XIII Meeting of the Canada/Mexico/U.S. Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem Conservation and Management

Veracruz, Mexico

May 12-16, 2008



Work Table: Executive Table

Co-Chairs: Virginia Poter, Director General for Wildlife, Canadian Wildlife Service, Canada; Martin Vargas Prieto, Director General for Wildlife, Direction General for Wildlife, SEMARNAT, Mexico; Dale Hall, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USA & Trilateral Coordinating Committee

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Room:Salón 4

ITEM 1: Welcome – Adoption of the Agenda

ITEM 2: 2007-08 Action Item Report

ITEM 3: Country Updates

ITEM 4: Participation of Non-governmental Organizations at the Trilateral Committee

ITEM 5: The Executive Table and the Biodiversity Conservation Working Group (BCWG) of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC)

ITEM 6: Trilateral Committee Working Tables - first Three-Year Work Plan (2008-2010) – Review of draft by the Executive Table

ITEM 7: The Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI)

ITEM 8: Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America (SPP)

ITEM 9: Trilateral Committee Executive Table - first Three-Year Work Plan (2008-2010)

ITEM 10: Trilateral Fund

ITEM11: Revision of the Trilateral CommitteeTerms of Reference


ITEM 12: 2009 Meeting’s Date and Plenary Session

ITEM 13: Morelet’s Crocodile

ITEM 14: Review of Agreed Upon 2008-09 Action Items for the Executive Table

Work Table:Law enforcement

Co-Chairs: Ramiro Rubio -Subprocurador de Recursos Naturales, Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente, México; Richard Charette - Acting Director, Wildlife Enforcement, Enforcement Branch, Environment Canada, CWS; Benito Perez – Chief, Office of Law Enforcement, DOI/USFWS, USA

Tuesday, May 13-Thursday, May15

Room: Salón 4

ITEM 1:Establish an Accredited Permanent Wildlife Law Enforcement Training Program in Mexico

ITEM 2:Enhance Awareness of Wildlife Forensic Capabilities in North America

ITEM 3: Exchange of Information

ITEM 4: Implementation of an Intelligence Unit in Mexico

ITEM 5:Expansion of Enforcement Collaboration and Cooperation with other International Enforcement Groups

Work Table:CITES

(CoP15 NAR Regional Meeting)

Co-Chairs: Basile van Havre, Director, Population Conservation and Management

CWS/EC,Canada; Benjamín González Brizuela, Director de Aprovechamiento de la Vida Silvestre DGVS-SEMARNAT, México; Roddy Gabel, Chief, Division of Management Authority, DOI/USFWS

Tuesday, May 13-Thursday, May15

Room: Salón C

ITEM 1: Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda

ITEM 2: Completion of 3-Year Action Plan

ITEM 3: Periodic Review of Felidae Species

ITEM 4: Potential listing of painted bunting in Appendix III

ITEM 5: Non-detriment Finding Workshop

ITEM 6: Bigleaf Mahogany – Results from PC17 and preparations for SC57 (SC57 discussion relevant to Peru only)

ITEM 7: 57th Meeting of the Standing Committee

ITEM 8: Standing Committee - Finance and Budget Subcommittee

ITEM 9: Region-wide Communication Strategy

Work Table:ecosystem conservation

Co-Chairs: Bob McLean, Executive Director, Habitat Conservation & Protected Areas

CWS/EC,Canada; Ernesto Christian Enkerlin Hoeflich, Presidente – CONANP, México; Andy Loranger, Chief, Branch of Wildlife Resources, National Wildlife Refuge System, DOI/USFWS

Tuesday, May 13,2008

Room: Salón B

ITEM 1: Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda

ITEM 2: 2007-08 Action Items Report

ITEM 3: Status Report on Trinational Monarch Butterfly Conservation Initiatives

ITEM 4:Status Report on Canada’s Monarch Butterfly Species at Risk Plan

ITEM 5: Opportunity to Create a System of Marine Protected Areas in the Gulf of Mexico

ITEM 6: Progress Report on North American Marine Protected Area Network (NAMPAN) and Bering to Baja (B2B) Monitoring Project

ITEM 7:Status Report on SPA Partnership and Ramsar Designation for Laguna Atascosa NWR and Laguna Madre/Delta del Rio Bravo Flora and Fauna Protected Area

ITEM 8: Bi-National partnerships to establish and reconnect international wildlife corridors between the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas and the State of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico through a Bi-National MOU(pending appropriate reviews from political agencies in the 3 countries).

ITEM 9: Report on the Environmental Agenda for the Conservation of the Colorado River Delta.

ITEM 10: Report on Ramsar and Wetlands Issues

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Room: Salón B

ITEM 11: U.S. Interagency Wilderness Policy Council – Exploring a North American Declaration on Wilderness Protection as a Strategy for Ecosystem Mitigation and Wildlife Adaptation to Climate Change

ITEM 12: Discussion on 2009 Plenary Theme – “Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity”

ITEM 13: Finalize Ecosystem Conservation Table Three Year Work Plan

ITEM 14:Discussion & Review of 2008-09 Ecosystem Conservation Table Action Items & Priorities

Work Table:migratory birds

Co-Chairs: Doug Bliss, Acting Regional Director, Atlantic Region, CWS/EC;Humberto Berlanga, Coordinador de NABCI/ICAAN – MéxicoComisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO);Robert Blohm, Chief, Division of Migratory Bird Management, DOI/USFWS

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Room: Salón D

ITEM 1:Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda

ITEM 2:2007 2008 Action Items Report

ITEM 3: Grassland Birds and Their Habitat – a Trinational Strategic Approach - Status and Knowledge Gaps in Each Country

ITEM 4: Landscape Scale Grassland Initiatives

ITEM 5:Moving Forward in Grassland Bird Conservation – A Trinational Strategy

ITEM 6: Aplomado Falcon and migratory birds and habitat modification in the Tarabillas Valley, Chihuahua, Mexico

ITEM 8: Status of the Birds Report

ITEM 7: Landscape Level Natural Resources in a Changing Climate

ITEM 9: Non-game Bird Harvest Management.

ITEM 10: WaterfowlManagementCapacityBuildingWorkshops inMexico

ITEM 11:North American Arctic Goose Conference

ITEM 12: Seabirds – Follow-up on Trilateral Marine Theme

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Room: Salón D

ITEM 13: Pesticides and Birds – Rice cultivation best management practices: follow up.

ITEM 14: Continental-Scale Marshbird Monitoring

ITEM 15: International collaboration on wind energy development.

ITEM 16: Avian Influenza surveillance.

ITEM 17: Implementation Activities of the Northeast Mexico/Texas White-winged Dove Strategic Plan

ITEM 18: Sonoran Joint Venture – Update on Collaborative Efforts with Mexican Partners

ITEM 19:Update on the 2007 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants and activities of the NMBCA Advisory Committee

ITEM 20:Update on the 2007 North American Wetlands Conservation Act grant program

ITEM 21:North American Waterfowl Management Plan – status of Continental Assessment and recommendations.

ITEM 22: Red Knot conservation

ITEM 23: Trinational NABCI Progress report.

ITEM 24: Expansion of the North American Breeding Bird Survey to México

ITEM 25:AVESMX: The Mexican avian information network

ITEM 26: Discussion of the Three Year Action Plan (2008-2010) for the Migratory Bird Working Table

ITEM 25:Plenary Session workshop

ITEM 26: Other business

Work Table:species of common concern

Co-Chairs: Paul Kluckner, Regional Director, Pacific&Yukon Region, CWS/EC; OmarEduardo Rocha Gutiérrez, Subdirector de Manejo y Desarrollo de Poblaciones,

DGVS-SEMARNAT; Dave Stout, Chief, Division of Habitat and Resource Conservation, DOI/USFWS

Monday, May 12, 2008

Room: Salón A

ITEM 1: Welcome, Introductions, and Adoption of the Agenda

ITEM 2: 2007-08 Action Items Report

ITEM 3: Update onCountries’ Program for Endangered Species Conservation

ITEM 4:Climate Change Impacts on US/MX and US/CAN Border Species

ITEM 5:Border Governors Conference: Wildlife Working Group Update

ITEM 6: Overview of Activities in Veracruz by Jorge Barrios, Pronatura Veracruz

ITEM 7: Overview of Activities – National Wild Turkey Federation

ITEM 8: Invasive species

ITEM 9: Managing Pathways to Prevent Invasions of non-native species

ITEM 10 Discuss the potential for a Trilateral working group to develop a model screening process for imported organisms

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 (Terrestrial Species)

ITEM11: Pronghorn Recovery Update

  • Pronghorn Recovery in Mexico
  • Peninsulaer Pronghorn recovery update
  • Sonoran Pronghorn recovery update

ITEM 12: Conservation actions for species at risk along the Mexico-U.S. border area.

ITEM 13: Mexican wolf recovery update

ITEM 14: Black-footed ferret recovery update

ITEM 15: Jaguar Conservation along the US-Mexico Border Update

ITEM 16:Status of Mexico/US Cooperative California Condor Conservation: Reintroduction Program in Baja California, and Display, educationand breeding Program in Chapultepec Zoo, in Mexico City.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 (Marine Species)

Room: Salón A

ITEM 17: Thick-billed parrot recovery update

ITEM 18: Cactus ferruginous pygmy owl recovery update

ITEM 19: Bat conservation - activities and updates

ITEM 20: Masked Bobwhite Quail: Status and Recovery Efforts

ITEM 21: Nesting Tricolored Blackbird Survey: Baja California 2007

ITEM 22: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Grassland Species Conservation Effort

ITEM 23: Sustainable Grazing and Conservation of Mexican Grasslands

ITEM 24: Renewal of Appointments to The International Porcupine Caribou Management Board

ITEM 25: Bi-national partnerships to recover and conserve listed and sensitive species of mutual concern in Sonora, Chihuahua, and Arizona.

ITEM 26: Lynx rufus, Bobcat CITES

ITEM 27: SonoranJointVentureLand Birds and Waterfowl Conservation Plans

ITEM 28: Fish propagation along the US/MX border

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 (Marine Species)

Room: Salón A

ITEM 29: Welcome and Introductions

ITEM 30: Developing NGOand Scientist Collaboration on Protection of Vaquita intheGulf of California

ITEM 31: Ecosystem Management of Loggerhead Turtles and Recovery Plan

ITEM 32: The impact of marine debris on protected species and the role for regional efforts to reduce and prevent derelict fishing gear

ITEM 33: Conservation lessons learned from the Harbor porpoise

ITEM 34: Seabird conservation in North America and the need for greater collaboration

Joint Session with the Migratory Birds Table (place tba)

ITEM 35: Role of Marine Protected Areas for the protection of marine mammals

Joint Session with the Ecosystems Table (place tba)

ITEM 36: Effects of Physical Barriers on Wildlife – Intro to Plenary Session

ITEM 37: Enactment of a Three Year Action Plan for the Species of Common Concern Working Table