Year 2 Newsletter

Summer Term 2018

Dear Parents,

We hope you had a lovely Easter break and welcome back to the Summer Term.

This term the children will be preparing for the end of Key Stage assessments, which will help us to determine where the children are working at the end of Year 2. There will be some informal and formal testing taking place in April, May and June.

Below is an outline of the subjects we will be covering this term:

English:During our English lessons this term, we will be focusing on mythical stories, poetry and explanations. We will also be working hard to develop our writing style, including the use of adverbs, apostrophise and being able to use a variety of different sentence openers.

Maths:We will be looking at fractions in depth – unit and non-unit fractions as well as equivalence. We will build on the work we have started on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. There will also be a focus on geometry: symmetry, right angles and rotation.

Science:In Science we will continue our study of plants and animals in the local environment. We will be doing some field studies and observations within the school grounds to support our learning about living things and classification. We will also look at how to keep ourselves healthy.

Computing: During the first half term we will use our previous knowledge of algorithms and start programming logo turtles and use an app called Scratch. In the second half term we will use and apply everything learnt in our time in Year 2.

History:We will be exploring the lives of ten inspirational women through the ages including Boudicca, Queen Victoria, Emily Davison and Mother Teresa. We will consider what they did and the impact they have had on our lives by their actions.

Art: To complement our history topic we will look at Female Artists of the 20th Century and their non-representational approach to art. These include Barbara Hepworth, Joan Mitchell and Bridget Riley.

Design and Technology:After half term we will start our topic on vehicles. This involves learning about wheels and axles and how to use these when making wheeled vehicles for a specific purpose. The children will make a bus using the skills learned.

Music:We will continue to use our new and exciting music scheme to learn musical vocabulary, listen to and compose our own songs. This unit is all based around a friendship song.

P.E: The children will continue to have PE with Mr Baker twice a week. The children do go outside for PE every week.Trainers need to be kept in school in case we have to change our PE day or have additional sessions.

We hope you find this information useful. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to come and discuss them with me by contacting the office to arrange an appointment.

Thank you once again for your co-operation and support.

Kind regards

Mrs A. Dodds, Mrs J Reynolds and Mrs M Hall

Year 2 Team