CELERY (Apium graveolens)
I. Soil and climatic Requirement
Celery is commonly grown in a mild cool places with a temperature range 18 – 24°C. But some variety can be grown in hot area, that can tolerate too much heat.
Generally celery grows well in a well drained, high in organic matter soil. A soil pH ranging from 6.0 – 6.8 suit the growth of celery. If planted in clay soil it is suitable to mixed it w/ lots of organic matter to make it loose. Prepared drainage canals specially during rainy seasons to avoid fungal diseases.
II. Variety developed by Known – You Taiwan
1. Tall Utah – plant are tall with thick light green petioles slow
bolting, good for up land planting
2. Summer – plant are medium to small in height suitable in close planting, stalk are thick and fiber less w/ dark green leaves grown in hot places.
III. Seedling Care.
Celery seed usually grown in container before transplanting into the field. Using seedling trays 104 and growell medium lessen mortality, uniform growth, save seeds as well as avoid stress during transplanting. Place seedling into a nursery for better growth. Seedlings are ready for transplanting 20 -25 days after sowing.
IV. Transplanting and spacing
Field to be planted with celery should be well prepared. It should be free of weeds and soil are plow and harrowed twice. Prepare a plot 1 meter wide and about 6 -8 inch high. Make a canal about 0.5 meter in each plot. It is better to apply basal fertilizer to the plot. Cover plot w/ silver – black plastic mulch to avoid weeds to grow, maintain soil moisture as well as soil erosion.
Transplanting should be done in the afternoon to avoid stress in the plant. If you use large variety is should be spaced 30 – 40 cm each plant while small celery variety can be planted 20cm a part.
IV. Fertilization
A. The following are recommended for basal fertilization in every 20 meter plot.
2 sacks organic
2 kiloscomplete
1 kilocalcium nitrate
100-150 grams boron
100-150 grams magnesium
B. Drenching
Should be done 7 – 10 days after transplanting . Dissolved the recommended fertilizer in 16 liter of water. Using a sardines tin can (regular size), fill it up with dissolved fertilizer and apply it in the base of each plant.
Week / Calcium nitrate1 / 75g
2 / 150g
3 / 225g
4 / 300g
5 / 300g
Side Dressing
Apply 50 – 100g of urea in every 1 meter square planting area. This is done every 15 days , for varieties that can be harvested 60 – 65 days after transplanting.
V. Irrigation and Drainage
Celery required lots of water during its entire growth specially during summer for having a short roots .Farrow irrigation or lay sprinkler are some ways for watering the plants. Irrigate plants after applying fertilizer to be easily absorbed by the plants. Prepared drainage canal specially during rainy season to avoid water logging in the area.
VII Pest and Diseases
Pest / ControlArmyworm / Selecron
Cutworm / Malathion
Snail / slugs / Snail bart
Diseases / Control
Shallow heart / Mancozeb
Leaf spot / Dithane
Root rot / Dithane
Stem rot / Redeem
VII. Harvesting
Celery can be harvested 60 – 65 days for some variety. Others can be harvested as early as 40 – 50 days from transplanting. Harvesting should be done early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the plant from wilting . Harvested celery can be wrapped by plastic or paper before transporting to market. If refrigerated harvested celery stay crisper for up to a week.
HARBESTYour partner in profitable short-term, high-value commercial crops production
For provincial inquiries, please contact or call:
HARBEST Technology Dev’t. and PromotionCenter, Pangasinan 0917-8173034
HARBEST Cebu Branch Office, CebuCity (032)2557109 0917-3272378
HARBEST BacolodCity (034) 4410667 0919-6867574
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HARBEST Leyte, TaclobanCity 0906-4850972 0915-4031091
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Quezon Area 0921-5538590
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT(02) 6712239 0917-5203260
CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPT.0917-8474861 0917-8438560
Harbest communications
Summer Celery from Known You Seed Co. of Taiwan
No. 5 Rosemarie Lane, Brgy. Kapitolyo, PasigCity
Tel. No. 6717411 to 14 Fax No. (02) 6712232
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