PUCK 2013



Invited jurors:

Mr Ireneusz Pruchniak PL I, II, III
Mr Yan Roca Folch FR I, II, III, IV / Mrs. Donatella Mastrangelo IT I, II, III,IV
Mrs. Svetlana Stoliarova BY I, II, III, IV

It may change.

The deadline for receving applications’ form: 24 of June 2013

The applications confirmed by the cats’ club should be send to the address:

ul. Zytnia 10, 62-064 Plewiska, fax: 061651 7041


or via the Internet:

The original application’s form and the payment’s confirmation should be shown at the enter of the show. The number of participants is limited. The list of participantsmay be closed earlier. The organizer may not accept the application without giving any reasons. Sending of the application is equivalent to the acceptance of data processing by the organizer and the acceptance of obeying all the organizer’s arrangements. The organizer does not provide chairs for the exhibitors. The verdict is definitive and it can’t be discussed. The cages’ size: 60 cm length x 60 cm width x 65 cm height.

More information: e-mail: tel: 501088649, 696035991

If you want to work as a steward, please send your application to the address: (subject: STEWARD) or by telephone: 601949707 We are going to provide gratification and a meal. There’s limited number of workplace.

Steward’s chef: Marzena Wlodarska

Leading of BEST IN SHOW: Roman Grabara

EURO exhibitors:

Klass / 1 dzień / 2 dni / 1 dzień / 2 dni
1,3, 5, 7, 9, 11,12 / 100 zł / 160 zł / 40 euro / 50 euro
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, / 90 zł / 130 zł / 30 euro / 40 euro
16 mioty / 180 zł / 250 zł / 50 euro / 70 euro
14, 15 (bez miotów),17 / 80 zł / 100 zł / 20 euro / 30 euro
13B korekty / 40 zł / 10 euro
podwójna klatka / 50 zł / 80 zł / 20 euro / 30 euro

While paying on thebank account please provide the exhibitor’s name as the subject and the cat’s name coming from the pedigree. The CCS account number: 53 2490 0005 0000 4600 3161 4294. Payment should be made to 24 of June 2013.

The programme of the show:

Saturday Sunday

9.00 – 10.30 Cats’ reception 9.00 – 9.30

10.45 – 11.00 Correction 9.45 – 10.00

11.00 – 16.00 Cats’ judgement 10.15 – 15.00

17.00 Best in Show 16.00

19.00 The end of the show 17.30


Don’t forget to bring the confirmed application form with you as well as the confirmation of payment. Without the payment’s confirmation you will have to pay again. After sending the application and putting the cat in the catalogue, the exhibitor is obliged to make the payment for the cat even if the cat will be absent.

Watch out! According to the FIF’s rules ,during the show’s time all the cats have to stay in their cages till the official end of the show. Diploma and mark’s cards presenting will take place after Best in Show on Saturday and Sunday. Vet’s conditions: All the cats taking part in the show have to be chiped, healthy, without infectious or parastical illness. They have to own vet’s certificate provided not earlier than 3 days before the show. Vaccinations against katar koci and panleukopenia made not earlier than 2 years (730 days) before and not later than 15 days before the show are obligatory. White cats have to own audition certificate (Shown’s Statue of FIFe, art. 3.4, 3.5). All the cats have to heve their claws cut. The right to enter the show belongs to cats which are 3 months old, put in the catalogue and were examined by the vet. Vaccinations against rabies are compulsory and should be made not earlier than 2 years (730 days) before and not later than 15 days before the show. Cats younger than 6 months old don’t have to be vaccinated against rabies.

Accommodation: ; ;

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