Complete list of publications

Sl.No / Authors / Title / Journal
101 / V. Ganga Reddy, Srinivasa Reddy Bonam, T. Srinivasa Reddy*, Ravikumar Akunuri, V.G.M. Naidu, V. Lakshma Nayak, Suresh K. Bhargava, H.M. Sampath Kumar, P. Srihari*, Ahmed Kamal* / 4-beta-amidotriazole linked podophyllotoxin congeners: DNA topoisomerase-IIa inhibition and potential anticancer agents for prostate cancer / Eur J Med. Chem.2018, 144, 595-611
100 / Ramesh Samineni, Jaipal Madapa, Srihari Pabbaraja,* Goverdhan Mehta* / Stitching Oxindoles and Ynones in a Domino Process:Access to Spirooxindoles and Application to a Short Synthesis of Spindomycin B / Org. Lett,2017,19, 6152-6155
99 / Ramakrishna S,Srihari P.* / Studies on the total synthesis of antibiotic macrolactin S; A conventional approach for the synthesis of C1-C9 and C10-C24 fragments / Synthesis2017,49, A-M
98 / Ramesh Samineni, Jaipal Madapa,Pabbaraja Srihari,* Goverdhan Mehta* / Spiroannulation of Oxindoles via Aryne and Alkyne Incorporation: Substituent-Diverted, Transition-Metal-Free, One-Pot Access to Spirooxindoles / Org. Lett.2017,
19, 3119-3122
97 / Bogonda Ganganna,Pabbaraja Srihari, Jhillu Singh Yadav* / Studies towards the total synthesis of cruentaren A and B: Stereoselective synthesis of fragments C1-C11, C12-C22 and C23-C28 / Tetrahedron Lett.2017
58, 2685-2689
96 / Pamarthy Gangadhar, Pallavagary Rajesh,Srihari Pabbaraja* / Stereoselective Total Syntheses of (R)-Strongylodiols A, B, C and D / ChemistrySelect
2017,2, 4106-4110
95 / Pranav Chintamani Joshi, Ramesh Samineni, Dwaipayan Bhattacharya, Bommana Raghunath Reddy, Lenin Veeraval, Tapatee Das, Swati Maitra, Abhipradnya Bipin Wahul, Shailaja Karri,Srihari Pabbaraja, Goverdhan Mehta, Arvind Kumar, Sumana Chakravarty* / A 2-oxa-spiro[5.4]decane scaffold displays neurotrophic, neurogenic and anti-neurotrophic, neurogenic and anti-neuroinflammatory activities with high potential for development as a versatile CNS therapeutic / Scientific Reports,2017
Art no.1492
94 / Jhillu S. Yadav,* Sravanth Kumar Amrutapu, and Srihari Pabbaraja* / Studies Towards the Synthesis of Stereoisomer of Acremolide B / ChemistrySelect 2017, 2, 1850-1853
93 / A. Sravanth Kumar, P. Srihari, J. S.Yadav, Ahmad, A. Alghamdi / Stereoselective total synthesis of stigmolone: The fruiting body inducing pheromone / Synthesis2017, 49, 1702-1706
92 / A. Sravanth Kumar, K. Praneeth, P. Srihari, J. S. Yadav / First stereoselective total synthesis and reconfirmation of absolute structure of nonenolide (-)-stagonolide D / Terahedron Lett 2016 58, 509-511
91 / Ramesh Samineni, Chandramohan Reddy C. Bandi, Pabbaraja Srihari and Goverdhan Mehta / Multiple Aryne Insertions into Oxindoles: Synthesis of Bioactive 3,3-Diarylated Oxindoles and Dibenzo[b,e]azepin-6-ones / Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 6184–6187
90 / P. Sankara Rao and P. Srihari* / A facile approach for the synthesis of C13-C24 fragments of maltepolides A, C and D / Org. & Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 9629-9638
89 / B. Suresh, A. Sravanth Kumar, P. Srihari, J. S. Yadav / Stereoselective total synthesis of palmyrolide A via intramolecular trans N-methyl enamide formation / Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57, 4456-4459
88 / Pamarthi Gangadhar, A. Sathish Reddy, Srihari Pabbaraja / Afacile approach for the total synthesis of neurotrophic diyne tetraol petrosiol A and petrosiol E / Tetrahedron, 2016, 72, 5807-5817
87 / Ramesh Samineni, Pabbaraja Srihari*, Goverdhan Mehta* / Versatile Route to Benzoannulated Medium-Ring Carbocycles via Aryne Insertion into Cyclic 1,3-Diketones: Application to a Synthesis of Radermachol / Org. Lett.2016,18, 2832-2835
86 / J. S. Yadav*, B. Suresh and P. Srihari* / Expedient synthesis of large-ring trans-enamide macrolides through CuI mediated intramolecular coupling of vinyl iodide with amide; Total synthesis of palmyrolide A / Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 2509-2513
85 / B. Mahankali, P. Srihari / Total synthesis of antiplasmodial resorcylic acid lactone paecilomycin F / ARKIVOC2016 123-136
84 / Sumana Chakravarty,* Swati Maitra, R Gajendra Reddy, Tapatee Das, Priya Jhelum, Scherazad Kootar, Wenson D Rajan, Anumita Samanta, Ramesh Samineni, Srihari Pabbaraja, Steven G Kernie, Goverdhan Mehta & Arvind Kumar* / A novel natural product inspired scaffold with robust neurotrophic, neurogenic and neuroprotective action / Scientific Reports
2015, Art no.14134
83 / J. S Yadav,* B. Suresh, P. Srihari* / Stereoselective total synthesis of marine macrolide sanctolide A / Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 5856-5863
82 / B. Mahankali, P. Srihari* / A carbohydrate approach for first total synthesis of cochliomycin C. Stereoselective total synthesis of paecilomycin E, F and 6’-epi cochliomycin C / Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 3983-3993
81 / P. Srihari,a* B. Padmabhavani,a S. Ramesh,a Y. Bharath Kumar,a Ashita Singh,b R. Ummannib / PMA-SiO2 catalyzed synthesis of indolo[2,3-c]quinolines as potent anti cancer agents / Bioorganic & Med. Chem. Lett.2015,25,2360-2365
80 / Wasim Ahmed, Prathama S. Mainkar, Srihari Pabbaraja, Srivari Chandrasekhar / Total synthesis of thromboxane receptor antagonist, terutroban / Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 2951-2957
79 / P. Srihari, N.Harikrishna, Y. Sridhar, Ahmed Kamal / A carbohydrate approach for the formal total synthesis of (-)-aspergillide C / Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2014, 10, 3122-3126
78 / P. Srihari, N.Harikrishna, Y. Sridhar, A. Krishnam Raju, Ahmed Kamal / An expedient total synthesis of mupirocin H / RSC Advances 2014, 4, 37629-37636
77 / J. S. Yadav, S. S. Mandal, P. Srihari / Formal total synthesis of Stevastelin B and B3 / Helvetica Chim Acta, 2014, 97, 669-688.
76 / Y. Sridhar, P. Srihari* / A Unified Strategy for C1-C14 Fragment of Marinolic acids, Mupirocins, Pseudomonic acids and Thiomarinols: Total Synthesis of Pseudomonic acid methyl monate C / Org. & Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 2950-2959
75 / J. S. Yadav*, Vinay Kumar Singh, P. Srihari / Formation of Substituted Tetrahydropyrans Through Oxetane Ring Opening: Application to the Synthesis of C1-C17 Fragment ofSalinomycin / Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 836-839
74 / K. Vamshikrishna, G. Srinu, P. Srihari* / A facile chiral pool synthesis of 9-epi-decarestrictine-D, decarestrictine-D and O / Tetranedron Asymmetry 2014, 25, 203-211
73 / A. Sathish Reddy, P. Gangadhar, P. Srihari* / A convergent approach for the total synthesis of -glucosidase inhibitor (-)-panaxjapyne C / Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2013, 24, 1524-1530
72 / A. Sathish Reddy, P. Srihari* / First total synthesis of neurotrophic diacetylene tetrol (-)-petrosiol D / Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 6370-6372
71 / J. S. Yadav*, G. Rajendar, R. Srinivasa Rao, P. Srihari / Total Synthesis of Nhatrangin A / J. Org. Chem. 2013
78, 8524-8530
70 / P. Srihari,* A. Sathish Reddy, Y. Deepthi, Sashivardhana Kalivendi / First total synthesis and structure confirmation of diactylenic polyol (+)-oploxyne B / Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 5616-5618
69 / J. S. Yadav, G. Rajendar, P. Srihari, B. Sridhar / A classical approach for the formal total synthesis of platencin / Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3782-3785
68 / Y. Sridhar, P. Srihari* / The stereoselective approach for the southeast segment (C1-C16) of (+)-sorangicin A / Org. & Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11,4640-4645
67 / G. Srinu, P. Srihari* / A catalytic approach for the synthesis of allylic azides from aryl vinyl carbinols / Tetrahedron Lett
2013, 54, 2382-2385
66 / Y. Sridhar, P. Srihari* / Stereodivergent total synthesis of (+)-aspergillide B and (+)-7-epi-aspergillide A. / Eur. J. Org. Chem.
2013, 578-587
65 / K. Vamshikrishna, P. Srihari* / A conventional synthesis of (-)-varitriol and (+)-6’-epivaritriol / Tetrahedron Asymmetry
2012, 23, 1584-1587
64 / Alugubelli Sathish Reddy, Pabbaraja Srihari* / A facile approach to the synthesis of securinega alkaloids: stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-allonorsecurinine / Tetrahedron Lett. 2012, 53, 5926-5928
63 / Goverdhan Mehta,*a Ramesh Samineni,b Pabbaraja Srihari,*b R. Gajendra Reddyc and Sumana Chakravarty / Diverted organic synthesis (DOS): accessing a new, natural product inspired, neurotrophically active scaffold through an intramolecular Pauson–Khand reaction / Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 6830-6833
62 / S. Chandrasekhar,* Ch. Sridhar, P.
Srihari / A carbohydrate approach for the formal total synthesis of prostacyclin analogue 16S-iloprost / Tetrahedron Asymmetry
2012, 23, 388-394
61 / G. Mehta,* S. Ramesh, P.Srihari* / An enantiodivergent formal synthesis of paecilomycine A / Tetrahedron Lett2012, 53, 829-832.
60 / K. Vamshikrishna, P. Srihari* / Total synthesis of (+)-varitriol and (+)-6’-epivaritriol / Tetrahedron
2012, 68, 1540-1546
59 / S. Chandrasekhar,* Sreerangam NCVL Pushpavalli,C. Srinivas,D. Mukhopadhyay,B. Ganganna,K. Vijeender,P.Srihari,Ch. Raji Reddy,M. Janaki Ramaiahand Utpal Bhadra / Aza-flavanones as potent cross-species microRNA inhibitors that arrest cell cycle / Bioorganic & Med. Chem. Lett.2012, 22, 645-648
58 / P. Srihari,* B. Mahankali, K. Rajendraprasad / Stereoselective total synthesis of paecilomycin E / Tetrahedron Lett.
2012, 53,56-58
57 / P. Srihari,* B Ganganna, K Rajendraprasad,Dinesh C Bhunia and J S Yadav / Bronsted acid catalyzed one-pot condensation of β-naphthol, aldehyde and active methylene substrate: Synthesis of naphthopyrans / Indian Journal of Chemistry
2011,50B, 1755-1761
56 / P.Srihari* and Y. Sridhar / Total synthesis of both enantiomers of macrolactone Aspergillide C / Eur. J. Org. Chem.
2011, 33, 6690-6697
55 / J.S. Yadav,* S.S.Mandal, J. S.S. Reddy, P. Srihari / Stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-sapinofuranone B / Tetrahedron
2011, 67(25), 4620-4627
54 / J. S. Yadav,* Kumaraswamy Boyapelly, Sathish Reddy Alugubelli, Srihari Pabbaraja, Janakiram R Vangala and Shasi V Kalivendi* / Stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-oploxyne A, (-)-oploxyne B and their C-10 epimers and structure revision of natural oploxyne B / J. Org. Chem. 2011,
76 (8), 2568–2576
53 / P. Srihari,* K. Satyanarayana, B. Ganganna, J. S.Yadav / Formal total synthesis of cyanolide A / J. Org. Chem. 2011
76, 1922-1925
52 / G. Mehta,* S. Ramesh, P. Srihari / Model studies towards paecilomycine A- C: Exploring scaffold diversity through a key intramolecular Pauson-Khand reaction / Tetrahedron Lett2011, 52, 1663-1666
51 / S. Chandrasekhar,*P. Srihari,Ch. Nagesh,† N. Kiranmai,N. Nagesh,M Mohammed Idris* / Synthesis of readily accessible triazole linked dimer deoxynucleoside phosphoramidite for solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis / Synthesis
2010, 3710-3714
50 / P. Srihari,* B. Kumaraswamy, P. Shankar, V. Ravishashidhar, J. S. Yadav / Stereoselective total synthesis of achaetolide and reconfirmation of its absolute configuration / Tetrahedron Lett
2010, 51, 6174-6176
49 / A. Ramesh, Y. Sridhar, G. Raju, N. S. Swamy, P. Srihari, V. Ramesh, R. Srinivas* / Diastereomeric differentiation of two pairs of glucal derivatives by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry / Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
2010, 24, 2776-2780
48 / J. S. Yadav,* J. Shyam Sunder Reddy, S. S. Mandal and P. Srihari / Stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-sapinofuranone B / Synlett
2010, 2636-2638
47 / J. S. Yadav,*G. Rajenar, B. Ganganna, P. Srihari / Stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-polyrhacitide A / Tetrahedron Lett
2010, 51, 2154-2156
46 / P. Srihari,* G. Maheshwara Rao, R. Srinivasa Rao and J. S. Yadav / A stereoselective Aldol approach for the total synthesis of herbarumin I and stagonolide A / Synthesis
2010, (14) 2407-2412
45 / Jhillu Singh Yadav,* Kamani Satyanarayana, Pamu Sreedhar, Pabbaraja Srihari, Thokhir Basha Shaik & Shasi Vardhan Kalivendi / Total synthesis of elegansidiol, farnesiferol B and farnesiferol D / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20, 3814-3817
Corrigendum: Bioorg.Med.Chem Lett2010, 20, 6863
44 / P. Srihari,* B. Kumaraswamy, Dinesh C. Bhunia and J. S. Yadav* / First stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-stagonolide G / Tetrahedron Lett
2010, 51, 2903-2905
43 / P. Srihari,* B. Kumaraswamy, R. Somaiah and J. S. Yadav / The stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-stagonolide B / Synthesis
2010, (6), 1039-1045
42 / P. Srihari,* B. Kumaraswamy, G. Maheshwara Rao and J. S. Yadav / First stereoselective total synthesis of (-)-stagonolide A / Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2010, (21), 106-111
41 / J. S. Yadav,* B. Thirupathaiah and P. Srihari / A concise stereoselective total synthesis of artemisinin / Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 2005-2009
40 / J. S. Yadav,* E. Vijaya Bhasker, P. Srihari / Synthesis of a key intermediate for the total synthesis of pseudopteroxazole / Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 1997-2004
Corrigendum: Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 5295
39 / P. Srihari,*, Palash Dutta, R. Srinivasa Rao, J. S. Yadav, S. Chandrasekhar, P. Thombare, J. Mohapatra, A. Chatterjee, Mukul R. Jain* / Solvent free synthesis of 1,5-disubstituted tetrazoles derivedfrom Baylis Hillman acetates as potential TNF- inhibitors / Bioorganic & Medicinal ChemistryLetters
2009, 19, 5569–5572
38 / Dinh Hung Mac, Ramesh Samineni, Julien Petrignet, Pabbaraja Srihari, Srivari Chandrasekhar, Jhillu Singh Yadav,* René Grée* / From vinyl Pyranoses to Carbasugars by an iron-catalyzed Reaction complementary to Classical Ferrier Carbocyclisation / Chem. Communications
2009,(31), 4717-4719
37 / P. Srihari,* B. Kumaraswamy and J. S. Yadav / A carbohydrate approach for the synthesis of tetrahydropyran containing C16-C29 fragment of sorangicin A / Tetrahedron
2009,65(32), 6304-6309
36 / J. S. Yadav,* B. Ganganna, Dinesh C. Bhunia, P. Srihari / NbCl5 mediated deprotection of methoxy methyl ether / Tetrahedron Lett
2009, 50, 4318-4320
35 / P. Srihari,* E. Vijaya Bhasker, A. Bal Reddy, J. S. Yadav / Stereoselective total synthesis of synparvolide B and epi-synparvolide A / Tetrahedron Lett
2009,50, 2420-2424
34 / J. S. Yadav,* Vinay Kumar Singh, Dinesh C Bhunia and P. Srihari / Solvent-free NbCl5 catalyzed condensation of 1, 3-dicarbonyl compounds and aldehydes: a facile synthesis of trisubstituted alkenes / Tetrahedron Lett
2009, 50, 2470-2473
33 / P. Srihari,* Vinay Kumar Singh, Dinesh C Bhunia and J. S. Yadav. / One pot three component coupling reaction: Solvent free synthesis of novel 3-substituted indoles catalyzed by PMA-SiO2 / Tetrahedron Lett
2009,50, 3763-3766
32 / P. Srihari,* Vinay Kumar Singh, Dinesh C Bhunia and J. S. Yadav. / Zinc mediated alkynylation of carbonyl compounds: A facile synthesis of propargyl alcohols / Tetrahedron Lett
2008, 49, 7132-7134
31 / P. Srihari,* G. Rajendar, R. Srinivasa Rao and J. S. Yadav / First stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-dodoneine / Tetrahedron Lett
2008, 49, 5590-5592
30 / J. S. Yadav,* V. Naveen Kumar, R. Srinivasa Rao and P. Srihari. / A concise stereoselective total synthesis of herbarumin III / Synthesis2008, (12), 1938-1942
29 / P. Srihari,* S. S. Mandal, J. S. S. Reddy, R. Srinivasa Rao and J. S. Yadav / Synthesis of 1,8-dioxo-octahydroxanthenes utilizing PMA-SiO2 as an efficient reusable catalyst / Chin. Chem. Lett.
2008, 771-774
28 / P. Srihari,* S. S. Mandal, J. S. S. Reddy, R. Srinivasa Rao, J. S. Yadav / PMA-SiO2 catalyzed synthesis of -keto enol ethers / Chin. Chem. Lett.
2008, 767-770
27 / P. Srihari,* J. Shyam Sunder Reddy, S. S. Mandal, K. Satyanarayana and J. S. Yadav / PMA-SiO2 catalyzed propargylation of aromatic compounds with aryl-propargyl alcohols under solvent free conditions / Synthesis 2008 (12), 1853-1860
26 / J. S. Yadav,* A. P. Singh, D. C. Bhunia, A. K. Basak and P. Srihari / A Facile Synthesis of Pyrazolines from Baylis-Hillman Adducts / Chemistry Letters 200837, 624-625
25 / J. S. Yadav,* G. Kondaji, M. Shiva Ram Reddy and P. Srihari / Facile synthesis of -iodo carbonyl compounds and -iodo dimethyl ketals using molecular iodine and trimethylorthoformate / Tetrahedron Lett 2008, 49, 3810-3813
24 / Alexander Gosslau, Srihari Pabbaraja, Spencer Knapp, and Kuang Yu Chen / Trans- and cis-stilbene polyphenols induced rapid perinuclear mitochondrial clustering and p53- independent apoptosis in cancer cells but not normal cells / European Journal of Pharmacology 2008, 587(1-3), 25-34
23 / J. S. Yadav,* P. Sreedhar, P. Srihari, G. Dattatreya Sarma, B. Jagadeesh. / A concise synthesis of a key intermediate for the total synthesis of fumagillin, TNP-470 and ovalicin / Synthesis, 2008
22 / P. Srihari,* J. Shyam Sunder Reddy, Dinesh C Bhunia, S. S. Mandal and J. S. Yadav. / PMA-SiO2: A heterogenous catalyst for O-, S- and N-nucleophilic substitution reactions of aryl propargyl alcohols / Syn. Commun. 2008, 38, 1448-1455
21 / P. Srihari,* K. Ravindar, R. Somaiah and J. S. Yadav / First concise total synthesis of 5-epi-prelactone B / Syn. Commun. 38, 2008, 1389-1397
20 / P. Srihari,* Dinesh C. Bhunia, P. Sreedhar, J. S. Yadav / Iodine catalyzed nucleophilic substitution reactions of benzylic alcohols / Synlett 2008 1045-1049
19 / J. S. Yadav,* Dinesh C Bhunia, K. Vamshi krishna and P. Srihari. / Niobium(V)pentachloride: An efficient catalyst for C-, N-, O- and S- nucleophilic substitution reactions of benzylic alcohols / Tetrahedron Lett.2007,48, 8306-8310
18 / P. Srihari,* P. Sridhar, Dinesh C Bhunia, J. Shyam Sunder Reddy, S. S. Mandal and J. S. Yadav / Iodine catalyzed C-, and O-nucleophilic substitution reactions of aryl- propargyl methanols / Tetrahedron Lett.2007, 48, 8120-8124
17 / P. Srihari,* B. Prem Kumar, K. Subbarayudu and J. S. Yadav / A convergent approach for the total synthesis of (-)-synrotolide diacetate / Tetrahedron Lett.2007, 48, 6977-6981
16 / J. S. Yadav,* A. K. Basak and P. Srihari / An Aldol Approach to the Synthesis of Anti-tubercular Erogorgiaene / Tetrahedron Lett. 2007, 48, 2841-2843
15 / P. Srihari,* Ashutosh Pratap Singh, A. K. Basak & J. S. Yadav / Zinc mediated propenylation of Baylis Hillman acetates / Tetrahedron Lett. 2007, 48, 5999-6001
14 / Jhillu Singh Yadav,* Sreedhar Pamu, Dinesh Chandra Bhunia, Srihari Pabbaraja / Formal total synthesis of Ovalicin by carbohydrate approach / Synlett, 2007, 992-994
13 / P. Srihari,* E. Vijaya Bhasker, S. J. Harshavardhan and J. S. Yadav / Stereoselective Total Synthesis of iso-Cladospolide B / Synthesis2006, 4041-4045
12 / P. Srihari,* Ashutosh pratap singh, Ruchi Jain, and J. S. Yadav / A Facile nucleophilic displacement of Baylis Hillman Acetates with Ammonium Thiocyanate / Synthesis, 2006, 2772-2776
11 / P. Srihari,* Y. Srinivasa Rao, Debjit Basu and S. Chandrasekhar / Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane-catalyzed synthesis of N-Benzyl Pyrrolidines / Synthesis, 2006, 2646-2648
10 / S Chandrasekhar,* G. Chandrasekhar, M. Srinivasa Reddy and P. Srihari / A facile and chemoselective conjugate reduction using polymethylhydroxiloxane (PMHS) and catalytic B(C6F5)3 / Org. Bio. Chem. 2006, 19, 1650-1652.
9 / S. Knapp,* C. Yang, P. Srihari, B.Rempel,S. Reid, S. G. Withers / Synthesis and Kinetic Analysis of the N-Acetylhexosaminidase Inhibitor XylNAc-Isofagomine / J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70 (19), 7715-7720.
8 / S. Chandrasekhar,* B. Nagendra Babu,Moinuddin Ahmed, M. Venkat Reddy, P. Srihari, B. Jagadeesh, A. Prabhakar / Safe and conveninet reduction of 2-Isoxazolines with PMHS,Pd(OH)2/C / Synlett, 2004, 7, 1303-1305.
7 / J. S. Yadav* and P. Srihari / Formal total synthesis of Salicylihalamides A & B / Tetrahedron Asymmetry2004 15(1), 81-89
6 / G. Sabitha,* Ch.Srinivas, P.Srihari and J. S. Yadav / Stereoselective Total Synthesis of (+) Virol C / Synthesis 2003, (17), 2699-2704
5 / S. Chandrasekhar,* Ch. Srinivas and P. Srihari / Phenyl sulphonyl acetaldehyde diethyl acetal: A new robust 1, 2-diol protective group, / Synthetic Communications, 2003, 6, 895-902.
4 / J. S. Yadav,* B. V. Subba Reddy, Ch. Srinivas and P. Srihari / Ultrasound-promoted deoxygenation of sulphoxides by samarium – NH4Cl / Synlett, 2001, 854-856.
3 / ,J. S. Yadav,* B. V. Subba Reddy and P. Srihari, / Scandium triflate catalyzed allylation of acetals and gem-diacetates: A facile synthesis of homoallyl ethers and acetates / Synlett. 2001, 673-675
2 / J. S. Yadav,* B. V. Subba Reddy, Sushil Kumar Pandey, P. Srihari and I. Prathap / Scandium triflate catalyzed 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition of aziridines with alkenes / Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 42, 9089-9092.
1 / S. Chandrasekhar,* G. Rajaiah and P. Srihari / New and practical synthesis of 1, 4-dihydro benzopyrano pyrazoles / Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 37, 6599-6601.