Year 2 Medium Term Plans Spring 1 2008: Joseph and the Egyptians S.Varnam

7.1.08 / WEEK 2
12.1.08 / WEEK 3
19.1.08 / WEEK 4
26.1.08 / WEEK 5
2.2.08 / WEEK 6
See key literacy unit plans based on renewed framework objectives. Units to be covered:
Narrative unit 1 – Stories with familiar settings (Further 2 weeks) – Continued from last term
Non-Fiction unit 3– Information Texts(3 weeks)
Poetry unit 2 – Really Looking (1 week)
  1. Recap previous term’s phonics
  2. ue / u-e
  3. ear / eer
  4. air / are
  5. wh / qu
  6. ch / ph
/ Text: Joseph and His Brothers
Key Objectives: See unit plan (narrative 1)
Phonics: Recap previous term
1. Read Joseph and his brothers’ story. Recall key events and role-play favourite scene. Children sequence story.
2. Recap story and mime a chosen scene. Model question writing and hot seat Joseph. Children write own questions for Joseph and hot seat partner.
3. Thought tapping drama. Freeze frame a scene and extract thoughts of characters Children add thought bubbles to video stills.
4. Children write an exciting fact about themselves and share. What exciting things do we know about Joseph? Create a character profile / passport to Egypt.
5. Recap week’s work. IN groups children create a mind map of whole story using 2connect. Using mind map create a book review of the story. / Text: Maisy and the Rainbow Dream
Key Objectives: See unit plan (narrative 1)
Phonics: ue / u-e
1. Ask children to recall Joseph’s dreams. Model writing a recount of one of the dreams. Children write own recount of Joseph’s dreams.
2. Read the story Maisy & the Rainbow Dream. Act out scenes from the dream to recount. Ask children to write a short mini- book (or diary) of the events in Maisy’s dream using time connectives.
3. Use previous days work and photocopy each child’s work. Give a piece of work to each child and ask them to edit and improve the work of other children using highlighters/pens etc.
4. Ask children to recall one of their own dreams. Act out the dream in small groups. Children complete a dream planner to plan the story of their dream.
5. Children write their own exciting dream using their planners from previous session. / Text: We’re Going Down the Nile/ Croco'Nile
Key Objectives: See unit plan (non-fiction 3)
Phonics: ear / eer
1. Read ‘We’re going down the Nile’. Ask children to recall all the things they see on WBs. Children take a magic carpet ride over Egypt and write all the objects they spot!
2. Read CrocoNile and this time encourage the children to list sights, smells, textures and sounds of Egypt.
3. Examine the glossary of Nile book. Why do we need it and what does it do? Identify any unknown words from the two books and highlight.
4. In pairs take a word from either book and write a short glossary entry.
5. Create an Egyptian mini book of unknown words from the 2 books and write just like a glossary. / Text: We’re going down the NileKey objectives: See unit plan (Non-Fiction 3)
Phonics: air / are
1. Examine an interactive dictionary and why we use it. Examine the order of the alphabet. Give groups set of alphabet letters with some missing. Order and identify missing letters. What word can you make from missing letters? Write a short definition for that word.
2. Practise using a dictionary. Give children objects to find in the dictionary and write the definitions for those objects. Give a definition and see if they can identify the word.
3. Children create an ABC of Egyptian objects to use later to create a dictionary.
4. Examine the layout of a dictionary and how to carefully construct a definition. Make a class big book dictionary of Egyptian objects.
5. For fun, using syllables children create mixed up animals from Egypt. Children then write a definition for this mixed up animal and place in a class book. / Text: EgyptHoliday Brochures
Key objectives: See unit plan (Non-Fiction 3)
Phonics: wh / qu
1. Examine an Egyptian holiday brochure and what info is included. Look at headings, subheadings and captions. Children highlight own copy and pick out key words and features.
2. Take a picture of Egypt and children write a short entry about the place and what you can do there. Write a caption to match picture.
3. Ask children to write a small holiday leaflet for Brimington and give headings.
4. Plan an Egyptian holiday leaflet as a mind map using headings from previous lesson.
5. Children write a short holiday leaflet all about Egypt. What can you see, do, taste, enjoy…etc?
Encourage children to write a short glossary at the back of key words people might not understand. / Text: Rainbow / Colourpoems
Key objectives: See unit plan (Poetry 2)
Phonics: ch / ph
1. Read the children the poem ‘The Rainbow’. Ask them to highlight key words and descriptive language. Read aloud the poem in pairs using actions and expression.
2. Recap the poem and show images of various rainbows on IWB. Ask children to create a class rainbow of words on pieces of coloured paper and to include as many adjectives as possible.
3. Using the words from the previous day write an acrostic poem for the word RAINBOW.
4. Make mix and match colour discs and write descriptive sentences like blue is the peaceful ocean, red is a raging fire.
5. Write a final poem based largely on the poem ‘The Rainbow’ using a structured pattern and similes e.g. a rainbow is colourful like Joseph’s coat, a rainbow is bendy like a banana.
See Abacus Evolve unit plans and MTP for key objectives from renewed framework. / Block A Unit 2: Counting, Partitioning & Calculating / Block A Unit 2: Counting, Partitioning & Calculating / Block B Unit 2: Securing number facts and understanding shape / Block B Unit 2: Securing number facts and understanding shape / Block C Unit 2: Handling Data & Measures / Block C Unit 2: Handling Data & Measures
Rocks & Forces
Sc1: 1, 2b, f, g, h
Sc4:2a, b, c / LO: To construct a mind map of what they know about an object.
Explain that many different rocks can be found in Egypt. Examine various rocks and look at properties. Children examine using magnifying glasses and draw a mind map of information about the rock. / LO: To describe similarities and differences between materials.
Children sort rocks using various criteria (but not appearance!). Carry out tests such as can it scratch a coin? Can you write with it? Will it float etc? Record results. / LO: To sort materials according to their properties e.g. shiny, hard, smooth.
Examine magnetism. What does it mean? How do we know if something is magnetic? Can rocks be magnetic? Why? Test rocks to find out if any are magnetic and record results. / LO: To use observations and to measure force in Newtons.
Examine the process of pyramid building in Ancient Egypt. How did the slaves pull the rocks to the top? Build slopes and test various rocks using a force meter. Which needs the most force and why? / LO: To use correct equipment and record observations accurately.
Examine last week’s experiment. How could we change it to make it easier to pull the rocks up the ramp? Investigate gradient and the effects it has on force needed. / LO: To compare the movement of different objects in terms of speed and direction.
Again develop last 2 week’s experiment and investigate the invisible force of friction. How does different surfaces affect the rate of force needed to pull rocks?
Joseph’s coat / Egyptian art
1a, b, 2b, c, 4a, b
1a, b, e, 2a, c, d, e / LO: I construct my work using diagrams and labels. I investigate a range of products and say how they’re put together.
Examine Joseph and his coat of many colours. Look at various coats and the parts which constitute them. Design a coat for Joseph and label features e.g. collar, cuffs, pockets, sleeves etc. / LO: To assemble, join and combine materials using the right tools and techniques..
As a whole class chose a favourite design from last week. Split children into teams to make various parts of the coat using fabric to collage. Children then come together to join all the elements of the coat using appropriate joining techniques. / LO: To plan what to do next when working on designs.
Joseph now needs to get funky and become part of the 21st century! He needs a t-shirt of many colours! Children create repeating patterns on sandpaper and transfer onto white t-shirts with an iron (+ an adult!) / LO: To show my ideas in drawing and printing.
Examine Egyptian hieroglyphics. Children create a name cartouche using Egyptian stamps and coffee to stain the paper. / LO: To represent in drawing my ideas and feelings.
Examine the detailed engravings and printings on a sarcophagus. Make large 2D coffins by drawing around a child and children use texts and images to add detail and design to the paper coffin in teams / LO: To investigate printing.
Examine wall paintings in tombs. Children create a card and string stamp depicting their life today. They then roll with paint and stamp onto class size piece of paper to create a depiction of life in 2008!
CD-ROMS & Internet
1a, b, 2a, 3a / LO: To use buttons to navigate a CD-ROM. To use keywords to locate information on a CD-ROM
Introduce use of Young Explorer as an interactive encyclopaedia. Children can familiarise themselves with this program by choosing own topic to search for. / LO: To use an index to locate information.
Ask children to use Young Explorer to find research about Ancient Egypt. Use the glossary and search engines to help. Print off most interesting fact. / LO: To load the Internet browser and use hyperlinks to navigate the WWW.
Children progress to using Google search engine on Internet. Ask them to find out about a famous person and print off any work. / LO: To load the Internet browser and use hyperlinks to navigate the WWW.
Recap work on Google search engine and now ask the children to locate an Egyptian famous person – Tutankhamen! What can they discover? / LO: To gather information from a variety of sources.
Using the information the children have discovered about Ancient Egypt and King Tut, copy and paste work into Text ease and create a poster about Egypt. / LO: To use text, images and sound in a piece of work.
As a final piece of fun to end the topic children can chose to create an Egyptian sound picture or an end Egyptian mind map to show all they have learned over the whole topic using 2 Connect or Story Maker.
Egypt & The life of Tutankhamen
1a, 2a, b, 4a, b / LO: To talk about the differences between things from the past and now.
As an introduction to the topic brainstorm everything the children already know about Egypt. Use 2 Connect to mind map. Show Egypt on a globe and the shape of the land. Examine pictures of Ancient Egypt and today’s Egypt. Create a map of Egypt and collage. / LO: To use the computer to find out about famous figures.
What does it mean to be famous? Mind map ideas. Who is famous today and why are they famous? Children use internet to find information about a famous person and record evidence. / LO: To use the computer to give views about historical figures.
Egypt had a very famous king called King Tutankhamen. Examine PowerPoint and why he was famous. Compare a pharaoh with our queen using a Venn diagram. Children again access internet to find differences between queens and pharaohs. / LO: To recount events of a famous person’s life.
Examine the pharaoh’s life and times. Explain that King Tut was only a boy about our age and he had complete control over all Egypt. What would you do or change if you were King/Queen. Write a summary. / LO: To sequence some events from a famous person’s life.
Tell the children that King Tut died very young and under suspicious circumstances. But what happened to him after he died. Examine the process of mummification and make a death mask. / LO: To use labelled diagrams to tell people about the past.
How do we know about King Tut? Examine the work of Howard Carter and talk about the latest exhibition in London O2 Arena. Examine the tomb of King Tut and make observational, labelled drawings.
Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work
Dance:Morning in Ghana(see Primrose Dance pack) - African dances.
Gymnastics: 8a, b, c & d
Dance: a, b, c & d / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Travelling and balancing (from floor to apparatus).
Dance: Morning in Ghana / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Travelling and balancing (from floor to apparatus).
Dance: Morning in Ghana / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Jumps (from apparatus) and rolls.
Dance: Morning in Ghana / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Jumps (from apparatus) and rolls.
Dance: Morning in Ghana / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Gymnastic sequences on apparatus (travel, balance, jump, and roll).
Dance: Morning in Ghana / Gymnastics: See PE Scheme of work. Gymnastic sequences on apparatus (travel, balance, jump, and roll).
Dance: Morning in Ghana
The story of Joseph and Moses and the Exodus
(Taught largely through Literacy weeks 1 & 2) / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Examine the story of Joseph and His brothers. Explain this is a bible story that has many different versions. Ask children to sequence story and retell in groups. Show how each re-telling was different. / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Examine Joseph as a person and what made him so special. Create a character profile. / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Examine Joseph’s gift given to him by God (dream interpretation). Children write about a special dream they have had and use a dream dictionary to try and interpret the children’s dreams (use tentatively). / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Develop the idea of empathy within the children by freeze framing scenes from the Joseph story and asking children in groups to thought tap characters and express their feelings. / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Examine the next story from this period in the bible about Moses and the Exodus. Use drama to re-tell the story of Moses and film using digital camcorders and cameras. / LO: See Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus (Questions & Answers / Worship)
Recap the story of Moses and examine the ten commandments and how they affect the lives of Christian people. Children write their own very special 5 commandments for use in our school.
Helping each other.
Recognising similarities and differences.
2a, e, 3a, b, c, e, f, 4a, b / LO: To learn to help each other.
Examine the Egyptian game of Senat (or a simpler version which is like noughts and crosses). Children work in pairs together to make their own version of the game. / LO: To learn to take turns and share.
Children have the opportunity to share their games from the previous week, but remembering to take turns and share with everybody, not just their close friends. / LO: To learn to stay safe around household tools and substances.
Children examine some foods that Egyptians may have eaten e.g. falafel and prepare some of the foods. Remember cleanliness and sharing of equipment. / LO: To learn to stay safe around medicines and household substances.
Examine the substances needed for the mummification process e.g. oils, chemicals, salts etc. Explain the dangers of some of these substances and of some substances (e.g. medicines) you may have in your houses. Write 3 rules for staying safe in the home. / LO: To learn that all people are different and we should appreciate and respect differences.
Examine why the Egyptians built pyramids. Examine the treasures of King Tut. What special things would you include in your own pyramid? Make a pyramid planner. Ask children to bring in special objects to them. / LO: To learn that all people are different and we should appreciate and respect differences.
Children show their special objects in a circle time and build a personal pyramid that is filled with their very special objects!
Colours – Sounds Topical
1a, b, 2a, b, 4c, d / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives
Place where the rainbow ends – singing, listening for the shapes of a rainbow and responding through movements. / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives
As in previous lesson but using various percussion instruments to create rainbow shapes in sound (low-high-low). Perform rainbows to class. / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives
Patterns to play – performing rhythms from grid notation. / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives
Colour combinations – matching vocal, body sounds and percussion instruments to colours. Draw the shapes of the sounds on paper. / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives
Colour combinations – Design a simple colour notation dream coat. Children then play the coat notation using a sound for each colour. / LO: See Sounds Topical Objectives