ASCC Minutes

3:00 PM, Student Senate Chambers, SAC East

13th March, 2008


1. Call to Order/Roll call 3:00
Voting members: 16

Marko Realmonte

Anthony Garza

Benjamin Pringle

Elowyn Corby

Hugo Puga

Jon Saad (absent)

Katie Crane

Nicola Warmuth

Rebeca Villafana

Richard Army

Ryan Kaplan

Sophia Forde

Steven Baumgardner

Timmy Bone (resigned)

Will Scott (Tardy)

Mil Alba


Gary Meyer

Santos Carranco

Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 9

Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 11

2. Approval of the Minutes (Ben/Nicola)

Approval of the Agenda (Steve/Noah)


Erik: Anyone who uses the microwave in the cafeteria will be horrified. It’s filthy. Apparently, it is not the responsibility of the food service staff to clean it, although they have graciously come to the rescue for the present. However, a plan needs to be developed at the next food service meeting to determine who will take responsibility for regular cleaning.

Drew : Spoke with passion in favor of approving $8000 for a new student newspaper. According to Drew, this was the will of the students and many of the members on the student senate agreed.

Members of and advisor to OLA: Spoke on behalf of their spring event which will feature Jimmy Santiago Baca as the keynote speaker. Senate funds are required to help defray the high costs of booking Mr. Baca. Some students feel he is an excellent choice; however, other’s thought the fee was too high.

Tim Bone submitted his resignation to the senate. He plans to devote his time to the bike club venture. The senate thanks him for his hard work and wishes him well.


Arrangements are in progress.


A student is requesting another microwave, but there is some issue determining a good location and, of course, who will clean it?


VP Renee Kilmer, Dr. Craig, and Doug Deaver were all unavailable.


None this week.



Requests $2500 from Programs to supplement the fee for OLA speaker. Jimmy Santiago Baca. The group discussed the merits of the speaker and the expensive fee, $5000. Questions remain on who negotiated the contract and how the fee was determined. Ultimately, the senate decided to overlook the high fee and approve the $2500.

Motion by Mil/Second by Nicola

Approved 13/2

2.  Ryan

Requests $2000 from Student Rep for SSCCC General Assembly in LA. Sending a representative to this conference is essential. Senators would like a short post-conference summery for review.

Motion by Ryan/Second by Nicola

Approved 16/0

3.  Katie

Requests $3000 from Programs for Dig it conference. These funds will be used by archeology students to attend the conference, which is considered important to future work in the field. Issues were discussed on whether this was too much money for too few students related to a very specific area of study; however, the motion passed.

Motion by Katie/ Second by Anthony

Approved 13/2

4.  Mil

Requests $8000 from Programs to start a Cabrillo Zine. There was general agreement about the merits of a new student publication for the Cabrillo; however, there were some concerns about the cost and whether or not the publication could be sustained over the years. Beth Regards, who would serve as the faculty advisor, spoke on behalf of the publication. The supporting of the digital media department is recommended.

Motion by Mil/Second by Nicola

Approved 11/3 opposed/1 abstained


1.  VP Ben reviewed policies on absence and tardiness

Senators should review the policy and are encouraged to track their attendance history. Excessive tardiness or lateness can result in removal from office. You can confirm your record with Ben

Arriving 10 minutes late or leaving 10 minutes early without previous consent equals one absence

Three times tardy equals one absence.

Three absences resulting from excessive tardiness or three outright absences equal removal from office.

2.  President Marko reviewed a well developed and thoughtful list of questions submitted by Gary. Some of the questions and answers follow.

·  Anyone is welcome to attend the faculty Senate meeting.

·  The senate should consider having a representative on the Cabrillo foundation

·  What are the antitheft measures on campus in general and specifically to the equipment in the senate office?

·  Who will be our legislative representative in the future?

3.  Noah discussed whether or not the IT department needs to have jurisdiction over the recently-purchased senate Mac computer. The consensus is that no involvement is required. Administrative rights will go to Noah and Sesario.

4.  Mil reported on club week which is scheduled for April 1-3.


1.  Elections: VP Ben and Eric

Those who wish to run for office should begin preparations. All senators are encouraged to ask their instructors if they can make an announcement about the upcoming elections during classes.

2.  Earth Week: Ryan

The committee continues to meet on Tuesdays. A loose outline for events is available containing some of the speakers and activities (see notes from the last meeting for a partial list of events. Bahaki (SP?) Yoga Club will be providing the food. Volunteers are still required. A budget of $2000 for food may be required.

3.  Project Running Start: Sophia

This program helps incoming students with the registration process.

4.  A & R appreciation: Anthony

Planning continues. Friday has been selected as the day of the week for the event and the time will be sometime between 12:00 and 5:00 P. M. The budget for the food is expected to be around $500.

5.  Chavez Day: Mil

Event planned for March 31, 2008 in Watsonville. A budget was presented for $1, 756.75 which will be up for the vote next week.


Ryan updated the senate on the progress of the solar project. The contract has been moved to a company in Vermont, but will be subcontracted to a local company.

Elowyn updated the senate on the textbook project. Over 400 signatures have been gathered for the petition. A documentary is planned.

Rebecca updated the senate on outreach and enrollment who felt that student input was well received. Apparently, others did not.

Ben updated the senate on Student Services Advisory where learning outcomes SLO’s for non-teaching events were discussed. Also discussed was the creation of an orientation to teach students about registration and admission.

Sophie reported on the running start program. Clubs will be represented. Senators should volunteer an hour of their time. Money should be budgeted for snacks.


None this week

XII. Updates to previous minutes

Marko: The 11/1/07 minutes need to be updated to reflect $850 for Martin Luther King went to scholarships.

Richard: The 2/21/08 minutes need to be updated to reflect: $1050 from Programs for the Social Justice Conference. $1000 from Student Center for aquarium. $3000 from Student Center for composting.

Adjournment at 5:20