WEDNESDAY27th September 2016

7.30pm Winkleigh Community Centre


Cllr Flockhart (Chair), Cllr Jacobs (Vice-Chair), Cllr Kane, Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Naylor, Cllr Mondy, County Cllr Boyd, Dist Cllr Boundy, Melanie Borrett (Clerk). Also present guest speaker Dave Archer.


Cllr Hodgson


Cllr Mondy declared a personal interest in new planning application 1/0826/2016/FUL Barton Nurseries, register entry WDOI003/2016

Cllr Flockhart declared a personal interest in new planning application 1/0929/2016/DIS Land at Exeter Road, register entry WDOI004/2016

3.9.16ROAD SPEED SIGNS WINKLEIGH– Guest Speakers Clare Aldrich & Nikki Bilby-Ward. Did not attend

4.9.16PEST CONTROL ISSUES- Guest Speaker Mr Dave Archer

There has been a severe and ongoing outbreak of brown rats within the vicinity of The Square over a period of the past three months. Concerns have been raised with South West Water regarding the possibility of drainage defects within the area, in particular defective sewage drains and broken drain covers, which are conducive to brown rat infestations. South West Water carried out a survey on 22nd June to ascertain the extent of any drainage problems and to examine the extent of rodent infestations, with the possibility of baiting the sewage system with rodenticides to control any such infestations.

As the area is now infested with rats it is an Environmental Health issue and the Torridge office were contacted on 26th June. Following lack of action by the Environmental Health office, they were contacted again on 1st September and they responded that they were not pursuing the issue having corresponded with South West Water. Mr Archer wished to bring this matter to the attention of the Parish and asked the Council to write to the Environmental Health Office in Torridge on behalf of the parish to urge them to take action.All in favour, Clerk to write to EHO Torridge.

5.9.16CO-OPTION APPLICATION- Sue Taylor. Application withdrawn.


Request that the Road sweeper route include Eggesford Road.

Westgate of the Church road defect complaint from February 2016, nothing has been done by Devon CC.

Could the Council consider placement of camera signs (despite there being no camera)on the A3124 to slow traffic before someone dies?


Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC suspend Standing Order 7b to allow Cllrs to receive and comment on the minutes of 27th July 2016,seconded by Cllr Jacobs, All in favour, and Resolvedmotion carried.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 27th July2016 be approved by the Council, seconded by Cllr Jacobs,1abstention, 6 in favour, and Resolvedmotion carried

8.9.16CO-OPTIONthere are 3Casual vacancies on the Winkleigh Parish Council which are eligible for co-option

Cllrs to promote vacancies to members of the public with time and commitment and who would like tobecome members of the Parish Council.


A)Returned by TDC

  1. 1/0443/2016/FUL Proposed New Dwelling Plot 3, Barton Field House, Barton Farmyard, Eggesford. GRANTED
  2. 1/0469/2016/FUL Conservatory to the rear, 39 Springfield Winkleigh. GRANTED
  3. 1/0530/2016/LBC Internal works to convert 2 cottages into one cottage, 1 & 2 Chubb Cottages, Winkleigh. GRANTED
  4. 1/0356/2016/FUL Replacement of UPVC doors and windows, 7 Old Barn Close, Winkleigh. GRANTED
  5. 1/0617/2016/AGMB Change of Use to one dwelling under Class Q with associated works, Barn at Riddlestone Farm Bondleigh. GRANTED
  6. 1/0790/2016/HPDExtension to property, Hollacott, Hollocombe. WPC unable to comment due to determination deadline of 16th Sept and no PCM in August. GRANTED

B)New Applications

  1. Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC suspend Standing Order 7b to allow Cllrs to receive and comment on new planning applications, seconded by Cllr Turner, 1 abstention, 6 in Favour, and Resolvedmotion carried
  2. 1/0671/2016/FULWinkleigh Airfield, Erection of 4 units (B1, B2 and B8) with associated access road and parking. Proposed by Cllr Flockhart, seconded by Cllr Naylor, that WPC support this application for 4 no. (B1, B2, B8) units, access and parking, on the grounds that the principle of development is consistent with the Airfield’s designation as an Employment Zone and industrial area, as supported by the Local Plan and Winkleigh’s Community Plan (both material considerations), subject to the following recommendations:

·Highways regards disposal of surface water

·Tree Officer regards implementation & maintenance of approved landscape proposals

·DCC Archaeological Officer regards implementation of a programme of archaeological work

·Appropriate additional assessment on possible land contamination; and

·Adequate mitigation measures regards protection of wildlife during development. Seconded by Cllr Naylor All in favour, and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

  1. 1/0826/2016/FULBarton Nurseries, Eggesford Road Winkleigh. Change of use of a building and associated access, turning area and parking from use as General Storage (B8) and Retail (A1) to light industrial use (B1) for joinery workshop.

Proposed by Cllr Jacobs, that WPC approve the application, seconded by Cllr Turner, 4 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention and Resolved,motion carried

Further Proposed by Cllr Mondy that the mitigation is looked at regards the Environmental Health is concerned and there are no additional developments and no expansion of the business development in support. No seconder motion failed

Further Proposed by Cllr Flockhart that WPC propose the Environmental Health aspects regards, noise, dust, odour and waste are mitigated should this application be approved, seconded by Cllr Mondy, 3 against, 1 abstention, 3for, Chair has casting vote, and Resolved,motion carriedClerk to action

  1. 1/0845/2016/FULAshley House Farm Wembworthy, proposed Agricultural general purpose building.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC support the application, seconded by Cllr Kane, all in favour and Resolved,motion carriedClerk to action

  1. 1/0868/2016/FUL Croft, Torrington Rd, Winkleigh, complete refurbishment of existing house.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC support the application in line with any recommendations by the Conservation Officer for mitigating disruption to bat habitat, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

  1. 1/0869/2016/LBC Croft, Torrington Rd, Winkleigh, complete refurbishment of existing house.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC support the application in line with any recommendations by the Conservation Officer for mitigating disruption to bat habitat, seconded by Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved,motion carriedClerk to action

  1. 1/0929/2016/DIS Land at Exeter Rd, Winkleigh, Discharge of Condition 6 of application 1/0240/2016/FUL.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC support the landscape plan as proposed by the applicant and its implementation, subject to TDC/Tree Officer approval, seconded by Cllr Pearce, 1 against, 6 in favour and Resolved, motion carried Clerk to action

C)Other Planning Matters

  1. 1/0766/2016/CPETallat House Wembworthy, Certificate for Lawful Development, Rear Single Storey extension to provide additional bedroom, bathroom and living space resubmission of 1/0990/2016/FUL.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhart; that WPC support the certificate for lawful development, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, motion carried Clerk to action

  1. S106 and Call-in process information session attended on 22nd September 2016 by Cllrs Flockhart, Mondy, and Clerk. Cllr Flockhart to draft a report for October PCM including S106 guidance. Cllr Flockhart Action
  2. Village Design Statement
  1. Cllr Flockhart reported that David Green has provided a written response from TDC on letterhead paper.

Cllr Pearce on behalf of WPC congratulates Penny and Pauline on the publication and how it complements the Community Plan. Cllr Flockhart reported that the Pop-Up Museum Day,as part of the VDS, was a great success, very well attended and thanks to Penny and all those involved from the Winkleigh Society as well as to the public and volunteers who donated their articles to make the day so interesting.

  1. Proposed by Cllr Flockhartthat WPC approve release of £146.76 from ring-fenced funds held for Community Plan Actions (currently £2,750) to be paid to Pauline Warner in part-payment towards printing costs for VDS, leaving £2,603.24 still held by WPC, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action
  1. Development Outside the Development Boundary & Implications

Cllr Flockhart has clarified with the Planning Policy Officer TDC, Ian Rowland, that in principle, local communities can legitimately seek to amend or extend Settlement or Development Boundaries through the preparation of a Neighbourhood Planor Development Order. Information received confirms opportunities for, firstly; external agents/developers bringing forward applications for residential development falling outside the Development Boundary(e.g. via TDC’s 5-year land supply lack), and secondly; Winkleigh Parish Council's own ability as a property/land owner to explore options for residential development by extending the existing Development Boundary to include specific areas.

  1. Additional Local Plan Consultations

Consultation relating to elements of the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031 (‘the Local Plan’) and scoping document relating to Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)- deadline5pm on 27thOctober 2016 (consultation relates only to the published modifications - representations on other parts of the Local Plan will not be taken forward for consideration). Cllrs to consider any recommendations.

Proposed by Cllr Flockhartthat WPC support:Major Modifications PMM/8 and PMM/9, and Minor Modification MM/54(pages 8, 9 & 48 of Consultation Doc), seconded by Cllr Mondy, 2 abstentions, 5 in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

10.9.16FINANCIAL MATTERS for Winkleigh Parish Council since 27th July 2016

A)Grant applications2017/18 Clerk reported that 3 applications for grants/donations had been received and the Finance Group will prepare a report to be considered at the October PCMClerk/Cllr Jacobs to action

B)Remembrance Day Wreath

ProposedbyCllr Jacobs that WPC approve the purchase of the Remembrance Day Wreath by way of a donation of £75 to the Royal British Legion, seconded Cllr Turner, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedCllr Jacobs to action

C)Data Protection Register

Proposedby Cllr Jacobsthat WPC approve the annual renewal of the registration on the Data Protection Register at £35.00, seconded Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

D)Financial Statement of payments and receipts(appendix A)

Proposed by Cllr Jacobs that WPC approve the Financial Schedule of payments as presented by the Clerk, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

E)Bank Reconciliationpresented by Clerk. (appendix B)

F)Budget year to date presented by Clerk. No issues to report (Appendix C)

G)The 2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement Consultation closing date for consultation 29th October. Consultation involves ‘capping’ of precepts. Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer to digest and provide a summary report and recommendations for 26th October PCM.Clerk to action


A)Traffic Calming Townsend HillPublic Consultation

  1. WPC thank Collin Gibson for his contribution and input into the Traffic Calming Public Consultation Exercise, especially with regard to attendance and record-taking at the 7 public consultation events. Clerk to action
  2. Parishioner Correspondence regarding the traffic calmingand possibility of installing access to village only signs as an alternative solution; Cllr Pearce responded this was not a long-term solution to the issue of Townsend Hill as familiar traffic would still use the cut through.
  3. Public Consultation Analysisreceived and discussed by the Council - the Clerk reported that from the £250.00 contributed by CPAG for the cost of holding the public consultation, the final spend was £250.66.
  4. Proposed by Cllr Pearce that Winkleigh Parish Council Approve the Traffic Calming Proposal for Townsend Hill subject to raising the funds, seconded Cllr Mondy, 1 against, 6 in favour and Resolved, motioncarried.Cllr Pearce to action

B)Shute Lane Grant Agreement Deed, commencement date June 2016,received from TDC as part funding for useable access, amounting to £1,340

Proposed byCllr Jacobsthat the TDC Grant Deed for Shute Lane useable access be approved and signed by WPC, seconded by Cllr Naylor, all in favour and Resolved, motion carried. Cllr Jacobs to action, Clerk to diary Deed actions

Thanks given on behalf of WPC to Cllr Jacobs for his hard work, Dist Cllr Boundy and TDC for the part-funding contribution.

C)Establishment of a path from the Sports Centre to Winkleigh Woods

Cllr Pearce briefly outlined information on file to date and offered to take this up with the CPAG who have it as an “Action” to be dealt withand to follow up parishioner correspondence from July pcm. WPC approve the support of CPAG with this project. Action item Cllr Pearce

D)CPRE Devon Countryside forum 22nd September 2016, Cllr Naylor attended and gave a brief verbal report, including developments on the Okehampton railway.


A)Formal Entry into the Burial Register 364 Nigel Lance ANTELL date of burial 17/8/2016 plot 543

B)Formal Entry into the Burial Register 365 Marian SHORT date of burial 14/09/2016 plot 806

C)Cemetery Bungalow Parish Meeting 12th October 2016 7.30pm Community Centre. Clerk confirmed that as this is not a formal Parish Council meeting, the Council members could only receive comments but are not permitted to answer questions. All questions and statements made by the public will be recorded in the minutes and considered by the Full Parish Council at a future date.

Proposal by Cllr Flockhart that WPC call an Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on 2nd November 2016 solely to consider matters raised by the public at the Parish Meeting on 12th October 2016 in order to make a future decision on the Bungalow Business Plan, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

D)Planning Training Course£36 per person plus incl VAT

Proposal byCllr Flockhart that WPC approve the attendance of, Cllrs Flockhart, Naylor, Mondy on 29th September 2016 in Honiton andClerk, Cllr Pearce and Cllr Jacobs to attend 27th October 2016 in Exeter, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

E)New Councillor Short Course – Exeter 15th November 2016 6.30pm-9.00pm £30 per person incl VAT. Cllr Naylor unable to attend at this time

F)Clerks hours review due October (reminder),in order to include in November budget ref Minutes 9.3.16eii 23/03/2016 Cllrs Flockhart and Jacobs to action


A)Chairs Report nothing further to report

B)District Cllr Boundy ReportThe public consultation for the ward boundary proposals ends on 31st October 2016. Members of the public can make their views known via the Boundary Commission website under South West region. Ashreigney and Winkleigh will be unchanged.

Lack of Hospital beds and cut backs causing great concern, the red-line process is fully supported by all parties in its opposition to any cuts to front line services. The full motion gives very strong support by all Councils across all parties who do not intend to stand idly by and watch the further deterioration and detraction of front line services provided in our Districts. The unanimous vote sends a very clear message to the local Trust that Cllrs are actively opposed to any further cuts.

Torridge has one of the highest recorded rates of drug related deaths in the County, TDC is aware of this issue and drug related crime and is in consultation with police and other drug related organisations such as RISE.

October 8th-15th is National Hate Crime Awareness week, TDC is hoping to raise awareness of this issue to promote the message that any incidents of hate and racial abuse, including harassment or violence are unacceptable and will be dealt with robustly with a pure intolerance approach. Nobody should have to suffer abuse because of race, religion, disability, faith or sexual orientation.

Success Regime decision is going to be announced sometime in October and Cllr Boundy has submitted a report in the latest edition of Health Watch magazine.

C)County Cllr Boyd Report included confirmation that there is a lot of work being undertaken with the Success Regime. Cllr Boyd stated he has been an avid supporter for Townsend Hill traffic calming from when it first started and he supports the process of establishing a footpath through Winkleigh Woods and is willing to help in anyway, whilst he is elected. The Locality Budget still has funds remaining,which must be allocated by January 2017. Boundary Commission looking at reducing the number of Parliamentary seats, as a result there are 2 options for Devon & Cornwallbut with the same number of constituents.

D)Bungalow Group(Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Naylor)

  1. Annual bungalow and grounds inspection reportreceived by the Council– no further action required.
  2. Air Flow System maintenance

Cllr Naylor withdrew a proposal that the dri-air system in the Cemetery Bungalow, which has been broken since April 2014 be repaired“Minutes 23rd July 2014 6.7.14 b The Bungalow group advised that no action should be taken regards the faulty Timberwise unit as the guarantee has run out and it has yet to be established if following the work to the external insulation that a new unit will be required. Bungalow group to monitor”. Council will review following the future decision on the Bungalow Business Plan.

  1. Annual Boiler Service

Proposed by Cllr Turnerthat WPC approve the Cemetery Bungalow annual boiler service be carried out by P&JK Stallard, seconded by Cllr Naylor, all in favour and Resolved, motion carried Clerk to action

E)Cemetery Group Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner, Cllr Hodgson

  1. Soil Pit repair quotes – moved to last item on agenda for ease of Part II exclusion of the public, all in favour
  2. Cemetery Maintenance Contract and tender specifications

Proposed by Cllr Turner on behalf of the Cemetery Group that the Council accept the Cemetery Maintenance Contract Specification as circulated with the agenda and authorise the Clerk to enter into the formal tender process, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action

  1. Cemetery annual cemetery inspection report
  1. Proposedby Cllr Turner on behalf of the Cemetery Group that the Council obtain quotes to rub down and repaint the notice board in the Cemetery grounds, seconded Cllr Kane, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action
  2. Proposedby Cllr Turner on behalf of the Cemetery Group that the Council authorise the Clerk to contact the next of kin identified in the annual grounds inspection 2016 report and asks them to carry out remedial works as applicable, seconded Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action
  3. Proposedby Cllr Turner on behalf of the Cemetery Group that the Council authorise the Clerk to obtain quotations for the removal of the moles in the cemetery, seconded by Cllr Pearce, 1 abstention, 6 in favour and Resolved, motion carried Clerk to action
  4. Proposedby Cllr Turner to move on behalf of the Cemetery Group that quotations be obtained for the clearing of the drain to the left of the cemetery wall entrance, seconded Cllr Kane, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action
  1. Cemetery review of the current Terms and Conditions including fees with effect 1st April 2017

ProposedbyCllr Turner to move on behalf of the Cemetery Group that the Terms & Conditions for Winkleigh Parish Cemetery 2017 be adopted as per the circulated document with effect 1st April 2017 by WPC, seconded Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, motion carriedClerk to action