Minutes from Oct 19, 2017

Key Personnel
President / Dan DelGallo / X / Director (Boys) / Jackie Samalus / X
Vice President / Stacey Kroninger / X / Director (Girls) / Paul Murphy / X
Secretary / Rich Dixon / Field Coordinator / Charles Kuchenbrod
Treasurer / Troy Milbrandt / X / Facilities, Director / Shawn Bosco / X
Registrar / Nina Gravlin / X / Referee Coordinator / Becky Sielman / X
Coaching Director / Rick Orluk / X / Website / Ken Mouning / X

X represents present at meeting

Coaches/Managers Present


Meeting Minutes:

1.Minutes from Sept 27, 2017were approved

2.Newsletter: tabled for a later point as data still needed to be collected

3. Coaching Report:

  • E-License requirement: Rick described there are changes in the works for the requirements per US Soccer. He will communicate to coaches in the future
  • Team overviews: no fines related to CJSAas all teams entered scores
  • Jackie and Nina discussed difficulty of fielding teams in the fall. It was proposed that the middle school teams combine for the spring
  • Coaches meeting: plan on having one in spring 2018
  • Goalie Training: Rick to explore in spring 2018

4. Fall/Spring Season:

  • Injuries/Accidents: a few issues in the fall of player injuries. Stacey and Dan coordinated the proper steps with parents and CJSA insurance. Dan suggested writing policy so everyone is clear of proper steps
  • Gym Time: Dan to set up well in advance for spring season late March
  • New Sandwich Boards: Dan validated that he will be buying new sandwich boards and will avoid the lettering every year

5.Referees and Fields Coordination:

  • No issues reported
  • Silent sidelines went well and 0 spectator issues

6.Treasurer’s Report:

  • Capital funds remain steady. Dan suggested Board members continue to think of ideas for improving player experience and fields.
  • No other concerns


  • Field 3 apparent grub issue: suggestion is to use field 4 as much as possible
  • Otherwise fields in decent shape
  • Discussion on equipment and who is responsible: historically new teams and U9 would get a starter package. Future needs are assessed team by team with each team responsible for purchasing. If there is a big need for supplies, then team leadership should communicate to Board for potential purchase from organizational funds

8. Other Business:

  • Elections: Currently only one open position and no nominees to date. A few of the Board Members said they would help recruit from the younger age group