Year 11 Listening and Appraising Easter Homework

All homework to be done in your orange books

  1. Plan in detail a Samba essay question – focusing on harmony,sonority, melody, structure. You only have to listen to the first two minutes of both. Use your booklets to help you revise Samba.

Use this essay plan below:

Harmony / Melody / Sonority / Structure
Samba EmPreudio
Miles Davis – Blue in Green
  1. Write an essay based on your planning in your orange book. Remember you have 12 marks. Make 6 clear comparisons between each set work.

Mastery Quiz

There are three pieces we still haven’t looked at in detail. You job over the Easter holidays is to go through your booklets and answer these questions. This will make the first lesson of each set work easier.


  1. Which country is Esperanza Spalding from?
  1. What instruments does Esperanza Spalding play?
  1. Who wrote the music for the original ‘Samba EmPreludio’?
  1. Who wrote the words for ‘Samba EmPreludio’?
  1. What language is it sung in?
  1. Name the three instruments in ‘Samba EmPreludio?

7. There are 7 sections in the song – can you name them all?!

8. Give three features of the harmony in ‘Samba EmPreludio’

Killer Queen

1.Who is the singer in Queen?

2. Who is the guitarist?

3. Who is the bass player?

4. Who is the drummer?

5. What album is Killer Queen from?

6. In what year was it released?

7. Write at least three ways that give Queen their distinctive sound

Harmony questions in Killer Queen

1.What key is Killer Queen in? (1 mark)

2.What are the 2 chords that are alternated between in the opening 4 bars? (2 marks)

3.What is the harmonic rhythm in the opening 4 bars? (1 mark)

4.What are the notes of a G7 (dominant 7th of C major) (4 marks)

5.In which bars is there a circle of 5ths and what is this sequence of 4 chords? (5 marks)

6.What key does the song start in and what is it’s relationship to the tonic? ( 2 marks)

7.Give an example of an extended chord used in Killer Queen. (1 mark)

Beethoven’s Pathetique

  1. What century was Beethoven born in?
  1. Beethoven spanned two important musical periods. What were these?
  1. How many piano sonatas did Beethoven compose?
  1. What number is the Pathtique?
  1. What does Pathtique mean?
  1. Can you give two musical features of the classical period?

Questions on the introduction to the Pathetique

Listen to the piece and have a go at these questions. We review them after the Easter holidays.

1. What is the tonality of the introduction?

2. What key is the introduction in?

3. Give two ways that Beethoven creates tension harmonically

4. Make two points about the dynamics in the introduction

5. What is the texture throughout the introduction?

6. Give two features of the melody in the introduction