their peers. They will be using iPads to facilitate this while also exploring and using new software.

P.E. – The children require their labelled P.E. uniform on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The children will be focusing on multi-skills and dance.
Home Learning for Year 3
Home learning is issued on a Friday to be returned on a Tuesday.
  • Listen to your child read daily and record comments in their reading diary.
  • There will be a literacy piece of homework to complete, as well as a ‘Big Writing’talk topic.
  • Mathletics tasks will be set weekly.
  • Children should continue to work on their personal targets, which will be reviewed at our CHaT meetings.

Thankyou for your support,

Mrs Carrig and Mr Turner.