XII Meeting of the Canada/Mexico/US Trilateral Committee for Wildlife & Ecosystem Conservation and Management


This report outlines those action items identified by the working tables as priorities at the XII Annual Meeting of the Canada/Mexico/USA Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation and Management, which took place in Quebec City, Quebec, May 14 -18, 2007.


Executive / A1- A5
Law Enforcement / B1- B5
CITES / C1- C4
Ecosystem Conservation / D1- D4
Migratory Birds / E1- E7
Species of Common Concern / F1-F10


Executive Working Table

Action Items Report

2007 Trilateral Committee Meeting

Quebec City, Canada

The Executive Working Table conducted its working session on May 16, 2007. The following Action Items were agreed upon. A completed Action Item Report showing progress on these items is herebypresented to the Executive Table at the 2008 Trilateral Committee Meeting.



Responsible Party




Date Completed

Action Item 1
Welcome – Adoption of the Agenda
  1. Agenda was modified to include decision on the inclusion of a Marine Table to the Trilateral Committee. The decision was taken to include marine issues as a priority for all Tables and evaluate after 2 years to ensure successful implementation.
  1. Agenda was adopted
  1. Co-chairs:
Name: Kenneth Stansell (Acting)
Title: Deputy Director
Affiliation: USFWS
Tel: (202) 208-4717
Email: Teiko_Saito @fws.gov
Name: Martín Vargas Prieto
Title: Director General
Affiliation: DGVS – SEMARNAT
Tel: (5255)5624 3309
Name: Michele Brenning
Title: Director General
Affiliation: CWS – EC
Tel: (819) 997-1301
2. Co-chairs / 1. Trilateral 2007
2. Trilateral 2007 / 1. Completed- no further action required
2. Completed-No furtheraction required
Action Item 2
2006-07 Action Item Report
  1. It was noted that the Morelet’s Crocodile is an outstanding issue that the U.S. will retain as a priority.
  1. 2006 – 07 Action Item Report was adopted as official
/ 1. Name: Kenneth Stansell (Acting)
Title: Deputy Director
Affiliation: USFWS
Tel: (202) 208-4717
2. Co-chairs / 2. Trilateral 2007 / 1. On-going
2. No action required
Action Item 3
Country Updates
No action required / n/a / n/a
Action Item 4
Future Directions of the Trilateral
  1. The Trilateral Committee approved option #2 (No change in structure of the meeting but development of 3-Year Action Plans). However, recognizing that the Trilateral Committee is predominantly a government to government meeting, and that NGOs are potential partners, the Executive Table interim direction to Working Tables concerning NGO involvement is as follows:
i)Co-chairs to clearly indicate on agendas which sessions are open or closed to NGOs.
ii)NGOs need to be formally invited to participate in the Trilateral meeting.
iii)NGOs affiliated with a country need to be invited by that country.
  1. Executive Table agreed to provide broader direction to the Working Tables and identified the following five themes to be integrated into Table agendas for next year:
i)Climate Change
ii)Invasive species/Wildlife diseases
iii)Change in social
iv)Ecosystem/Landscape and seascape conservation
v)Coastal and Marine
  1. The Tables will develop 3-Year Action Plans based on their own priorities consistent with the direction provided by the Executive. TCC will share 3-Year Action Plans with all the Co-chairs to look for opportunities to hold joint sessions.
  1. To clarify the relationship between the Trilateral Committee and the CEC the Executive Table agreed to propose the following 2-step process:
i)Executive Table will communicate its five themes and the priorities of Working Tables to the CEC starting immediately and will initiate a closer working relationship with the CEC and coordinating with the BCWG to facilitate the proposed transition.
The Executive Table agreed to propose a new structure to the CEC for biodiversity that includes formalizing roles and responsibilities of the Trilateral Committee relative to biodiversity. Proposal will be defined in a discussion paper (outline attached) to be developed by the Executive Table. / 1. Working Table Co-chairs
2. Working Table Co-chairs
3. Working Table Co-chairs
4. Co-chairs / 1. Trilateral 2007
2. Trilateral 2007
3. Trilateral 2008
4. Fall 2007 /
  1. Completed-no further action required
  1. On-going
3. Completed-(3-Year Work Plans drafted for ET review/approval at the 08 meeting)
4.On-going (ET drafted proposal and submitted to the BCWG in the Fall of 2007-no final decision yet-to be discussed at the 08 meeting)
Action Item 5
Trilateral Fund
  1. The Executive Table agreed to continue the Trilateral Fund.
  1. 2007 Funds will be used to support the second and final year of the Avian Influenza project.
  1. For 2008, Working Tables to identify potential priority projects to the TCC taking into consideration the five themes identified by the Executive Table.

1. Co-chairs

2. Co-chairs
3. Working Table Co-chairs / 1. Trilateral 2007
2. Trilateral 2007
3. Trilateral 2008 / 1. Completed
2. The ET to agree on the 08 project to be funded at the 08 meeting.
3. On-going
Action Item 6
2008 Meeting’s Date and Plenary Session
  1. 2008 Trilateral Committee meeting will be held in May. Potential locations include:
ii)Vera Cruz
  1. Proposed theme of the 2008 Plenary Session to be “Connectivity and Landscape Conservation” Proposed theme for 2009 Plenary Session to be “Climate Change impacts on biodiversity”
  1. Executive Table requested that TCC do an assessment of the Plenary (including overall duration of the Trilateral Committee meeting).
/ 1. Name: Martín Vargas Prieto
Title: Director General
Affiliation: DGVS – SEMARNAT
Tel: (5255)5624 3309
2. Co-chairs
3. Trilateral Coordinating Committee / 2. Trilateral 2008
3. Trilateral 2008 / 1. Completed
3. Completed (Plenary format and duration modified on assessment conducted by the TCC. New format will be implemented at the 08 meeting.

Agenda Item 4

Outline of Discussion Paper:

Trilateral Proposal on Relationship with CEC


(Discussed on May 17, 2007 by Trilateral Executive Table)


  • The Executive Director presented a renewed commitment recognizing that CEC Secretariat is to facilitate cooperation on the biodiversity priorities of the three countries.
  • Many common areas of interest in responsibilities between the CEC and the Trilateral Committee on biodiversity issues.
  • Countries wish to promote congruence of approaches in biodiversity issues and to streamline efficiencies in project delivery.
  • Want closer linkage between priorities set and their implementation on ground
  • Currently a large majority of the organizational membership of the BCWG is also represented on the Trilateral Executive Table.


  • Seek to have a CEC Council resolution to formally reflect the role of the Trilateral assuming the roles and responsibilities of the BCWG.
  • Review and update CEC’s Biodiversity Strategic Plan and give direction on priorities
  • [Seek CEC Secretariat technical support for Trilateral activities.]
  • [That the Trilateral guides projects chosen for implementation with technical support from the CEC Secretariat.]
  • Look to revise Trilateral Executive Table membership for part of meeting that involves BCWG business to reflect the current BCWG membership including other federal reps, one State/Provincial rep and one NGO rep.
  • Monitor progress on projects implemented by CEC as a result of Trilateral direction


Law Enforcement Working Table

Action Items Report

2007 Trilateral Committee Meeting

Quebec City, Canada

The Law Enforcement Working Table conducted its working sessions on May 15, 16, 2007. The following Action Items were agreed upon. A completed Action Item Report showing progress on these itemsis hereby presented to the Executive Table at the 2008 Trilateral Committee Meeting.



Responsible Party




Date Completed

Action Item 1
Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda
No action items
Action Item 2
2006-07 Action Items Report
All Action items were discussed and most were completed. Outstanding issues include:
Training For Mexico – No official exchange of information regarding forensics since San Diego meeting.
Guidelines to facilitate return of seized wildlife. Reintroduction of seized goods to country of origin – questions regarding care, health of wild populations, prevention of seized wildlife being returned to illegal trade.
Exchange of intelligence and investigative information. Security of law enforcement information. Discussion for who in Mexico would be responsible for receiving information. Discussion regarding Mexico intelligence capacity.
Strengthen Mexico’s Institutional Capacities for Wildlife Enforcement. / Mexico
Name: Benito Perez
Title: A/Chief, Office of Law Enforcement
Affiliation: USFWS
Tel: (703) 358-1788
Name: Mtro Alejandro Angulo
Title: Director General de Inspeccion y Vigilancia de Vida Silvestre, Recursos Marinos y Ecosistemas Costeros, PROFEPA
Affiliation: Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente
Name: Richard Charette
Title: National Director, Wildlife Enforcement
Affiliation: Environment Canada
Tel: (819) 953-4811
2 year project sponsored by CEC. / August, 2007
January, 2008
January 2009
Need Analysis completed Sept.07 / Ongoing
Action Item 3
Exchange of Information
Continue to share information on Law Enforcement issues, in particular:
- exchange of intelligence
- Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking (CAWT) / Co-Chairs / Ongoing / Ongoing
Action Item 4
Forensic Capabilities – New Developments and Shared services
Identification of specific issues for greater use of forensic capabilities by all three countries. To publish a list of forensic laboratories on the NAWEG/CEC website, enhancing the understanding of existing capabilities with the three countries. / To coordinate updating list:
Name: Garry Bogdan
Title: Director
Affiliation: Environment Canada
Tel: (780) 951-8899
Email: / September 1, 2007
Action Item 5
Return of Seized Wildlife to Mexico
Questions persist as to the protocol and procedures for return of seized wildlife to a country of origin. The parties seek to establish a formal written protocol for the return of seized wildlife to Mexico. The U.S. and Canada are not seeking reciprocity in the agreement with Mexico or with each other. A definitive proposal is expected from Mexico. / Co-chairs. / August, 2008
Action Item 6
Implementation of an Intelligence Division in Mexico
Establish procedures and protocol for the implementation of an Intelligence Group in Mexico /


/ January 1, 2008
Action Item 7
2007 CapacityBuilding Project #1
Implement and institutionalize a wildlife enforcement basic training for PROFEPA Officers in Mexico. Develop and proceed with the need analysis; inventory existing wildlife enforcement basic courses, develop the Spanish version, implement a “train the trainer” course in Mexico within a designated institution. / Co-chairs / March, 2009
Action Item 8
2007 CapacityBuilding Project #2
Identify training needs, themes, subjects and funding availability (CEC) for the region, in order to develop a North American training seminar in 2007 / Co-Chairs / 2008/09 Action item.
Action Item 9
Training Exchange Program
Establish procedures and protocol for the exchange of personnel for further professional development.
Ongoing exchange of information on training programs available in Canada, US and Mexico / Co-chairs / September, 2007
Action Item 10
CITES Identification Guide – Amphibians
Presentation of the new Canadian CITES Guide to US and Mexico representatives. / Canadian Co-chair / Completed
Action Item 11
The Future of the North American Wildlife Enforcement Group
Utilize opportunity of the Trilateral meeting to review the future agenda and role of the NAWEG; to further discuss the types of activities, the inclusion of Central American Countries and the link with the Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking (CAWT) and ASEAN Group.
Discussed in conjunction with agenda item #14 which was added at the request of the CEC Executive. / Co-chairs / Completed
Action Item 12
Report to the working table of changes at INTERPOL, particularly the latest addition of a conservation law enforcement staff position at INTERPOL headquarters in Lyon, France. /

Canadian Co-chair

/ Completed
Action Item 13
Plenary Session workshop
MPA Enforcement and Conflict Management / All / Completed
Action Item 14
Discussion of a Three Year Action Plan for the Law Enforcement Working Table
Discussion on the value of a Three Year Action Plan for the Law Enforcement Table as a means for providing long term direction, and on the process for its development.
The Law Enforcement Working table agreed that an annual meeting of NAWEG is useful and relevant in achieving joint law enforcement priorities. In particular, the Trilateral forum provides opportunities for synergies with CITES, Migratory Birds, and shared species counterparts. / All / Next Trilateral Meeting (May, 2008)


CITES Working Table

Action Items Report

2007 Trilateral Committee Meeting

Quebec City, Canada

The CITES Working Table conducted its working sessions on May 14 – 16, 2007. The following Action Items were agreed upon. A completed Action Items Report showing progress on these itemsis hereby presented to the Executive Table at the 2008 Trilateral Committee Meeting.



Responsible Party




Date Completed

Action Item 1
Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda
No action items
Action Item 2
2006-07 Action Items Report
Action items were discussed and completed
Action Item 3
Fourteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Continue to share information on COP issues in particular:
-share names of Delegation members responsible for Budget negotiations
-share comments on consideration of a review of the Secretariat
-continue to share information received about attendance and anticipated outcomes of the Ministerial Round Table
-information on possible new iterations of the CITES and livelihoods agenda item
-Mexico to provide some proposed language changes under agenda item 18.2, relationship with ITTO
-on the technicalities involving proposals 36 and 37 on Taxus species.
Proposed meeting during the early days of COP 14 with the Europeans; Canada to coordinate an agenda for and send a letter to the EU representative requesting a meeting to obtain information on a number of CoP 14 proposals.
The U.S. will raise the NAR interest in a meeting during their EU bilateral. The U.S. will be providing Canada with a set of questions to the EU that they have already drafted. / Co-Chairs:
Name: Roddy Gabel
Title: A/Chief, Division of Management Authority
Affiliation: USFWS
Tel: (703) 358-2104
Name: Hesiquio Benítez Díaz
Title: Director de Enlace y Asuntos
Affiliation: CONABIO
Tel: (5255) 5004 5024
Name: Lynda Maltby
Title: Special Advisor, International Wildlife Trade
Affiliation: CWS
Tel: (819) 953-1423
Name: Lynda Maltby
Title: Special Advisor, International Wildlife Trade
Affiliation: CWS
Tel: (819) 953-1423
Email: / By or at COP 14, June 2007
Letter to go during the week of May 20th / Meeting of the Conference of the Parties took place as scheduled; regional coordination continued in The Hague
Bilateral coordination with the EU took place at CoP14 in The Hague
Action Item 4
Scientific Authorities Workshop on Non-Detriment Findings
Canada, USA, Mexico to meet and review proposed NDF workshop / Scientific Authorities of Canada, US, Mexico / Wed. May 16, 2007 and ongoing as needed / Preparations for NDF workshop ongoing
Action Item 5
Pereskia spp. and Pereskiopsis spp. delisting proposals
Mexico to provide information on identification of Pereskiopsis species (leaf-bearing cacti). / Name: Hesiquio Benítez Díaz
Title: Director de Enlace y Asuntos
Affiliation: CONABIO
Tel: (5255) 5004 5024
Email: / At or before CoP14 / Completed
Action Item 6
Plenary Session workshop
NAR to prepare a short report on CITES and marine issues for the Plenary Sessions / Co-Chairs / May 17, 2007 / Completed
Action Item 7
55th Meeting of the Standing Committee (SC55)
NAR to ask Secretariat to explain placement of COP14 Agenda item discussion on Mahogany in Committee II
NAR to meet at 7:00pm CrownePlaza at Kleyne Zaal room on Friday June 1 to prepare for SC 55 / Name: Roddy Gabel
Title: A/Chief, Division of Management Authority
Affiliation: USFWS
Tel: (703) 358-2104
All / Before CoP14
June 1, 2007 / Discussion completed at CoP14 in The Hague
Action Item 8
Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking
The CITES WT discussed CAWT and in particular the side-event planned for COP14. The NAR will consider how CAWT could be used to promote education and public awareness of illegal trade. / Co-Chairs / Ongoing (and in relation to Action Item 9) / Ongoing review of complementarity of other wildlife trade initiatives with CITES
Action Item 9
Regional Outreach
NAR to bring samples of outreach products to next Trilateral to form basis for consideration of a NAR-wide communication strategy and outreach product(s) in a special session at the next Trilateral meeting. / Co-Chairs / For next Trilateral Meeting (May 2008) / Ongoing
Action Item 10
Discussion of a Three Year Action Plan for the CITES Working Table
The CITES Working Table agreed that an annual meeting of NAR CITES Authorities is useful and relevant to achieving joint CITES priorities. In particular, the Trilateral forum provides opportunities for synergies with enforcement and shared species counterparts among others. The Working Table will continue to serve as the forum for exchange of information on CITES committee meetings, preparations of CoP, implementation issues, regional workshops and other issues of common concern.
The Working Table will design future agendas to incorporate themed sessions on key issues starting with discussion of joint regional outreach products at the 2008 Trilateral. / All / For next Trilateral Meeting (May 2008) / Ongoing


Ecosystem Conservation Working Table

Action Items Report

2007 Trilateral Committee Meeting

Quebec City, Canada

The Ecosystem Conservation Working Table conducted its working session(s) on May 14-16, 2007. The following Action Items were agreed upon. A completed Action Item Report showing progress on these items is hereby presented to the Executive Table at the 2008 Trilateral Committee Meeting.



Responsible Party




Date Completed

Action Item 1: Umbrella agreement for Sister Protected Areas
1. Draft an umbrella agreement for Sister Protected Areas between agencies (CWS, USFWS, CONANP)
2. Seek approval of umbrella agreement for signature at 2008 Trilateral / 1. Co-Chairs
2. Co-Chairs / 1. July 2007
2. May 2008 / In progress
Action Item 2: SPA Proposal for Laguna Atascosa NWR and Laguna Madre/Delta delRio Bravo Flora and Fauna Protected Area
1. Formally declare Laguna Atascosa and Laguna Madre as Sister Protected Areas at the next Trilateral meeting.
2. Canada to discuss potential site(s) that could be included in SPA Network / 1. Ken Merritt, Chris Pease
Pia Gallina, Gloria Tavera
2. Ken Corcoran
Chief, Habitat Conservation
Canadian Wildlife Service / 1. May 2008
2. January 2008 / In progress
The Directors of Laguna Atascosa and Laguna Madre met in November 2007 and prepared a Working Program with the actions they intend to perform
The cooperation mechanism need to be defined
Action Item 3: Monarch Butterfly Activities including Status Report on Monarch Butterfly Sister Protected Area Network Activities and 2007 Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Project
1. Seek Ministerial-level signature of SPA declaration.
2. Prepare SPA brochure for production
3. Continue implementation of the Sister Protected Area Network
4. Participate in development of the North American Monarch Conservation Plan / 1. Co-Chairs
2. Donita Cotter
3. Co-Chairs and protected area managers
4. Pia Gallina
Donita Cotter
Mary Rothfels / 1. As soon as practicable
2. November 2007
3. Ongoing
4. Ongoing / The workshop to develop the North American Monarch Conservation Plan, organized by the CEC, was held in Morelia, México December 5-7 2007 with experts from the three countries.
The plan is finished.
Action Item 4: Status Report on the North American Monarch Conservation Plan and Canada’s Monarch Butterfly Conservation Plan
Statement of endorsement by the Trilateral Committee for the North American Monarch Conservation Plan / Co-Chairs and Shared Species Table Co-Chairs / May 16, 2007 / May 16, 2007
Action Item 5: Status Report on the Proposed Monarch Butterfly Scientific Advisory Group
Proposal tabled pending release of draft North American Monarch Conservation Plan / Co-Chairs / May 15, 2007 / May 15, 2007
Action Item 6:Marine Sister Protected Area Opportunities including Status Report for Proposed Farallon NWR and Isla Guadalupe Biosphere Reserve SPA and Identification of Atlantic Coast SPA
1. Develop a shared program of work
2. Formally declare Farallon NWR and Isla Guadalupe as Sister Protected Areas at the next Trilateral meeting. / Joelle Buffa, Wildlife Biologist, California/Nevada Operations, USFWS

Alfredo Zavala, Director de la Isla Guadalupe, CONANP
/ 1. August 2007
2. May 2008 / No advance
New Superintendent in Farallon and Director in Isla Guadalupe.
Decide whether the parts want to continue this initiative
Action Item 7: Conservation and Restoration Agenda for the Colorado River Delta: Putting Together a Coherent International Strategy
The ECWT prepared a statement of support of the activities of the organizations working to restore the Colorado River Delta. /
