10.00 am
Salam sejahtera and Good morning
YBhg. YB Dato’ Joseph Salang, DeputyMinsiter of Information,Communication and Culture Malsysia
YBhg Dato’ Dr. Rothiah Omar,
Deputy Chief Secretary
Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Malaysia,
Mr. Yang Binyuan
Director of AIBD
YBhg. Dato’ Norhyati Ismail
Director General of Broadcasting Malaysia
Senior Officials Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture Malaysia
Presenters, Participants
Distinguishedguests,Ladies and Gentlemen,
- A very good morning. I wish to take this opportunity to welcome all our guests, speakers and participants to this inaugural Conference on Broadcast Training a project co-organised together with The Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD).If may I add that, this is in fact one of the many projects that wehavejointly-organised with AIBD in our strive to be an internationally renowned training centre in Broadcasting Information, Communication and Culture.
- We are happy and honoured to have participants from the Asia-Pacific Region, Europe, the Arab States and Africa. All together we have 60 participants from 24 countries representing 43 broadcasting training centres and organisationsthat have come to take part in this first International Conferenceon Broadcast Training. From our home country Malaysia we are happy and pleased to have guest speakers and participants from the Ministry of Information Communications and Culture, Department of Broadcasting, Academy of Arts Culture and National Heritage,Centre for Excellence BERNAMA, University Malaysia Sarawak and Taylor’s University.
Distinguished Ladies & Gentlemen
- Today’s opening ceremony certainly marks another significant milestone in IPPTAR efforts in global cooperation and towards the advancement of the broadcasting arenas challenges have taken faced.
- We are happy to work with AIBDas the conference will provide us opportunities toenhance networking among training organisations in broadcastingfrom all corners of the world. This conference will provide a platform for practitioners in broadcast training to discuss and contemplate on current issues related to building competencies in an evolving media environment, besides listening to experts from different field in broadcasting training who will be imparting their experience, knowledge and know how on the current progress with regard broadcast training.
- The field ofMedia and Communication isundoubtedly veryprogressive and dynamic, developing in tandem with technology development. The advent of new media with practical and ideological changes of traditional media has impacted social change and subsequently transformed the world communication landscape. Therefore there is a perpetualneed to understand and evaluate the impact of media communication that is increasing in line withtechnological development. The theme i.e Building Competencies in an Evolving Media Environment essentially means that the ever evolving media landscape has resulted in inevitable debates and issues related to the current state or trend in training developments in building human resource competencies.
- For the first time a conference of this nature is being held by IPPTAR and AIBD on matters pertaining to training development within broadcast training organisations. It is our job not only to sustain our organisation objectives and growth but to extend it beyond survival. I hope this two day conference will provide us the tools for senior managers of broadcasting bodies in the Asia Pacific ,Arab State, and the African Region to achieve organisational goals andovercome challengers inan evolving media environment.
- I sincerely hope during this short stint here in Kuala Lumpur you will have a wonderful experience, enjoyed our food, our hospitalityand the networking opportunities. I wish you all, fruitful and engaging discussions ahead. So on that note once again in the name IPPTAR I welcome you who have travelled from faraway places to Malaysia.
Thank you