Year 2 / Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan

Term / Autumn 1
Week / Week 1
04/09/17 / Week 2
11/09/17 / Week 3
18/09/17 / Week 4
25/09/17 / Week 5
02/10/17 / Week 6
09/10/17 / Week 7
Themed Week / WE CARE / Charity week
Events / Friendship Day (end of week) / Lit and Lang – Unit 1 / Lit and Lang – Unit 1 / Lit and Lang – Unit 2 / Lit and Lang – Unit 2 / Lit and Lang – Unit 2
Reading / Reading and Phonics Assessment / Sister for Sale by Adrian Bradbury. Explore the theme of family relationships and independence. Look at characters feelings can change throughout a story.
Create a story about friendship which is set in a school.
Personal/Class log / Sister for Sale by Adrian Bradbury. Explore the theme of family relationships and independence. Look at characters feelings can change throughout a story.
Create a story about friendship which is set in a school.
Personal/Class log / Children explore how families on the animal world are different to human world.
Write an explanation about a frog’s life cycle.
Personal/Class log / Read a variety of poems and explore poetic techniques.
Imagine a new sea creature and create a shape using kennings to represent it.
Personal/Class log / Read a variety of poems and explore poetic techniques.
Imagine a new sea creature and create a shape using kennings to represent it.
Personal/Class log.
Writing / Writing Assessment
Grammar & Punctuation / Capital letters, full stops and question marks. / Commas in list, suffixes, ing, er,est.
Compound words. / Commas in list, suffixes, ing, er,est.
Compound words / Conjunctions and adverbs, / Conjunctions and adverbs,
Spelling & H-writing / No core words assessment till next half term
1-6 corewords spellings everyday in their yellow books. Handwriting – ascenders and descenders. / ff, ll, ss / z, zz, se, s / nk
ng / s / es / Children to apply these spelling rules to independent writing.
Maths / Maths Assessment / Reading and writing numbers and words, compare and order number / number bonds revision 10/20/100 / Place value
Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones) / Place value combinations and inequalities / Addition inc diene rods
Add and subtract 2digit numbers (column method)
Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones.
Geography / To use contents pages of a variety of atlases to locate UK. To recap Uk nations and capital cities. / To identify the flags of the UK and famous landmarks. / Locate the UK and look at neighbouring countries on the map of the world. / Focus on keys of map, specifically the mountain ranges in the UK. / Formative assessment –
Geography quiz.
Art & Design / To explore the works of water painting artist (Jaquie Waldman). / To practise basic water-painting techniques: a variety of tools (sponges, cotton buds etc.) / To practise basic water-painting techniques: thickness of brushes, strokes wet and dry. / To copy and emulate the works of water painting artist (Jaquie Waldman). / To display our work in a “pop up” art gallery. Give reflect feed to the artists. Children to evaluate their own work.
Music / Call and response- to repeat rhythmic and melodic patterns with voice and hands simultaneously applying a range of dynamic variation. / Call and response- to repeat rhythmic patterns using percussive instrumentation ensuring a range of dynamic is used. / To create a musical soundscape based on a chosen theme assigning a dynamic to each element. / Each child will create an individual graphic score representing performance expressions such as piano, forte, crescendo and diminuendo symbolically. / To assign suitable instrumentation to their graphic score. To be able to perform as a group incorporating performance expressions. To show clear understanding about the role of the performer and conductor.
(Being Me in My World) / Article 14: (Freedom of thought, conscience and religion): Children have the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. / Hopes and fears for the year
I can identify some of my hopes and fears for this year
I recognise when I feel worried and know who to ask for help / Rights and responsibilities
I understand the rights and responsibilities for being a member of my class
I recognise when I feel worried and know who to ask for help / Rewards and Consequences
I understand the rights and responsibilities for being a member of my class
I can help to make my class a safe and fair place / Rewards and consequences
I can listen to other people and contribute my own ideas about rewards and consequences
I can help make my class a safe and fair place to be / Our Learning Charter
I understand how following the Learning Charter will help me and others learn
I can work co-operatively / Owning Our Learning Charter
I can recognise the choices I make and understand the consequences
I am choosing to follow the learning Charter
RE / Morals in stories? Reflecting on experience. / Who is Jesus and why is he special? / What story did Jesus tell? / Why did he tell stories? / Children to confidently explain how stories can change people.
Computing / Using turtle- programming. / Revising positional language. / Writing arealgorithms and knowing what a right angle. / Instructional writing / To understand what algorithms are and to program a turtle to move around a given route accurately.
Science / Living and non living- diagram – survival basic needs / Investigations – What habitats exist in our local environment? / Animals in different environments. / Life cycle – animals, humans, have offspring which grow into adults / How to define living and non living, knowledge of basic survival needs of humans, animals and plants. To explain a life cycle.
PE / Children to control the ball when dribbling. / Children to dribble the ball in and out of the cones. / Chn to be able to trap a football using their foot. / Chn to develop sense of generating/adjusting power of shot/pass. / Football playing skills – moving the ball from one of the playground to the other by passing it to their partners. / Football playing skills – moving the ball from one of the playground to the other by passing it to their partners. / How to control and pass the ball to team members confidently.