XM-26 LSS (lightweight shotgun system) (USA)
XM-26 LSS mounted under the M4A1 carbine XM-26 LSS as a stand-alone shotgun weapon
WEAPON / ROF / DAM / PEN / BLK / MAG / SS/BRST / RNGXM-26 LSS / SA / 4 / 3-4-nil / +1 / 5 / 5/- / 35
XM-26 LSS close / SA / 9 / Nil / +1 / 5 / 5/- / 35
XM-26 LSS medium / 5x10 / 1 / Nil / +1 / 5 / 5/- / 35
XM-26 LSS standalone / SA / 4 / 3-4-nil / 3 / 5 / 5/- / 35
XM-26 LSS standalone close / SA / 9 / Nil / 3 / 5 / 5/- / 35
XM-26 LSS medium / 5x10 / 1 / nil / 3 / 5 / 5/- / 35
ROUND / 12 Gauge
MAG / 5 rounds in detachable box magazine
WEIGHT / 1.02 kg as an attachment weapon; 1.9 kg as a standalone weapon
PRICE / 650$(C/VR)
The XM-26 Lightweight Shotgun System has been in development at the US Army's Soldier Battle Lab since late 1990s. These shotguns are manufactured by the C-More Systems company. The idea was to provide soldiers with lightweight accessory weapon, which could be mounted under the standard issue infantry rifle (M16A2 or M4A1 carbine), and provide soldiers with additional capabilities, such as: door breaching using special slugs; very short-range increased lethality, using 00 buckshot; less-lethal capabilities using tear gas shells, rubber slugs and buckshot, and other less-lethal rounds. The original idea has been based on the Masterkey system, dated back to 1980s, which originally included the shortened Remington 870 shotgun mounted under the M16 rifle or carbine. The XM-26 improved the original Masterkey concept with the detachable magazine option and more comfortable handling, thanks to bolt-operated system. Detachable magazine offers quicker reloading and more rapid ammunition type change; the relatively large bolt handle is located closer to the rear, than the slide on the pump-action shotgun in the Masterkey configuration, and thus is more comfortable to cycle in combat. Bolt handle could be mounted on either side of the weapon. At the present time small numbers of XM26 LSS shotguns are issued to US troops in Afghanistan, and, according to available sources, these weapons are well received by troops who used them. It is believed that XM-26 will be compatible with the next US assault rifle, the XM8.XM-26 is a modular, manually operated, straight pull bolt action shotgun. The barrel is locked [probably] using the rotating bolt, the bolt handle could be mounted on either side of the bolt for ambidextrous handling. XM-26 is fed using detachable box magazines which hold five rounds of 12 gauge ammo. Short barrels are fitted with special muzzle devices. By default, XM-26 has no sights; when mounted under the rifle or carbine, shooter uses rifle sights to aim the attached shotgun. When XM-26 is used in standalone mode, it is equipped with detachable pistol grip and M4-style collapsible buttstock, and small handguards around the barrel. integral Picatinny rail on the top of the XM-26 receiver can then be used to mount various sighting equipment.
early version XM-26 LSS
XM-26 LSS with detachable pistol grip / shoulder stock and hand guards, to be used as a standalone weapon