Y10 Mobile Device Project / Self-Assessmentdesigntechnology
1. Task Analysis criteria
- Excellent analytical skills. All the keywords analysed posing one or two questions.8-10 marks
- Most of the keywords have been analysed with at least one question.6-7 marks
- Some of the keywords have been analysed with a question.4-5 marks
- A few of the keywords have been analysed.2-3 marks
- An attempt has been made.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence. 0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)2. Product Analysis
- Excellent analytical skills. All prompts used. Statements and reasons given.8-10 marks
- Most prompts used. Mainly statements with some reasons given.6-7 marks
- Some prompts used. Mainly statements provided, no reasons or suggestions.4-5 marks
- One or two prompts used. All statements. Mainly labels.2-3 marks
- An attempt has been made.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence. 0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)3. Specification List
- All the titles have been filled in with 4 or more relevant points. Use of sentences.8-10 marks
- Most titles have been filled in with 3 or more points. Some use of sentences.6-7 marks
- Some of the titles have been attempted. Some use of sentences.4-5 marks
- Few of the titles have been attempted. Mainly one word points.2-3 marks
- An attempt has been made. Unclear and doesn’t make sense.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence. 0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)4. Initial Ideas 1
- 5 or more high quality ideas, neatly rendered, use of isometric all are thoroughly annotated.8-10 marks
- 3 or 4 good quality ideas, some imperfections, use of isometric, annotation present.6-7 marks
- 2 or 3 ideas, scruffy with little if any rendering, poor use of isometric, evidence of labelling.4-5 marks
- 1 or 2 ideas, poor in presentation, no isometric, some attempt at annotation/labelling.2-3 marks
- 1 idea, poor quality, no consideration of the presentation or analysis of the idea.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence.0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)5. Initial Ideas 2
- 5 or more high quality ideas, neatly rendered, use of isometric all are thoroughly annotated.8-10 marks
- 3 or 4 good quality ideas, some imperfections, use of isometric, annotation present.6-7 marks
- 2 or 3 ideas, scruffy with little if any rendering, poor use of isometric, evidence of labelling.4-5 marks
- 1 or 2 ideas, poor in presentation, no isometric, some attempt at annotation/labelling.2-3 marks
- 1 idea, poor quality, no consideration of the presentation or analysis of the idea.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence. 0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)6. Initial Ideas 3
- 5 or more high quality ideas, neatly rendered, use of isometric all are thoroughly annotated.8-10 marks
- 3 or 4 good quality ideas, some imperfections, use of isometric, annotation present.6-7 marks
- 2 or 3 ideas, scruffy with little if any rendering, poor use of isometric, evidence of labelling.4-5 marks
- 1 or 2 ideas, poor in presentation, no isometric, some attempt at annotation/labelling.2-3 marks
- 1 idea, poor quality, no consideration of the presentation or analysis of the idea.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence. 0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)7. Initial Ideas Blister Pack
- 5 or more high quality ideas, neatly rendered and presented all are thoroughly annotated.8-10 marks
- 3 or 4 good quality ideas, some imperfections some ideas have been annotated.6-7 marks
- 2 or 3 ideas, scruffy with little if any rendering, some evidence of labelling.4-5 marks
- 1 or 2 ideas, poor in presentation, some attempt at annotation/labelling.2-3 marks
- 1 idea, poor quality, no consideration to the presentation or analysis of the idea.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence.0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)8. Exploded View
- A high quality exploded view, which is neatly rendered and fine lined.8-10 marks
- An exploded view, some imperfections with some areas for improvement.6-7 marks
- An exploded view, scruffy with little if any rendering, obvious areas for improvement.4-5 marks
- An attempt at an exploded view.2-3 marks
- An attempt, not recognisable as an exploded view.1 mark
- No attempt or no evidence.0 marks
Pupil Assessment:………………….
Teacher’s Assessment:………………….
Arising targets (What do you need to do to improve?)