Cale Green Primary School

Year 3- Miss Falconer - Theme 1Overview

The Ancient Civilisations

What have the ancient civilisations done for us?

Our first topic this year isabout the four ancient civilisations. We will find out the answers to who, what, when, where and why as we create our own research projects about the Ancient Indus Valley, the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Sumer and the Shang Dynasty.

English Link up

We begin this theme with the study of ‘There’s No Such Thing as a Ghostie’ by Cressida Cowell as we prepare to visit her at Stockport Plaza on 19th September. This involves planning, writing and editing our own narrative stories.

Following this, we will then use the knowledge that we gain about the Ancient Civilisations to create and shape texts, such as reports and information texts.

Maths Link up

We will become fluent in recognising the place value of each digit in a three-digit number and will be able to apply this knowledge to explain our reasoning and solve problems.

Children will continue to master key number facts such as times tables through regular practice at home and at school; in particular the three, four and eight times tables. By the end of year 4 all children are expected to know their tables up to 12 x 12. Therefore, practice in Year 3 is essential!Let’s see how many completed number facts charts we can get by the end of Year 3!

Cross Curricular Links

Physical Education

P.E will be on Thursdays and Fridays for this theme. We will begin to develop invasion game skills outside and will be working on gymnastics indoors.

Please ensure that your child has suitable P.E kit in school, (white t-shirt and black shorts or jogging bottoms) and doesn’t wear jewellery on P.E. days.


Homework folders will be given out on Monday. The children will have spellings to copy and learn, along with a Mathssheet to complete weekly. Additional homework will sometimes be set linked to the theme or for handwriting practice. The completed homework folder is due back into school every Friday. A homework club is available at lunchtime.

The online ‘My Maths’ homework will also be set each week. The children have their own individual log in details which can be found in their homework folders. If children do not have access to a laptop or computer at home, homework club is available at lunch times.


Children should be reading as often as possible. Please try and aim to hear your child read at least 4-5 times a week and then make a note of this in your child’s reading record. Children have also been given the ‘Reading Bingo’ list for Year 3 in their homework folders. Once a line of books has been completed, children will be awarded a prize and once they have completed every book, they will receive an award in assembly.


Please remember to encourage your child to use this strategy for learning spellings- Look / Say/ Cover / Write / Check.


To help support your child’s learning over the course of this theme, there are several websites, listed below, which you could explore with them:

- Ancient Sumer

- Indus Valley

- Ancient Egypt

- Shang Dynasty

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Please find me on the playground after school.

Miss Falconer