YCUCC Shepherd’s Leadership Team
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Present: Pastor Mark Gregory, Anne Engelhardt, Keith Frisk, Fred Gaebler, Deanna Bazan, Marcella Culberson, Lori Redmon and Kathy Farren.
The meeting was called to order by Anne Engelhardt. Fred Gaebler gave devotions and an opening prayer. Kathy Farren volunteered for devotions next month.
Minutes from the January 10, 2013 meeting were reviewed. There were no corrections and a vote on accepting them will be taken next month as there was not a quorum present.
SHEPHERD’S REPORTS- in addition to written reports (attached).
Operations: Finance- Marcella said revised treasurer’s reports would be e-mailed. She corrected the way the accounts appear but there is no change in the bottom line. She separated budgeted and unbudgeted items. On the balance sheet, she plans to do away with the separate item for youth minister since that salary is now paid as part of the budget’s operating fund. She will do the same with the Stephen Ministry fund.
Operations: Organization Support – Marcella said the Operations Committee picked what work Mike Herren will do on the lighting. They will include Mary Ellen Anderson, building manager, in their plans.
Information Services- there was no additional report.
Christian Education: Youth –Deanna said they have an air hockey table available and they are talking to others who use the low ceiling area to determine where it will be set up. In the computer room, they would like to take six of the eight computers out and recycle them. Pastor Mark suggested asking Lynn Goins to contact the computer consultant to look at those computers and the ones in the office to determine which should be kept. The room also needs re-painting, which Deanna volunteered to do. She will also talk to Doug Clevenger about it. Pastor Mark reported that Tom Lindblom offered to give the church a 10 by 4 foot table from the Fire Department and another table that needs a pedestal.
Christian Education: Adult – Fred Gaebler said they will have a program Feb. 20 from 5:30 to 6:30 on India at a Glance. On March 6, Mary Lee Swickert will begin a class on Progressive Christianity.
Worship: Serving and Preparation – Lori Redmon said there was no additional report.
Church Family: Caring – there was no additional report.
Church Family: Fellowship – there was no additional report.
Community: Evangelism and Outreach – there was no additional report.
Community: Missions – It was reported that the last soup Sunday raised $301 which will go to Hesed House.
Vice Chairperson’s Report – Keith Frisk reviewed Interim Guidelines for Projects/Major Expenditures. It was suggested that an additional step be added. “Based on the magnitude of the project, it may also need to be approved by vote of the congregation.” He asked that any additional suggestions be sent to him within two weeks so the Shepherds’ Leadership Team can vote on them next month. Anne said the group is also working on developing a vision for the church.
Chairperson’s Report- Anne Engelhardt reported on the need to include church staff in communications and make sure the Shepherds Leadership Team was also aware of what staff members are doing.
Pastor’s Report – Pastor Mark noted that the youth will continue their services during Lent with the final service on Good Friday on “Conversations at the Cross.” The choir will present a cantata on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter. Deanna Bazan said the Easter breakfast will be from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Anne adjourned the meeting and we closed with a prayer.
The next meeting is scheduled will be Thursday, March 14 at 7 p.m. at the church.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Farren, recording secretary