John W. Reiley Elementary School
SBDM Policy


_x_ Legally Required Policy __ Additional Policy Topic

Good discipline is essential to the success of any school. All student behavior is based upon self-respect and consideration of the rights of others. Students have the responsibility to know and respect the rules of the school. Teachers and administrators have the responsibility to be sure that all students know and understand the rules. All teachers shall enforce and promote such discipline that is in the best interest of the pupils and the school. Bullying behavior is not tolerated at our school. Bullying behavior is defined as repeated, persistent negative actions, over time, showing an imbalance of power, which is purposeful and not accidental.


·  Each teacher at Reiley Elementary School is responsible for the supervision and discipline of all students.

·  Discipline will be documented in Infinite Campus and used to monitor behavior.

·  The principal, or designee, reserves the right to administer detentions and/or suspensions for behavior not in accordance with school policy.

·  Parents will be responsible for their child’s transportation home, and will be contacted by the principal or designee when assigned to detentions or suspension. 24-hour notification will be given for detention unless the principal and parent agree to a more immediate time frame.

·  The school counselor will be responsible for addressing discipline issues when the principal is absent from the building.

·  School-wide expectations will be enforced and encouraged by all staff members.

School-wide Expectations:

The expectations of behavior are posted throughout the school and follow the CHAMP procedures.

Discipline Code:

We follow the district wide bullying policy, which is in the school handbook. Students will be informed of the district policy by receiving a copy of the student handbook at the beginning of the school year or when they enroll into Reiley Elementary.

Expectations for Teachers/Principal

·  Common area expectations will be used during all transitions and all instructional components.

·  All staff and faculty will reinforce the Guidelines for Success.

·  Supervise students as they transition in the halls.

·  Teach students how to treat each other; emphasize respect.

·  Behavior expectations (rules/consequences/rewards) will be posted in each and every classroom.

·  Consistency is essential in enforcing behavior expectations.

·  Model appropriate behaviors

·  Numerous opportunities for positive recognition of students will be provided.

·  Students will receive character education through classroom lessons provided by the counselor, as well as schoolwide activities throughout the year.

·  Expectations posters will be placed appropriately throughout the school in common areas (playground, halls, restrooms, cafeteria, and water fountain).

All students shall be trained to be able to identify bullying and how, as well as to whom, to report bullying.

First Reading: 11-26-12

Second Reading: 1-28-13

Adoption: 1-28-13

Revised: 6-15-15

______(Council Chairperson)