1. Many of us have anxieties or behaviors which actively block the healing process:

· Self-defeating or sabotaging behavior.

· Fear of healing--fear of acting and living in a new way.

· Fear of the truth.

· Fear of having to take steps that will change your current situation.

· Fear of being happy and healthy.

2. Are you working well with a therapist? If you have not found one, why not?

· If you have a therapist, are you comfortable with him or her?

· If not, have you taken steps to address the problem or to find a new therapist?

· What stops you from doing what is best for your future well-being?

3. Have you taken time to be still--to listen to the inner voice?

· Do you take time to reflect on where you are?

· If you are never silent do you know what you are running from and why?

· What is it that you do not want to hear?

4. What are you doing to nurture your spirituality?

· Do you know what you are called from? Do you know what you are called to?

· Have you considered working with a qualified Spiritual Director?

"Healing may not be so much about getting better as about letting go of everything that isn't you--all of the expectations, all of the beliefs--and becoming who you are. Not a better you, but a realer you. ... We need to let go, to throw away everything that isn't us in order to be more whole" (Moyers, Healing and the Mind, 354).

Healing is about evoking the will to live.

© 1994

The Rev. Nancy Lane, Ph.D.

A Healing Ministry

P. O. Box 274, Lansing, NY 14882