2ndDecember 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians


and Practice Field Trip to Shepperton High Street

I am writing to give you details of the Fieldwork and Controlled Assessment which will be carried out as part of your son’s/daughter’s GCSE Geography Course. This is 25% of his/her total Geography examination mark. In order to fulfil this important aspect of the course, thefieldwork has been arranged at Juniper Hall, Dorking to complete the exam title “How sustainable are the flood defences in your chosen study area?”

Your son/daughter will carry out a study at a river near Dorkingon Tuesday 12th April 2016. The trip will be run by a Field Studies Council Member who specialises in the topic concerned.

Your son/daughter will need to arrive promptly at 8.25am and meet in 4a to register. Pupils are free to wear their own clothes but should be mindful of the need for appropriate clothing suited to the environment. Any child not dressed appropriately will not be allowed to participate and will spend the day in school, thus missing out on an important out-of-school learning activity. Pupils will return to school at approximately 6.30pm to maximise the learning time for their GCSE results.

The Fieldwork Focus Controlled Assessment will be completed within 16 hours of lesson time. The completedControlled Assessment will be handed in before the summer holidays and it cannot be amended.The specific deadline for each class will be written in their planners. If a pupil misses a lesson this time will be made up after school.

Checklist of clothing and equipment

  • Students will be expected to wear appropriate clothing suited to the activity
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Wellington boots - only pupils in Wellington boots will be able to enter the water. An important aspect of the trip!
  • Warm outer clothing e.g. fleece, hat, and gloves / sun cream – as appropriate to the weather condition that day
  • Pencil/biro x2
  • Clipboard - optional
  • Large clear plastic bag to cover clipboard in wet weather
  • Camera to take photographs to include in your final work – optional but highly recommended
  • Packed lunch, drinks and snacks for the whole day – there will be nowhere to buy food!!
  • Back Pack/Rucksack

Students will be transported by coach or school minibus and will be escorted by staff at all times. In the interests of health and safety, students who fail to follow the school’s expected code of behaviour, particularly that of following instructions, will not be considered for this activity. Unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour in school prior to the trip may result in your child being withdrawn from the activity.

As this is a compulsory element of your child’s GCSE course, this year the school will be partly funding the trip. The cost of the trip is a voluntary contribution of £10.00 per child. This can be paid by cash, a cheque made payable to Thamesmead School or via Tucasi online. If this poses a financial strain then please contact myself in confidence.

This cost covers external instruction by fully trained Field Studies Council staff and all transport costs for the day.

No student may take part unless we received the attached parental consent form and medical form. Both forms should be returned directly to the Finance Office by Monday 14th December 2015, with the £10contribution, in an envelope. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Miss Jones

Teacher in charge of trip

2ndDecember 2015

Practice Field Trip to Shepperton High Street for Controlled Assessment

During January and February 2016your child will spend one of their Geography lessons collecting primary data on land uses in Shepperton High Street, to complete a practice controlled assessment in preparation for their GCSE fieldtrip to a river near Dorking in April. Please note if there is bad weather on the scheduled day of the trip it will take place in the following lesson.

Pupils will register in their Geography classroom as per usual during their Geography lesson, and then walk to Shepperton High Street where they will carry out the fieldwork. They will be wearing their full school uniform and return in time for their next lesson of the day. Clip boards and fieldwork packs will be supplied. Students will use this primary data to complete a practice Controlled Assessment. This willto give them the best opportunity to succeed in actual Controlled Assessment which will be written up after the fieldtrip in April.

No student may take part unless both of the attached forms,parental consent form and medical form, have been received theby Monday 14th December 2015. Both forms should be returned directly to the Finance Office.

If you have any queries regarding this particular activity please contact your child’s Geography teacher.

Yours faithfully

Miss Jones

Teacher in charge of trip

To: Miss Jones c/o Finance Office - Thamesmead School

Re: Juniper Hall Field Trip– Geography GCSE – Tuesday 12th April 2016


Shepperton High Street Field Trip – Any lesson time in Jan and Feb 2016

Students Name: ______Tutor Group: ______

I wish for my son/daughter to take part in the above-mentioned school activity and, having read the information sheet, agree to his/her taking part in all or any of the activities described therein.

I certify that, as far as I am aware, my son/daughter is medically fit to undertake this activity and there are no known health reasons why he/she should not do so.

I understand that while the school staff in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of the children, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my son/daughter arising during, or out of, this activity.

I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that any instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed.

Signed: ______Date: ______


I enclose £10.00 cash

I enclose a cheque for £10.00 made payable to ‘Thamesmead School’

I have paid £10.00 by Tucasi online

Please return forms and contributionto the Finance office by Monday 14th December 2015


School Trip to:Juniper Hall Field Trip – Geography GCSE – Tuesday 12th April 2016

and Shepperton High Street Field Trip – Any lesson time in Jan and Feb 2016


Does your son / daughter suffer from any condition requiring medical treatment or medication? Yes / No.

If YES, please give details

Does your daughter/son suffer from any allergies (e.g. penicillin, insect stings/bites eggs, nuts)? Yes/No

If YES, please give details

Should your son / daughter be in contact with any contagious or infectious disease or suffered from
anything in the four weeks prior to the events that may later become contagious or infectious, please contact us separately.

Has your son/daughter received a tetanus injection in the last five years? Yes / No

I undertake to inform the visit organiser as soon as possible of any change in these medical circumstances between the date signed and the commencement of the journey.

Emergency contact numbers:

Name (relationship) / Home Telephone / Mobile Telephone

Name, address and telephone number of family doctor:


I agree / do not agree to my son/ daughter receiving medical treatment including anaesthetic as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I understand and accept the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided.

Signed: ______Date: ______
