Year 1 BA QTS Visit Guidance:

In Year 1 SBL the 6 hours would be used in this way:

1 hour visit per term over the year (4x 1hour), and 2 hour final visit to complete final review.

For Year 1 Associate Teachers, it is envisaged that over each half term (4 ‘windows’ – see dates below), ULTs will meet the AT either at the school on a Tuesday, or at the University at another time. Where ULTs cannot visit the school on a Tuesday, they will schedule an early visit on another day, and schedule additional visits to the school, as appropriate, when the AT is not there.

Y1 ‘Window’ 1: between w/b 07/11/2016 and w/b 12/12/2016

Y1 ‘Window’ 2: between w/b 09/01/2017 and w/b 06/02/2017

Y1 ‘Window’ 3: between w/b 27/02/2017 and 27/03/2017

Y1 ‘Window’ 4: between w/b 01/05/2017 and w/b 22/05/2017 (includes Interim Check)

On each of the above visits, completion of specific Professional Development Activities should be reviewed and discussed (as indicated in Y1 Professional Development Activities booklet). Completion of Child Profiles should also be discussed on each visit.


Associate Teachers need to gain an insight into levels of planning in a primary school (long term, medium term and short term), and support in this area should be provided throughout the year. Suggested progression is as follows:

Autumn Term: Associate Teachers should be engaged in discussion about the planning process, and shown good examples. Using the university lesson planning format, and based on the class teacher’s planning. Associate Teachers should begin to plan lessons, or parts of lessons for groups.

Spring Term (1)As above + Associate Teachers should be shown examples of medium term planning and how this translates to weekly and/ or lesson plans. This will enable them to gain insight into how lesson planning fits into a ‘bigger picture’.

Spring Term (2) As above + Associate Teachers should be given the opportunity to engage more with medium term planning, and how short term planning is derived from this. This may involve some collaborative working, but Associate Teachers should not be asked to derive their own medium term plans during the first year placement.

Summer Term (1)As above + Associate Teachers should be given the opportunity to evaluate progress towards medium term planning.

Summer Term (2, block placement)

As above + Associate Teachers should be completing lesson plans with increasing independency, and preparing plans and teaching the whole class in some lessons, as deemed appropriate.

Y1 Interim Check – Extended Guidance

At this point, no formal assessment against the Teachers’ Standards is needed. The Interim Check form will need to be completed and will enable us to collate information needed to ensure ATs are on track in particular areas. Robust targets should be in place for the block placement.

ATs should have built up their planning more by now and should be beginning to evaluate how children’s progress relates to planning for the medium term and not just for individual lessons.

They should be building up planning, delivery and evaluation (using LP1, 2 and 3); however there is unlikely to be whole lessons or solo teaching to evaluate at this stage.

  1. The following should be checked at this stage:

1)AT files – thoroughly - ATs should be planning and delivering part lessons, if not whole lessons; plans should include detailed evaluations;

2)Weekly review meetings - ATs should have had 3 or 4 review meetings with their mentor, and there should be robust targets in place from each one, and robust targets set or being set (depending on when your visit is) for the block placement;

3)Formal observations of AT teaching – there should have been 3 or 4 by the end of May;

4)AT’s understood of the ‘signposting’ of evidence in their teaching file (once justifications and explanations/descriptions of evidence have been made to support a new level of attainment against the TS);

5)Child Profiles – progress review; advise on details to assist completion (e.g. sample work, data etc);

6)Observations of other colleagues in school – this should be happening systematically (tied to targets/standards to address and part of the ATs’ ongoing development);

  1. Ensure:

1) Relevant lessons have been identified for the AT to begin more detailed planning;

2)The mentor has shared relevant resources to assist in this process (including pupil data to support differentiation and planning against expected outcomes);

3)ATs are engaged with (not completing) medium term planning ahead of the forthcoming block placement and more intensive delivery etc;

4)Completion of QA forms.

  1. Complete the Interim Check form with the Associate Teacher and Professional Mentor/ Class Teacher.