Year 1 Medium Term Topic Plan Topic: Animal Discovery Summer Term 2017
Language, Literacy and Communication* Write in response to a stimuli - letters
* Choose a pet and making a list of reasons why it is a good pet. Use of bullet points in list.
* Information writing: Write a fact file about an animal from Folly Farm.
* Recount of Folly Farm visit
* Retell the story of Noah’s Ark
* Stories from other cultures: The Papaya that Spoke.
* Writing on Jit for the above tasks.
* Regular spelling practice using the Read Write Inc programme.
* Weekly spelling tests.
* Regular handwriting sessions.
* Role Play – Animal Hospital and The Jungle.
* Reading non-fiction texts to find out about animals to inform writing during Story Time and in Guided Reading. / Mathematical Development
Giving change in the Animal Hospital role play. Measuring footprints and animals in the jungle role play.
Problem solving in the sand and water using measure.
Use repeating patterns to design snakes using printing.
Compare temperatures of different habitats for a range of animals.
Collect information about favourite animals and record in tables.Represent data in different ways e.g. bar graphs, pictograms. (Use jit chart and pictogram)
Daily drills – tallying numbers for dinners, sandwiches, counting marbles in the jar, counting star stickers.
Paying for milk in SiopLlaeth
Grouping children for P.E. (1,2,3…1,2,3) Use number words when writing instructions for how to care for an animal. Eg. Two spoons of medicine. / Knowledge and Understanding of TheWorld Sorting living/non-living things. Naming baby animals. Sorting animals according to characteristics: Use of Venn Diagrams. Animal life cycles. Developing animal fact files. Building animals in Construction and drawing a labelled diagram. Investigating seasonal changes in woodlands. Using senses to explore the rainforest.
Personal and Social Development
Understanding that actions have consequences. Demonstrating care for the environment, plants and animals.
Observing a situation and bringing fairness to it Recognising people who are responsible for promoting safety strategies eg. Pet owners and animal keepers.
*Linking the above skills to the topic and Forest Schools. / Welsh Development
Counting using Welsh in Maths sessions
Daily Slot Drillio reinforcing vocabulary and language patterns already learnt
Beth wytti’nhoffi?
Learning animal names in Welsh and compiling a Welsh animal dictionary.
Writing descriptions of pets and animals in the third person.
* Retelling the story of Y Babi Sinsir (learnt through TFW)
* Beth sy’n bod? Oesanifailanwesgydati?
Physical Development.
Jumping backwards and hopping forwards on one foot.
Performing the actions of travelling, jumping,landing and stillness.
Developing spatial awareness.
Dance – expressing own ideas and moving creatively.
Improving what they do by watching others.
Preparing for Sports Day.
Tying a single knot.
Constructing models using kits – linked to animal theme.
Developing scissor skills.
Handwriting practise. / Animal Discovery
/ Creative Development
Junk modelling animals focussing on how to attach different shapes.
Pastel drawings of animals.
Taking part in self-assessment and peer-assessment of work.
Clapping/tapping a steady beat in time with others.
Exploring a variety of sound sources and choosing suitable sounds in response to a given stimulus. Recognising and responding to sounds and music in terms of dynamics, pace, duration.
Using the Carnival of the Animals to teach the above. Developing an outdoor musical area. Expressing ideas through movements which vary in shape, rhythm and form of travel using different body parts, moments of stillness and held balances.
Singing a range of animal themed songs.