Cultural Advocacy Coalition
Board Meeting
Aug 21, 2015
Present: Chris Coleman, Scott Freck, Steve Bass, Peter Bilotta, Mike Hollern, Janeanne Upp, Mark McCrary, Executive Director Christine Drazan. By phone: Jane Reid, JS May, Janet Plummer
Call to Order:
Chris Coleman called the meeting to order at 2:20 PM. Invited board members to respond to prompt: describe what your hope for the future of culture in Oregon and your hope for the future of the coalition looks like. Board discussion.
Peter Bilotta moved for adoption of the May meeting minutes, Steve Bass seconded. Minutes were adopted without correction.
Financial Report:
Janeanne Upp gave the financial report, noting that the balance sheet as of July 31, 2015 showed current assets of $64,036.00 with accounts payable of $4,090.00. Contributions income was $77,898 against a budget of $80,000 with expenses at $47,614 against a budget of $47,296 as of July 31, 2015. Upp noted that the board may want to have a discussion related to use of revenues above budget at the November board meeting.
Fundraising Report:
Christine Drazan reported membership pledges through December 2015 were $79,348.38 and that organizational renewals and individual renewals in the final quarter of the year may bring additional revenues of up to $7,500. Steve Bass requested a list of organizations with budgets over $1 million. Mike Hollern requested a list of members by donation levels. Board discussion of fundraising this year and possible foundation support in the future.
Legislative Session Report:
Drazan gave an overview of the legislative report, noting highlights from the completed session as more funding and staff for the OCT, and additional staff for the Arts Commission, as well as passage of the Coalition’s priority bill to adjust the distribution of funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Long-term Planning, initial board discussion:
Coleman led board discussion which reviewed the strategic plans for the Oregon Arts Commission and the Oregon Cultural Trust and highlighted areas where the Cultural Advocacy Coalition could support various goals within the plans. Board discussed new items in strategic plans, aspirations for possible dedicated funding source, structure of CAC as 501c4, relevance of Coalition to the cultural community, role of culture in communities, value to business and challenges related to arts education, operating support and integration into an Oregon brand.
Conflict of Interest Policy:
Held over to November board meeting.
Lobbyist contract:
Coleman asked Drazan to clarify for the board what was needed related to a lobbyist contract during the interim and short 2016 session. Drazan asked the board to consider renewing a lobbying services contract with the Victory Group. Board discussed terms and scope of work. Mark McCrary moved that the board give Drazan authority to negotiate an interim/2016 Session contract with the Victory Group, with terms of no more than $2,000/month interim and $3,500/month session rates. Scott Freck seconded. Motion passed.
Other business: Drazan reported that she attended the Oregon Community Foundation’s Studio to school Rendezvous and that this five year arts education grant was creating a strong cohort of nonprofits, community and school leaders who may have an interest in pursuing an arts education advocacy agenda at the end of the grant.
Board members were invited to a post board meeting reception at the home of Janeanne Upp.
No further business, Chris Coleman adjourned the meeting at 4:25PM.