Xu Wellness Center- Community Wellness Acupuncture
At Xu Wellness Center we believe in whole body health. We restore health, harmony and balance to the body through a combination of innovative wellness services. Our services work in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle in order to promote optimal health. We have a wide array of treatment options and strive to help everyone find the wellness plan that works best for them. Our Community Wellness Acupuncture service provides acupuncture to as many people as possible at the most affordable price.Community Wellness Acupuncture is focused on overall general wellness by encouraging the body to heal itself by effectively treating imbalances in the body. We offer this service twice a week.
Community Wellness Acupuncture Fees:
- Acupuncture treatments are $30 per treatment.
- Must have a valid credit card to book appointment.
- In respect to us offering high quality health care at affordable prices, we do ask for a 24- hour advance notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
- ALL appointments that are rescheduled or cancelled with less than a 24 hours notice and appointments missed (No Call, No Show) will be charged the entire price of the acupuncture treatment. ($30)
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation,
The Xu Wellness center Team
Signature Date
* Please return before first Session
Welcome to Xu Wellness Center- Community Wellness Acupuncture
This is New Patient Information for Community Wellness Acupuncture. This information includes what to expect on your visit, Community Acupuncture Wellness Fees and New Patient Forms. Complete these forms and bring them with you on your first appointment.
We are delighted that you will be joining us!!
Please Note: This IS a group session. This will ONLY treat MINOR issues. If you are seeking treatment for more serious pain issues, diseases and disorders we recommend our Traditional Acupuncture.
For Your Appointment:
- Please do NOT wear any harsh perfumes, cologne, or lotions. (Some patients have sensitivities to smell.)
- Please plan to be our office for about 90 minutes.
- Wear loose comfortable clothing with sleeves that can be rolled about the elbows and pants that can be rolled above the knees. (These will be treatment areas.)
- Please eat something before hand. Acupuncture is not recommended on an empty stomach.
- Please be aware that we require 24 hours notice for cancellations. If less than 24 hours notice is given or an appointment is missed WITHOUT notice the $30 fee will be assessed.