xxxxxxxxxxxx Community Unit #xx

Superintendent Evaluation Instrument

As an annual regularly scheduled activity, the Board of Education of Palestine Community Unit School District #3 will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent of Schools prior to the regular January board meeting at which the board will present its findings to the superintendent. The primary purpose of the evaluation will be to effect improvements in administrative leadership.

Part I


The duties of the superintendent are divided into seven categories. Each board member is asked to rate the superintendent on each item in all categories on a scale ranging from 1 – 9. The number 1 is the lowest possible score and indicates gross incompetence. The number 9 indicates excellent or highly commendable performance. Any score of 1, 2, or 3 will be regarded as indicators of unsatisfactory performance; 4, 5, or 6 as satisfactory but not commendable; and 7, 8, or 9 as commendable.

A. Relationship with the Board

_____1. Keeps the board informed on issues, needs, and operation of the school system.

_____2. Offers professional advice to the board on items requiring board action, with appropriate recommendations based on thorough study and analysis.

_____3. Interprets and executes the intent of board policy.

_____4. Accepts constructive criticism of his/her work.

_____5. Supports board policy and actions to the public and staff.

_____6. Has a harmonious working relationship with the board.

_____7. Understands his role in the administration of board policy, makes recommendations for employment or promotion of personnel in writing and with, and accepts responsibility for his recommendations. If the recommendation is not accepted by the board, he willingly finds another person to recommend.

_____8. Receives recommendations for personnel from board members with an open mind but applies the same criteria for his selection for the recommendations as he applies to applications from other sources.

_____9. Accepts his responsibility as liaison between the board and personnel, working toward a high degree of understanding and respect between the staff and the board.

_____10. Remains impartial toward the board, treating all board members alike.

_____11. Refrains from criticizing individuals or group members of the board.

_____12. Goes immediately and directly to the board when he feels an honest, objective difference of opinion exists between him and any or all members of the board, in an earnest effort to resolve such difference immediately.

_____13. Bases his position with regard to matters discussed by the board upon principle and is willing to maintain that position without regard for its popularity until an official position has been reached, after which time he supports the decision of the board, as long as he remains in its employ.

B. Community Relationships

_____14. Gains respect and support of the community on the conduct of the school operation.

_____15. Solicits and gives attention to problems and opinions of all groups and individuals.

_____16. Develops friendly and cooperative relationships with news media.

_____17. Develops methods for communicating with the community during emergencies

_____18. Achieves status as a community leader in public education.

_____19. Works effectively with public and private agencies.

C. Staff and Personnel Relationships

_____20. Develops and executes sound personnel procedures and practices.

_____21. Develops good staff morale and loyalty to the organization.

_____22. Treats all personnel fairly, without favoritism or discrimination, while insisting on performance of duties.

_____23. Delegates authority to staff members appropriate to the position each holds.

_____24. Recruits and assigns the best available personnel in terms of their competencies.

_____25. Encourages participation of appropriate staff members and groups in planning, procedures, and policy interpretation.

_____26. Evaluates the performance of staff members, giving commendation for good work as well as constructive suggestions for improvement.

_____27. Takes an active role in the development of salary schedules for all personnel, and recommends to the board the levels, which, within budgetary limitations, will best serve the interests of the district.

_____28. At the direction of the board, meets and confers with leaders of the teachers association representing to the best of his/her ability and understanding the interest and will of the board.

D. Educational Leadership

_____29. Understands and keeps informed regarding all aspects of the instructional program.

_____30. Promotes and monitors continuous school improvement processes.

_____31. Participates with staff and board in studying and developing curriculum improvement.

_____32. Organizes a planned program of staff evaluation and improvement.

_____33. Provides democratic procedures in curriculum work, utilizing the abilities and talents of the entire professional staff and lay people of the community.

_____34. Models high professional standards.

E. Business and Finance

_____35. Keeps informed on needs of the school program—plant, facilities, equipment, and supplies.

_____36. Supervises operations, insisting on competent and efficient performance.

_____37. Determines that funds are spent wisely, and adequate control and accounting are maintained.

_____38. Evaluates financial needs and makes recommendations for adequate financing.

F. Personal Qualities

_____39. Defends principle and conviction in the face of pressure and partisan influence.

_____40. Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in all personal and professional matters.

_____41. Earns respect and standing among his professional colleagues.

_____42. Devotes his time and energy effectively to his job.

_____43. Demonstrates his ability to work well with individuals and groups.

_____44. Exercises good judgment and democratic processes in arriving at decisions.

_____45. Possesses and maintains the health and energy necessary to meet the responsibilities of his position.

_____46. Maintains poise and emotional stability in the full range of his professional activities.

_____47. Is suitably attired and well groomed.

_____48. Uses language effectively in dealing with staff members, the board, and the public.

_____49. Writes clearly and concisely.

_____50. Speaks well in front of large and small groups, expressing his ideas in a logical and forthright manner.

_____51. Thinks well on his feet when faced with an unexpected or disturbing turn of events in a large group meeting.

_____52. Maintains his professional development by reading course work, conference attendance, work on professional committees, visiting other districts, and meeting with other superintendents.

Part II

General Comments

1.Comment on a score of 1-3 on any of the above statements.

2.List in order of priority the major goals you as a board member wish to see accomplished by the superintendent during the coming year.

3.List any long range goals (3-6 years) that you believe should be addressed by the superintendent.

4.List any weaknesses you have observed in the superintendent’s performance since the last evaluation.

5.List any significant accomplishments made by the superintendent since the last evaluation.