Year 11DRAMA Unit Plan – Term 2, 2015
Unit 1 (Term 1) – Australian Realism
Unit Overview:
Students will use drama for exploring and expressing their individual and social identities. They will learn to use symbols, tension, mood and multiple subtexts in making drama.They will develop and refine expressive skills in voice and movement for a range of forms and styles, performance spaces, types of staging and audiences. Students will learn to create through collaboration, exploration and experimentation related to Realism.
Assessment No. / Description / Due Date1 / Forming- Directing an Australian Realism script excerpt
Conditions: Individual 4-6 minutes / Week 5
2 / Presenting– Script Excerpt from an Australian playscript
Conditions: Individual (performance in groups), 2-3 minutes / Week 10
Unit Details:
No / Learning Goals (SWBAT) / Success Criteria1 / Identifywhat Realism is and its conventions. / By the end of the term I can:
Annotate a published script focussing on the dramatic elements.
Define realism and apply techniques in a performance to portray a convincing character.
Compare performance styles and identify the use of dramatic meaning.
Creating a directorial concept and applying this to peers.
Apply realism conventions to a scripted performance.
2 / InvestigateStanislavski’s method and how this relates to Realism.
3 / Compare Naturalism and Realism.
4 / Identify Australian playwrights.
5 / Evaluatedramatic conventions and how these are used in X-Stacy
6 / Apply realism techniques to portray a developed character in a life-like way.
7 / Apply techniques for effective group rehearsal and performance.
8 / Understand how to annotate a script and the correct structure to follow.
9 / Demonstratea directorial conceptualisation with a published playscript.
10 / Reflect on performance and effective use of dramatic meaning.
Aldridge State High School – A. Russell