Year 3 Parent Newsletter Spring 2
The Eucharist - This topic is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the Mass. The children will reflect on the importance of Sunday and why Catholics go to Mass. They will learn about different parts of the Mass like the Liturgy of the Word, the offertory, words of consecration and sign of peace.
This half term we will be basing our literacy on the book ‘Iron Man’ the main aims are:
• To enjoy a story and discuss its meanings
• To explore narrative plot, settings, characters and draw inferences to aid understanding
• To broaden understanding of writers' use of language and build a varied vocabulary
• To write non-fiction texts based on fictional experiences
• To write newspaper reports based on the narrative
Our Punctuation and Grammar target;
Identify and use conjunctions in a sentence.
Guided reading:
Guided reading will take place on Tuesday for all groups. All home reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and library books will be changed on Fridays.
During each guided reading session, yourchildren’s homework diaries will be checked by a teacher. If diaries are not signed your child will lose their rainbow badge until it is signed. (In keeping with school policy) This is an extremely useful form of communication too.
In numeracy we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be learning different methods (mental and written) to solve problems.
The more that your child practices their times tables the easier this will be for them and so your support with this learning would be much appreciated. Children will also be tested on their times table knowledge every Friday morning.
How did that blossom become an apple?
This gives us an excellent opportunity to look at lifecycles and pollination. We will investigate the role of bees and seeds being dispersed. We will celebrate the unit by making our own fruit salads.
How did the Victorians shape the Oldham we know today?
This will be a fantastic unit where we can learn how the cotton mills put Oldham on the map. Early life and changes over time will be researched too. The children will imagine how life used to be as a child worker and learn about the history of Oldham Mumps, Oldham Cenotaph and famous people from Oldham.
ICT We will continue to code and use the internet as a research tool.
Homework will be given on a Friday and handed in by the following Wednesday (this is very important so that we can ensure your child is given homework for the following week if their books arrive in school later than this they may be missed).
It is very important that all homework is completed on time and to the same standard that we expect in school, in order to make it worthwhile. We value your support with this. I will check if homework is completed and if your child misses their homework their rainbow badges will be taken until it is completed.
Spellings will be given on a Friday to be learnt for the following Friday.The spelling test result will be recorded in the homework diary and any mistakes on the test will be highlighted.
PE is on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (yellow top, black shorts and pumps) could you also pack an outdoor PE kit for this term? (hoody/tracksuit/ trainers). Lessons will be both indoor and outdoor.
We will be going swimming on a Friday morning so remembering your swimming bag is essential.
Please see website for diary dates and events and more information on the curriculum and what the children have been up to:
Here are the ‘Golden Rules’ that we will remind and expect all of our children to follow every day.
We will do as our teachers tell us.
We will not hurt anyone by anything we say or do.
We will take care of other people’s things.
Thank you for your help and support.
Miss Comer, Mrs Hall and Ms Hannah
Also please can all parents sign and return the parental agreement forms as soon as possible.