DUE DATE: Week 1, Term 2
LENGTH: about 1,250 words
Students read and view a wide range of texts with purpose, understanding and critical awareness.
In achieving this outcome, students:
- interpret the conventions of written and visual texts with increasing understanding and critical awareness;
- demonstrate increasing critical awareness of the ways language varies according to context and how language affects the way students view themselves and their world; and
- select with increasing effectiveness from a repertoire of processes and strategies when reading, viewingand writing by reflecting on their understanding of the way language works.
Tasks that are submitted late will lose 20% of the task value per day (or 30% if it is a weekend) as per school policy. Medical certificates or other verification must be submitted upon the first day of return to school if a student is absent on the day of a task. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and must be sought before the due date.
TASK: Portfolio of annotated texts.
- Collect 4 texts that celebrate Australia and/or its people. At least one text must be about youth/young Australians.
-3 must be visual texts (film posters, DVD/CD/ book covers, paintings, professional photographs, non-commercial advertisements only).
-1 must be a prose piece of 250-400 words length (a whole text or an extract from a memoir, a short story, a speech, biography, autobiography only) or a poem.
-Chosen texts must be submitted to your class teacher for approval by the end of week 7 of term 1.
- Identify the target audience and purpose for each text
- Annotate each visualtext for the following visual conventions and describe its effect:
-dominant images/foreground/background/size of images
-camera angle/s
-camera shot
-vectors/reading path
-font size/style/colour/shape/framing
-print text/written codes/captions/literary devices of printed text
-proximity/body language/facial expressions
- Annotatethe printtext for the following language features and describe its effect:
-Tense (past, present, future, continuous or progress forms of tenses, conditional, subjunctive)
-Person (first, second, third + singular or plural)
-Register (formal, colloquial, slang, taboo)
-Figurative or poetic language (metaphors, similes, sound imagery, repetition, powerful diction, superlatives and so on)
-Dominant sentence types (simple, compound, complex, mixed)
-Any other technique that is relevant.
- Write a 250-word response to one of the text, which depicts Australian youth. It may be a print or a visual text. Use your annotations to form the basis of your answer.
“Explain how young Australians are represented in the text.”
All work must be presented in a scrapbook with each text glued onto a new page, surrounded by its annotations. The 250 word response should also be placed in the scrapbook.
- identifies and explains how visual and print language features represent Australia
- demonstrates critical awareness of how texts shape understanding of themselves and their world
- writes with clarity and precision about texts in a well-integrated response.
Visual Text 1 – a student
Comprehensively identifies and explains how visual and written language features, techniques, codes or conventions shape representations of Australia / 4
Identifies and attempts to explain how visual techniques, features, codes or conventions shape representations of Australia / 3
Identifies visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 2
Identifies a few visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 1
Non-attempt, non-serious attempt / 0
Visual Text 2– a student
Comprehensively identifies and explains how visual and print language features shape representations of Australia / 4
Identifies and attempts to explain how visual techniques, features, codes or conventions shape representations of Australia / 3
Identifies visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 2
Identifies a few visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 1
Non-attempt, non-serious attempt / 0
Visual Text 3– a student
Comprehensively identifies and explains how visual and print language features shape representations of Australia / 4
Identifies and attempts to explain how visual techniques, features, codes or conventions shape representations of Australia / 3
Identifies visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 2
Identifies a few visual techniques, features, codes or conventions / 1
Non-attempt, non-serious attempt / 0
Print Text 1– a student
Comprehensively identifies and explains how written language features shape representations of Australia / 4
Identifies and attempts to explain how written techniques, features, codes or conventions shape representations of Australia / 3
Identifies written techniques, features, codes or conventions / 2
Identifies a few written techniques, features, codes or conventions / 1
Non-attempt, non-serious attempt / 0
Written Response – a student
Demonstrates critical awareness about the way texts represent themselves and their worlds in a well-integrated and fluent response / 4
Demonstrates some critical awareness about the way texts represent themselves and their worlds in a well-integrated response or may demonstrate critical awareness but in a less well written response. / 3
Demonstrates some awareness of the ways text represent themselves and their worlds. May have not write clearly or with accurate use of spelling, syntax and spelling. / 2
Attempts to write about themselves and their worlds and/or with many errors in syntax, grammar and spelling. / 1
Non-attempt, non-serious attempt. / 0