Roman Palestine Reading List for Brandon Olson’s Comp Exam
Anderson, J.
1995 The Impact of Rome on the Periphery: The Case of Palestine-Roman Period (63 BCE-
324 CE). Pp. 446-465 in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, edited by T.
Levy. New York: Facts on File.
Berlin, A.
1997 Between Large Forces: Palestine in the Hellenistic Period. Biblical Archaeologist 60:
2002 Power and Its Afterlife: Tombs in Hellenistic Palestine. Near Eastern Archaeology 65:
2002 Romanization and anit-Romanization in pre-Revolt Galilee. Pp. 57-72 in The First
Jewish Revolt: Archaeology, History, and Ideology, edited by A. Berlin and J. A.
Overman. London: Routledge.
Burrell, B, and Netzer, E.
1999Herod the Builder. JRA 12: 705-715.
Champion, C.
2004Roman Imperialism: Readings and Sources (Interpreting Ancient History). Massachusetts : Blackwell.
Chancey, M. A., and Porter, A. L.
2001 The Archaeology of Roman Palestine. Near Eastern Archaeology 64: 164-203.
Cotton, H. M., and Geiger, J.
1989Masada II.The Latin and Greek Documents: the Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965 : Final Reports. Jerusalem : Israel Exploration Society : Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Eck, W.
1999 The Bar Kochba Revolt: The Roman Point of View. JRS 89: 76-89.
Edwards, E.
2004Religion and Society in Roman Palestine: Old Questions, New Approaches. London :
Halpern-Zylberstein, M. C.
1989 The Archaeology of Hellenistic Palestine, Pp. 1-34 in The Cambridge History of
Judaism, Vol. II, edited by W. D. Davies and L. Finkelstein. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Herbert, S., ed.
1994 Tel Anafa, I: Final Report on Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman
Settlement in Northern Israel. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum.
Hengel, M.
1974 Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early
Hellenistic Period. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Holum, K. and Raban, A.
1993 S.v. Caesarea: The Joint Expedition’s Excavations, Excavations in the 1980s and
1990s, and Summary. NEAEHL.
The Jewish War
The Jewish Antiquities
Kennedy, D. L.
2004 The Roman Army in Jordan. London : David Brown Book Company.
Kokkinos, N.
1998The Herodian Dynasty: Origins, Role in Society, and Eclipse in Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, Supp. 30. Sheffield, U.K. : Sheffield Academic.
2002Herod’s Horrid Death. BAR 28: 2 (Mar./Apr.): 28-35, 62
Lehmann, C. M. and Holum, K. G.
2000 The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima. JECM V. Boston: ASOR.
Meyers, E. M., ed.
1997 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Oxford: Oxford University
Netzer, E.
1981Herod’s Building Projects: State Necessity or Personal Need?. The Jerusalem Cathedra 1: 48-61, 73-80.
2001bThe Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great. Jerusalem : Yad Ben-Zvi: Israel Exploration Society.
2006The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder. With the assistance of R. Laureys-Chachy. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck.
Rajak, T.
2007The Herodian Narratives of Josephus. Pp. 23-34 in The World of the Herods : Volume 1 of the International Conference, ‘The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans’, held at the British Museum, 17-19 April 2001, ed. N. Kokkinos. Stuttgart : Franz Steiner.
Roller, D. W.
1998 The Building Program of Herod the Great. Berkeley : University of California.
Revell, L.
2008 Roman Imperialism and Local Identities. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Richardson, P.
2004 Building Jewish in The Roman East. Texas : Baylor University.
Schürer, E.
1973 The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, new English version edited and revised by G. Vermes and F. Millar. Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark Ltd.
Schwartz, S.
2000Imperialism and Jewish Society: 200 B.C.E. to 640 C.E. Princeton : Princeton
University Press.
Sicker, M.
2002 Between Rome and Jerusalem: 300 Years of Roman-Judaean Relations. Connecticut :
Praeger Publishers.
Stern, E., ed.
1993The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem:
Israel Exploration Society.
Weiss, Z. and Netzer, E.
1996 Hellenistic and Roman Sepphoris: The Archaeological Evidence. Pp. 29-37 in
Sepphoris in Galilee: Crosscurrents of Culture, edited by R. Nagy et al. Winona Lake:
Roman Imperial Military History Field: Reading List
Some Ancient Texts
Aelian, Tactica
*Appian, Roman History and Civil Wars
*Caesar, The Gallic War and Civil Wars
Frontinus, Stratagems
*Josephus, The Jewish War
Polyaenus, Stratagems of War
Polybius, The Histories
*Tacitus, Germania, The Histories
Vegetius, Epitome of Military Science
Note also:
H.M. Cotton, et al. “The Papyrology of the Roman Near East: A Survey.” JRS 85 (1995): 214-35.
R.O. Fink, Roman Military Records on Papyrus, APA Monograph 26 (Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1971)
Republican Background
Adcock, F.E., The Roman Art of War under the Republic (Cambridge; CUP, 1940), 3-26 and 99-124.
*Daly, G. Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War (London; Routledge, 2002), 48-112.
Gabba, E. Republican Rome: The Army and Allies (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976)
Goldsworthy, A., The Punic Wars (London; Cassell, 2000).
Grainger, J.D. The Roman War of Antiochos the Great. Mnemosyne Supplement 239 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), 307-37.
Hammond, N.G.L., “The Battle of Pydna,” JHS 104 (1984): 31-47.
------, “The Campaign and Battle of Cynoscephalae (197 BC),” JHS 108 (1988): 60-82.
*Keppie, L. The Making of the Roman Army: From Republic to Empire (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, rev. ed.)
*Lee, A.D., “Morale and the Roman Experience of Battle,” in Lloyd, Battle in Antiquity, 199-217.
*Lendon, J.E., Soldiers & Ghosts: A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), 163-232.
Raaflaub, K. “Born to be Wolves? The Origins of Roman Imperialism,” in R. Wallace and E.M. Harris (eds), Transitions to Empire (Tulsa: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996), 273-314.
*Rawson, E. “The Literary Sources for the pre-Marian Army,” PBSR 39 (1971), 13-31 (= ead., Roman Cultureand Society [Oxford, 1991], 34-57).
*Sabin, P., “The Mechanics of Battle in the Second Punic War,” in T.J. Cornell et al. (eds), The Second Punic War: A Re-Appraisal (London: BICS Supplement 67, 1996), 59-79.
*------, “The Face of Roman Battle,” JRS 90 (2000): 1-17.
*Sekunda, N., “Military Forces,” in P. Sabin et al. (eds), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 1.348-57
*Wheeler, E. “The Roman Legion as Phalanx,” Chiron 9 (1979), 303-18
Zhmodikov, A., “Roman Republican Heavy Infantrymen in Battle (IV-II Centuries BC),” Historia 49 (2000): 60-82.
Roman Imperial Army
*Goldsworthy, A. The Roman Army at War, 100 BC-AD 200 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993).
------, The Complete Roman Army (London: Thames and Hudson, 2003), esp. 46-151.
Holder, P.A., Studies in the Auxilia of the Roman Army from Augustus to Trajan (Oxford: BAR, 1980).
*Le Bohec, Y., The Roman Imperial Army (London: Routledge, 1994)
*Lendon, Soldiers & Ghosts, 233-315.
*McMullen, R. “The Legion as a Society,” 33 (1984), 440-56 (= id, Changes in the Roman Empire: Essays in the Ordinary [Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990], 225-35.
*Pollard, N., Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000).
*Sabin, P., et al. (eds), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), volume 2, esp. pp. 3-232.
Speidel, M.P., “The Rise of Ethnic Units in the Roman Imperial Army,” ANRW 11.3 (1977), 202-31.
------, Roman Army Studies (Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1984)
------, The Framework of an Imperial Legion (Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1992)
Webster, G., The Roman Imperial Army (Totowa: Barns and Noble, 1985, 3rd ed)
Comp Reading List and Test Format for Brandon Olson’s General Field: Classical and Hellenistic History/Military History with Dr. Mark Munn
Ancient Source Reading List for Both Test Sections
Aeneas Tacticus
Athenian Constitution
Cavalry Commander
Secondary Source Reading List for Second Section
Chaniotis, A. War in the Hellenistic World
Delbruk, H. Warfare in Antiquity
Engels, D. Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army
Hanson, V. D. The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece
Lendon, J. E. Soldiers & Ghosts: A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity
Souza, P. et al. The Greeks at War: From Athens to Alexander
van Wees, H. Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities